Wu Sheng family

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

'Roar~~' Immediately, a phantom of a cyan dragon rushed towards Xuefang accompanied by the frightening sound of the dragon's chant.

"Dragon Transformation Kung Fu!" Xue Ningshuang's face was full of shock. She also knew when Guan Moya used the 'Blue Dragon Wagging Tail' just now, but now Guan Moya is using the 'Blue Dragon Transformation' in the 'Dragon Transformation Kung Fu' However, these two realms are different.To put it simply, the 'Blue Dragon Wagging Tail' only shows the dragon's tail. Of course, it doesn't mean that the appearance of the dragon's tail alone can be underestimated, but compared to the 'Blue Dragon Transformation', it is nothing. What an illusory blue dragon!
Only by performing this 'green dragon transformation', this 'transformation dragon skill' is worthy of the name, this is the real 'transformation dragon'!
Although he was shocked that Guan Moya was able to perform such an extremely powerful move, Xueya didn't take it to heart now. He controlled the aura of heaven and earth to condense on his back, forming a thick layer of protective qi .Now that he has recovered the strength of the heavenly level, it is absolutely impossible for him below the heavenly level to injure himself.

These are completely two levels. The aura of heaven and earth controlled by oneself cannot be broken at all below the sky level.

But immediately, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Impossible~~~"

It's just that it was obviously too late at this time, Guan Moya's green dragon phantom instantly dissipated the protective qi on Xueya's back, and rushed straight at Xueya's back.

'Boom~~' The phantom of the green dragon hit Xueya, and directly pushed him against the wall. The cave kept shaking, and Xueya's body was deeply embedded in the rock wall.

'Pfft~~' Guan Moya's attack finally ended, and Xueya spat out a mouthful of blood. Although Guan Moya's blow just now seriously injured him, it didn't kill him. Anyway, Bloodya He is also a heavenly master, how could he die so easily.

Although I don't know why Guan Moya's blow just now could break through his defense, but even though he is seriously injured now, it should be no problem to deal with them.

In fact, this is not Xueya's carelessness. After all, no one would have expected that Guan Moya used the "Dragon Transformation Art" to make the "Azure Dragon Transformation" not by relying on his own internal strength, but by the aura of heaven and earth. The defense is not much effect.

When Xue Fang was struggling to get out of the rock wall, at this moment his body shook, he raised his head suddenly, his pupils shrank, and his face was full of horror.

"Ah~~~" A miserable cry came from Xueya's mouth, and right in front of Xueya, an illusory figure was holding an illusory sword, and it was firmly inserted into Xueya's chest.

After a while, the phantom dissipated, but the pierced wound on Xueya's chest was still unhealed. With his eyes wide open, he fell from the rock wall and landed heavily on the ground.

"Huh~~" Ji Changyu knelt and sat on the ground with a pale face. Just now, with some of his remaining skills, he used the 'three virtual appearances', but now his internal strength is not enough. He could have transformed two phantoms, but now he only Can maintain one in front of you.But that's enough, after Guan Moya used 'Azure Dragon Transformation', Ji Changyu immediately cast 'Three Illusions', making his phantom follow closely behind.Sure enough, he found an opportunity, that is, when Blood Fang was seriously injured, when he didn't expect it, he killed him with a sword.

Just when everyone was still shocked by Xueya's sudden death, Guan Moya leaped into the air to catch the bloody jade pot that fell from Xueya's hand.

After catching the bloody jade pot, Guan Moya stepped into the air, controlling the aura of heaven and earth around him, raised his figure again, and rushed towards the divine fire in the air.

"What kind of person are you? Are all members of the Guan family so perverted?" Ji Changyu knelt on the ground panting unceasingly, looking at Guan Moya who was still able to move, he couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

"Stop him!" Shi Tianlang said anxiously, he restrained Guan Pei'ao, so Guan Pei'ao restrained himself, and he couldn't move freely.

The only remaining celestial master of the 'Beast God Cult' charged at Guan Moya without hesitation.

"Be careful!" Ji Changyu shouted hastily.

Surprisingly, Guan Moya didn't dodge any dodge, but just a palm with his backhand.

'Bang~~' That day, the super master shook his body and fell back to the ground, but he immediately kicked on the ground and rushed towards Guan Moya again.

But after Guan Moya spurted a mouthful of blood from this palm, he shot straight at the divine fire in the air.

When Guan Moya passed by the divine fire, he hastily opened the jade pot, and then used the jade pot to scoop up the purple divine fire in the air into the jade pot, and then closed the lid.

But before Guan Moya was happy, Guan Peiao exclaimed: "Be careful!"

It turned out that when Shi Tianlang saw that Guan Moya got the magic fire, he flicked his finger, and a dark red finger rushed towards Guan Moya who was in the air.Shi Tianlang's sudden blow made Guan Peiao unable to react in time.

Guan Moya had no time to dodge, and instinctively blocked the red jade pot in his hand in front of him.

'Crack~~' When Shi Tianlang's fingers touched the red jade pot, it shattered.When the jade pot shattered, Shi Tianlang's fingers directly hit the divine fire.

Just when everyone thought that Shi Tianlang's finger force was about to pass through the divine fire and hit Guan Moya, the divine fire suddenly burst out with a dazzling purple light, swallowing and annihilating the finger force.But under the impact of this finger force, the divine fire rushed directly towards Guan Moya.

Guan Moya looked at the Shenhuo rushing towards him with horror on his face, and now he was powerless to avoid it, and watched helplessly as he ran into the Shenhuo.

But at this time, the only remaining master of the 'Beast God Cult' was extremely excited.Blood Fang is dead, and the other three people who competed with him are also finished. Now is the time for him to perform well. As long as he kills the Guan family brat in front of him and wins the god fire, then his position in the eyes of adults will definitely be stable up.

"Stinky boy, go to hell!"

But when his palm touched Guan Moya, and when Guan Moya hit the divine fire, a purple flame rose from Guan Moya's body.

The master of the 'Beast God Cult' didn't even have a chance to react, so he was burned into nothingness, leaving nothing behind.

The strange thing is that Guan Moya's body was not turned into nothingness like the high-level master that day, but fell to the ground with raging purple flames all over his body.

Guan Peiao's face was extremely anxious, but he was also helpless. Although Guan Moya was wearing a mask, he knew Guan Moya's identity.

Xue Ningshuang and the others also looked at Guan Moya worriedly. Although Guan Moya was close at hand, no one dared to take a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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