Wu Sheng family

Chapter 149 Confirmation of Identity

Chapter 149 Confirmation of Identity
"Guan Moya isn't~~~" Huang Qiyan said in surprise.

"Martial arts waste, right?" Guan Moya asked with a smile.

"I~~I didn't mean that." Huang Qiyan said in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, after all, this is recognized by everyone, and there is no one to blame." Guan Moya said.

"Fourth, oh no, Lord Wu, I'm really sorry for the previous offense!" Wan Liuqing said.

"Brother Wan, what are you talking about, we are brothers, no matter who I am, this will not change." Guan Moya said.

"Haha~~ That's right, we are brothers, but, fourth child, we still have to apologize for what we said to despise you before, even if we didn't know it, we still have to personally say sorry to you!" Duan Rufeng said.

"Brother Yinlong, oh, it's Mo Ya, what's the matter with you? Aren't you unable to practice kung fu?" Xue Ningshuang asked.

Xue Ningshuang's words represented the aspirations of those present, and they also wanted to know what was going on.

"It's about the practice, and the previous me was just a disguise to deal with the outside world!" Guan Moya apologized.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we know that our fourth child is Guan Moya, he is a top expert!" Duan Rufeng said with a smile. Now that he knows Guan Moya's identity, it is not enough to have miraculous achievements based on the Guan family's tens of thousands of years of accumulation. Odd.

"That's true, but Mo Ya, are you really okay?" Xue Ningshuang still asked worriedly.

"never mind!"

"Junior Brother Guan, don't comfort us, this divine fire can never be eliminated so easily." Ji Changyu frowned.

"That's right, although the divine fire hasn't been removed, it's fine for the time being." Guan Moya admitted.

"That's good, it's good for the time being, this will buy a lot of time, you and us go to Kunlun, the masters will definitely have a way to get rid of the divine fire in your body!" Xue Ningshuang said.

"No! Now that the Zhu family is powerful, I can't leave the Guan family at this time!" Guan Moya said.He also heard the words of the masters of the Beast God Sect in Loulan before. After all, they mentioned His Majesty, so it can be seen that the Zhu family is not simple.

"Haha~~ Fourth brother, because you were in a coma during this period, you might not know that the Zhu family is gone!" Duan Rufeng said.

"What's going on?" Guan Moya asked hastily.

So Ji Changyu and others told Guan Moya what happened during this period. Although they didn't take Guan Moya away, they still got the news from the world.

After hearing what happened to the Zhu family, Guan Moya was a little dazed for a moment. What was the purpose of his efforts to guard against the Zhu family all these years?With the end of the Zhu family, Guan Moya felt a little lost in his heart, as if he had lost a goal in his heart.

"What's the matter, Mo Ya, you seem unhappy?" Xue Ningshuang asked.

"It's nothing, the Zhu family is gone, and the danger of the Guan family has been relieved. I don't know if I should be happy or something else," Guan Moya said.

"Junior Brother Guan, are you worried about the Zhu family? Worried about the safety of the Guan family? Didn't your father explain it clearly to you?" Ji Changyu asked suspiciously.

"What?" Guan Moya asked suspiciously.

"It seems that you really don't know. The Guan family is not fighting alone. There is also the Kong family and our Kunlun, so you don't have to worry about that." Ji Changyu laughed.

"That's right, the Guan family, the Kong family, and our Kunlun family, we are not separated from each other." Xue Ningshuang said.

Guan Moya was stunned for a moment, he didn't know the relationship between them.Although I knew that the relationship between the Kong family and my Guan family was not simple, I thought it was just a relationship of interests.Now that my Guan family is in decline, it is already thankful that the other party does not make trouble. It is even more unimaginable for him to ask the other party to help.But now that Ji Changyu and the others have said this, it seems that he still doesn't know some secrets in the family.

In fact, it is normal for Guan Moya not to know some secrets. After all, when his father disappeared suddenly, he didn't explain anything at all.

"But losing the Zhu family, I lost the motivation to continue working hard for a while. I don't know if it's good or bad!" Guan Moya shook his head and sighed.

"Nonsense, the realm of martial arts is endless, how can you say such depressing words!" Ji Changyu said.

Duan Rufeng and the others nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, that's right, apart from other things, there is also the pursuit of martial arts. Hey, when it comes to martial arts, your skills seem to have greatly increased!" Guan Moya asked.

"That's right, in Loulan's underground battle, although he was seriously injured, he learned a lot, and his skills naturally improved a lot. In addition, Junior Sister Xue's 'Pan Ling Pill' made us reborn, and now Brother Wan and I are both prefecture-level intermediates." strength!" Duan Rufeng sighed.

Guan Moya saw their strength, and it was inconceivable that the two had improved so much. Although it was due to his understanding, in Guan Moya's view, the greatest credit was probably due to Xue Ningshuang's 'Panling Pill' 'Bar.

"It's not just us, Lu Zongli's strength has also reached the middle level of the prefecture level, and his five juniors are also junior masters of the prefecture level." Wan Liuqing said.

"Sister, your strength is probably already at the lower level of the prefecture level, maybe the peak of the prefecture level, and Miss Huang is about the same?" Guan Moya asked.

"I still can't hide it from my younger brother." Xue Ningshuang smiled, "It should be the peak of the prefectural level!"

Hearing Xue Ningshuang's words, Duan Rufeng's heart skipped a beat, and he asked in surprise, "Fourth brother, you can easily see through Junior Sister Xue's strength at the peak of the earth level. Could it be that you have~~ already reached the sky level?"

Duan Rufeng's words made Wan Liuqing startled, but it really sounded so.

It's just that Ji Changyu smiled and said: "Probably not, I think Junior Brother Guan is also at the peak of the prefectural level." Ji Changyu said.

"Huh? That's it. I thought the fourth child had broken through to the sky level, but I didn't expect to be at the peak of the earth level." Duan Rufeng said.

"Brother Duan, you are wrong. Although they are at the peak of the prefecture level, there is still a difference. For example, Junior Sister Xue and Junior Sister Huang are also at the peak of the prefecture level, and I am also the peak of the prefecture level. But if we really want to compare, I should be stronger than the two Junior sister!" Ji Changyu explained.

"This is normal, you were strong before." Duan Rufeng said.

"It's exactly like this. Junior Brother Guan is stronger than the three of us. Maybe Junior Brother Guan will be able to step into the gate of heaven once he realizes it. It depends on the opportunity." Ji Changyu said, "By the way, Junior Brother Guan, you Don’t you know the later Senior Guan?”

"Senior Guan? Who?" Guan Moya asked suspiciously.

"The senior who later fought against Shi Tianlang, he should also be the senior of the Guan family, don't you know him?" Xue Ningshuang asked.

"What? He's from the Guan family? But I don't know the elders of the Guan family who have such a master?" Guan Moya frowned.

"It can't be wrong that this senior belongs to the Guan family. At that time, my junior sister and I were hanging by a thread. He was the one who rescued us. His aura is very familiar. He belongs to your Guan family. It can't be wrong. But Mo Ya you I don't know this person, so who is this person? It's really strange!" Xue Ningshuang wondered.

"It seems that I have to figure this out after I go back!" Guan Moya said.

"In my opinion, even if this senior is not a member of the Guan family, he must have a great relationship with the Guan family. I just don't know how his battle with Shi Tianlang ended? Did he defeat Shi Tianlang? They are all ignorant!" Ji Changyu said.

When Guan Moya wanted to say something, he suddenly brought the mask back on his face.Xue Ningshuang and the others were not surprised, because Lu Zongli and his junior came in from outside the cave.

For Guan Moya, although Lu Zongli's character is worthy of admiration, he is not someone close to him after all. This is different from Xue Ningshuang and the others. If he can not reveal his identity, he will not expose it.

(End of this chapter)

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