Wu Sheng family

Chapter 146 Demon Venerable

Chapter 146 Demon Venerable
"Cousin, these people are really funny, how could the father take this throne seriously!" Kong Minhuang said when he came to Meng Yunxi's side.

"You're so young, you know a lot!" Meng Yunxi laughed.

"Of course!"

"Hey, it's just that I'm afraid they will miss them. These old stubborn people are always unable to adapt, hey!" Meng Yunxi sighed.

"Yuzhong, cousin, don't take it to heart!"

Seeing that the gate of Prince Wu's Mansion was closed, those people immediately didn't know what to do. They stood outside for a long time but didn't come up with a good idea, and they all looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Let's go, this Meng Yunxi is originally Meng Zhantao's daughter, and Meng Zhantao is a supporter of Kong Lingqi, so she won't let us get what we want!"

"But, we can find the prince!" said an adult.

"My lord? Hmph, I'm afraid the current lord can't help himself!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"F*** is involved in politics! This woman looks soft and weak, but she is not simple, hey~~~"

When everyone thought about the rumors about Guan Moya, they all sighed deeply in their hearts. This Prince Wu is too useless.

Zhu Youxi had never been so embarrassed, nor had he been so frightened.He has been on the run for the past few days, and everything in the palace makes him unbelievable.His ancestors died like this, and seeing them slaughtering his son and relatives, he was helpless, only to escape from the palace under the protection of his servants.

But now those who protect him are all dead and injured, and those who chase him are still following him, making him unable to rest for a moment.

Fortunately, this place has gone deep into the forest, and there are bushes everywhere, and the big trees cover the sky and the sun, so that I have a hiding place, and the people behind me are not so easy to catch up with me.But Zhu Youxi also knew that if he didn't think of a way, they would find him sooner or later.

"Where to go!"

Just as Zhu Youxi wanted to rest for a while, he heard the shouts of chasing soldiers, so he continued to move forward in horror.

The birds in the forest kept flying into the sky, and Zhu Youxi ran away regardless.When he pulled out a bush and rushed out, he found that there was an open space in front of him.When he wanted to change direction and continue to escape, the pursuers behind him had already arrived.

"Hand over the map, let you die!"

Zhu You couldn't help but backed away. At the same time, he couldn't help but look around. Compared with the dense forests before, this place is indeed much more open, but it is also overgrown with weeds.There is still a large stone in the weeds, which looks like a stone tablet, but this stone tablet has been cracked, obviously it is very old.

Now that I am being chased by them, and I am not sure of escaping right now, could it be that today is really the time for my death.Zhu Youxi was very unwilling, he had worked so hard to get the map of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and the revitalization of the Zhu family was imminent, but it was God's blessing that the Zhu family had suffered such a big change, which really made him unwilling.

"Hand over it!"

There are dozens of people on the other side, pressing on step by step.Zhu Youxi couldn't help but backed away. The opponent's strength was stronger than his own, not to mention the number of people.

"Stop! If you take another step forward, I will destroy this map!" Zhu Youxi took out the map from his arms and said.

The other party waved his hand, stopped, and said: "Zhu Youyi, this can't threaten us. We have already got the map, but you have the original map in your hand. Just in case, it's best to get it naturally. If you can't get it It doesn't have much impact. I would like to advise you, hand it over obediently, and let you die happily, otherwise~~~Hmph, let you live but not die!"

"Haha~~ Do you think that I, Zhu Youxi, is a three-year-old child? If you really believe in the map of the rubbings, why do you need to chase me so desperately?" Zhu Youyou laughed and said, "Don't move!"

"Don't try to make small moves, just stand still!" Zhu Youxi said hurriedly when he saw the other party approaching.


Zhu You retreated uncontrollably, but the opponent really ignored his threat and pressed on step by step.At this point, Zhu Youxi also decided to go all out, no matter whether the other party got the rubbing map, he would destroy the map in his hand.

Seeing Zhu Youyou's appearance, those people rushed towards Zhu Youyou at a faster speed.

But at this time, a lazy voice sounded in everyone's ears: "How dare you disturb this Demon Venerable's cultivation!"

Zhu Youyou and the others stopped and couldn't help but look around, but they didn't see anyone.

"Hmph, where are you bastards, hide your head and show your tail. It's best to keep the affairs of our three families aside, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body!"

"Haha~~~ I haven't heard this in thousands of years. It's interesting! If that's the case, then you all go to hell!" After the voice finished speaking, Zhu Youxi was horrified to find that those masters who chased and killed him were just like that. Bleeding from the seven holes, he fell down without warning.

Zhu Youyou broke out in cold sweat, he couldn't help looking around and said: "Senior, junior Zhu Youyou, who was forced to break into the senior's place of Qingxiu, deserves death, and please forgive me, senior!"

The voice didn't resound, but Zhu Youshi was even more terrified in his heart. He really didn't understand what this senior was thinking, did he want his own life?

"Senior, this is the map of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. This junior is willing to dedicate it to the senior, and I hope the senior will forgive the junior for his reckless crime!" Zhu You said respectfully, now he doesn't care about so much, he just hopes that he can live Go on, as for the future, I have to wait until I have my life.

Zhu Youxi originally spoke out to the senior, but he found that the map in his hand flew out of his control.Although he was surprised in his heart, he didn't dare to make any movements. He just stood there quietly, watching the map of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor drifting forward.

Finally, the map hovered over the protruding and broken stone tablet. Zhu Youxi opened his eyes wide, but he still didn't find anything.

However, gradually the remnant stele became a little hazy, and the gray aura gradually condensed on the remnant stele.Zhu Youxi opened his mouth wide, but he didn't dare to make any sound. Right under his eyes, these gray breaths condensed into a figure.

After this figure appeared, he grabbed the map of Emperor Shihuang's Mausoleum in the air, glanced at it casually, and said in surprise, "Eh? Four-image phantom array!"

"Four-image phantom formation?" Zhu Youxi looked at the strangely appearing person in front of him very suspiciously, and really didn't know what the "four-phantom phantom formation" he was talking about was.

"Where are the four spirits now?" the figure asked.

"What four spirits?" Zhu Youshi asked puzzledly.

The figure was obviously taken aback, and said: "You don't know even if you think about it, let me ask you, what's the situation outside now?"

"What's the situation?" Zhu Youxi asked.

"Anything is fine, whoever dominates the world now, you know?" the figure asked.

"Then~~ that senior Mozun!" Zhu Youyou heard him call himself just now, "If a hundred years ago, the Guan family would be invincible in this world, but in recent years, the Guan family has declined, the Kong family, and some Mysterious forces~~~"

Speaking of mysterious forces, Zhu Youyou's mood fluctuated obviously.

"The Guan family? The Kong family? Never heard of it!" Mozun murmured in a low voice, "What else?"

"No more!" Zhu Youxi said.

"Nonsense! Where's Xuanyuan?" Mozun shouted.

"Xuanyuan? Emperor Xuanyuan?" Zhu Youxi asked in surprise.

"It seems to be, at that time he seemed to call himself the emperor, how is he now?" Mozun asked.

(End of this chapter)

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