Wu Sheng family

Chapter 145

Chapter 145
"It's started!" The baby jumped back to the stone bench, and then stretched out his small hand to move the three small jade cups, and the three small jade cups quickly staggered, constantly changing positions.

At first Kong Minhuang was still careless, but as the baby's fingers became faster and faster, his expression became more and more dignified, and a look of surprise gradually appeared on his face.

Seeing Kong Minhuang's appearance, Meng Yunxi knew that Kong Minhuang was about to lose, and Baobao's methods were not something ordinary people could see through.

When the baby is playing with herself, she doesn't use any tricks, but this time, the baby is not playing with herself, obviously she has no mercy.

"Okay! Guess!" The baby stopped suddenly.

But Kong Minhuang's eyes were still looking straight at the three cups, and the baby couldn't help but yelled again, Kong Minhuang finally came back to his senses, and said a little embarrassedly: "That baby, can you do it again?"

"Why? You want to admit defeat?" the baby asked.

"Okay, I admit defeat, but do it again, okay?" Kong Minhuang asked.

"Of course, but if you still lose this time, it will be three laps, not one lap?" Bao Bao replied.

"Good!" Kong Minhuang said.

Immediately afterwards, the baby continued the previous action, while Kong Minhuang stared at the three cups and the baby's fingers more intently.

"Okay, guess!" the baby asked after a pause.

To everyone's surprise, Kong Minhuang didn't answer, but closed his eyes with a serious face.

"Hush~~" Seeing that the baby was a little impatient, Meng Yunxi made a silent expression towards the baby.

The baby obeyed Meng Yunxi's words, so she could only lie down on the table angrily, staring at Kong Minhuang with her big eyes.

After half a quarter of an hour, Kong Minhuang's figure suddenly disappeared from his seat, and then he appeared outside the pavilion.

The three of Meng Yunxi looked at Kong Minhuang with some doubts, but Kong Minhuang was walking with strange steps, and his figure kept darting back and forth in front of their eyes.At the beginning, Kong Minhuang's steps were a little rusty, and his movements were not smooth, but gradually as he continued to change, his figure came closer and closer, and finally turned into phantoms. At least Meng Yunxi was completely Kong Minhuang's body could not be distinguished clearly.

"Baby is so mad, since I secretly learned how to do it!" the baby said angrily.

"Stealing?" Meng Yunxi looked at the baby strangely and asked.

"Sister-in-law, my cousin must have seen the baby's way of moving the cup, realized something, and then used it in his steps!" Guan Moying said.

"Huh? Mo Ying, you know!" Meng Yunxi said strangely.

"That's right, it seems to be the case!" Guan Moying said.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" At this time, Kong Minhuang returned to his seat and murmured incessantly.

"Guess quickly, or you will lose!" the baby said angrily.

Kong Minhuang raised his hands in surrender and said, "Baby's tricks are fickle. I can't see through them. I lose!"

"Huh, that's four laps!" said the baby.

"No problem, four laps will be four laps, even forty laps will be fine." Kong Minhuang said happily.

"It looks like you're very happy." Meng Yunxi asked with a smile.

"Yes, cousin, the baby's technique just now gave me a lot of inspiration. You also saw me create a new set of steps just now. This step is really powerful. It's unbelievable to think about it!" Kong Minhuang excitedly said , "Well, since I comprehend it because of the baby, let's call it 'baby steps'!"

"No! It sounds terrible! Don't use the baby's name." The baby protested loudly.

"What's the name? It's really hard to come up with a name!" Kong Minhuang scratched his hair and said.

"Why don't you call it 'shape shifting'? Just now your figure was erratic, left and right, up and down, it's really hard to follow!" Guan Moying said.

"Shape-shifting?" Kong Minhuang read it once, and then happily said, "My cousin is the best, and the name is good, so it's called 'Shape-shifting'!"

"Hey, hey, what are you happy about? The baby is going to ride a horse now!" The baby jumped to Kong Minhuang's side and said.

"Okay!" Kong Minhuang lay flat on the ground, and said, "Come on!"

The baby was not too polite, climbed onto Kong Minhuang's back, and shouted loudly: "Drive~~~Baby ride a horse, drive~~~"

Meng Yunxi and Guan Moying looked at each other, they both covered their mouths and smiled, since they want to play, let them play.

Looking at Kong Minhuang who was going away, Meng Yunxi couldn't help but secretly sighed: "Father said that Kong Minhuang was a martial arts genius, and now it seems that he is indeed right."

Although Meng Yunxi doesn't know much about martial arts, she knows that the baby's every move definitely reveals the profound mysteries of martial arts.As for what it is, it depends on whether people can comprehend it.

For the next few days, Kong Minhuang played with the baby.Kong Minhuang benefited a lot from the baby's unintentional actions, and Kong Minhuang naturally accommodated the baby and let the baby play happily.

However, many officials from the court came to visit Guan Moya, and Meng Yunxi received them.

When Meng Yunxi looked at the ministers in front of her, she also felt a little troubled.Zhu Youshi's whereabouts are still unknown, and now Kong Lingqi is in charge of the government by himself, and he has not established a new emperor for a long time, which makes many people feel a little bit wrong.Now that Kong Lingqi is in sole power, what he has done is already powerless to stop it.

At this time, they thought of Guan Moya. Although Guan Moya was not good at martial arts, he was from a family of ten thousand years. If he came out to speak, he would have some appeal.Only the Guan family can stand up against the Kong family. This is the purpose of these people.

"My lords, the lord is at a critical moment of retreat, so let's wait for the lord to leave the seclusion before we talk about the court affairs!" Meng Yunxi said.

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance. Please also ask the prince to leave the customs, otherwise the sky will change. It is really a matter of great importance, otherwise I will not dare to come to disturb the prince!"

"My lords are more or less aware of the feelings of your lords, but the lord has rules. No one is allowed to disturb you during the retreat. When the lord is out of the seclusion, I will tell the matter to the lord. What do you think?" Meng Yunxi said.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for offending me. For the sake of the people in the world, we must meet the prince. Who else can stop Kong Lingqi?" someone said.

"This palace has already made it very clear, come and see off the guests!" Meng Yunxi got up and said.

"Your Majesty, you can't do this, my lord, you have to be the master for us, for the people of the world!" The servants who were pushed by the ministers shouted.

After all, these people are officials of the court, and they are all stubborn and stubborn, and the servants can't pull them away for a while.

"Why are you doing this?" Meng Yunxi sighed.

"Hmph, if we don't see the prince today, we won't leave!"

"Presumptuous, this is the royal palace, how can you allow you to act wildly, come here, and throw them out!" Meng Yunxi shouted.

Seeing Meng Yunxi's expression of impatience, the servants no longer cared about them, directly set them up, and then sent them outside the gate.

"Let's go, I hope that all the adults can calm down and think about it calmly, and don't be impulsive!" Meng Yunxi said, and she stopped paying attention to those ministers after speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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