Wu Sheng family

Chapter 150 Xuanyuan Order, Emperor's Tomb

Chapter 150 Xuanyuan Order, Emperor's Tomb

"Huh? Brother Yinlong, it's great that you're awake!" Lu Zongli laughed.

"I made you worry." Guan Moya said with a smile.

"Well, actually, I would like to thank you more this time. Without you, we would have died a long time ago." Lu Zongli thanked.

"Okay, don't be polite, everyone." Duan Rufeng said, "Brother Lu, what are your plans next?"

"Brother Yinlong is also awake now, and I want to go to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor with my juniors." Lu Zongli said, "Don't laugh, everyone. Compared with Loulan's 'resurrection method', I think the harvest this time may be bigger. .”

Lu Zongli's words were approved by Ji Changyu, but he still said: "You are right, but this time the treasure hunting in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor may be another battle."

"Those who hang out in the rivers and lakes can't be afraid of life and death. The so-called life and death have fate." Lu Zongli said.

Xue Ningshuang thought for a while and said, "I was also a little moved by the visit to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, but Brother Yinlong has to go back to the teacher's gate with us, so we won't go."

"No!" Guan Moya said hastily, "Sister Xue, it's rare for the Mausoleum of the First Emperor to be opened. Wouldn't it be a pity to miss it? Besides, my body is still stable now, and I know that well."

"No way!" Xue Ningshuang said with a phoenix stare.

"After the visit to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor this time, it won't be too late to go to Kunlun!" Guan Moya said.

Seeing Xue Ningshuang's expression of disapproval, Guan Moya said again: "Sister Xue, I will not joke about my life!"

Xue Ningshuang stared at Guan Moya for a long time before sighing: "Forget it, this time it's up to you, if I notice anything wrong, you have to go back to Kunlun with me!"

Seeing that Xue Ningshuang agreed to this matter, Duan Rufeng and Wan Liuqing also showed joy on their faces.After all, the two of them really wanted to go to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.After all, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is too mysterious.

"Do you have a map of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?" Guan Moya asked.

"Yes! You can get this map everywhere now, but it's hard to tell whether it's real or not." Lu Zongli took out a map from his pocket and said.

Guan Moya took the map and read it carefully, and finally frowned tightly.

Seeing Guan Moya's expression, Lu Zongli hurriedly asked, "Brother Yinlong, is there something wrong with this map? Hehe, I'm too whimsical. How can such a map that can be bought casually be real?"

"No!" Guan Moya shook his head and said, "This picture is absolutely true!"

"No way, fourth child, such street stalls are real? Isn't that too exaggerated?" Duan Rufeng snatched the map from Guan Moya's hand, looked at it and said in surprise.

"Hehe, it's true, I've seen the original picture, it's exactly the same!" Guan Moya said.

Lu Zongli looked at Guan Moya with some doubts. He didn't believe what Guan Moya said, but when he thought of the mystery of Guan Moya and his party, he believed it again.

When Wan Liuqing and Duan Rufeng thought of Guan Moya's true identity, although they felt incredible in their hearts, they still believed in Guan Moya's words.

As for Ji Changyu and the others, of course they believed it, and they also knew that the Guan and Kong families had maps, so Guan Moya said that he had seen the original map, of course there was nothing to make a fuss about.

"It seems that the mysterious force that wiped out the Zhu family was not simple. They took the map of the First Emperor's Mausoleum and distributed it around for almost free. What is their intention?" Guan Moya asked worriedly.

After Guan Moya said this, the expressions of several people changed, and Lu Zongli hurriedly asked, "Could it be their conspiracy?"

"Whether it's a conspiracy or not is hard to say, and there is another point, Junior Brother Yinlong may not have considered, maybe this map was not distributed by that force?" Ji Changyu said.

"The current situation is confusing, and we can't figure out what's going on in it. Whether it's a conspiracy or not, but as long as this map is true, then everyone has a chance to get the secret treasure in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. If you want to win Secret treasure, how could it be so smooth sailing?" Xue Ningshuang said.

Everyone nodded, Xue Ningshuang's words were not wrong, anyone who went to seize the treasure was in the middle of a conspiracy.

"Since everyone is going to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, I will introduce some information about the Mausoleum of the First Emperor." Ji Changyu said, "Brother Yinlong, I believe you know as much about this as I do!"

Guan Moya nodded. He really didn't know much about what was in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

"Right now, martial arts secrets and mysterious treasures are mentioned in the rumors in the world, but it's a pity that they don't exist!" Ji Changyu said.

As soon as Ji Changyu's words came out, Duan Rufeng, Wan Liuqing, senior brothers Lu Zongli, and even Guan Moya were dumbfounded, which was really hard for them to accept.

"Don't worry, everyone, let me continue to explain." Ji Changyu smiled and said, "In fact, don't be surprised that there are no such things, because compared to these, there are better treasures than this."

Except for Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan, the others were all staring at Ji Changyu, waiting for him to speak quickly.And Ji Changyu didn't whet everyone's appetites, and then said: "In fact, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is not the end, it can only be said to be a starting point. In the depths of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, there is a mysterious place, where there is a road leading to the real treasure. The passage of the land. And the real treasure place is the 'Human Emperor's Tomb'!"

"Human Emperor's Tomb?"

"That's right, it is the tomb of the Emperor Xuanyuan in the myths passed down by the world." Ji Changyu said.

"Is there really such a person as Huang Xuanyuan~~ oh, this god?" Duan Rufeng was a little confused, feeling like he was listening to a fairy tale.

"Of course!" Ji Changyu affirmed, "This is not what we need to consider now. In fact, in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, our main purpose is to find the proof of the 'Xuanyuan Order' leading to the 'Tomb of the Human Emperor'!"

"Senior Brother Ji, since it is the 'Human Emperor's Tomb', I am afraid that the ones participating in the competition are not those who can reach our current level?" Guan Moya frowned and asked.

Ji Changyu nodded, and said: "That's right, if you want to participate in the competition for the 'Human Emperor's Tomb', if you don't have the strength of the sky, then you will die!"

"Then what hope do we have, it really makes people happy!" Wan Liuqing said.

"Brother Wan didn't hear me clearly. I said 'Human Emperor's Tomb' not 'Shihuang's Mausoleum'. There is a mysterious formation in the 'Shihuang's Tomb' that restricts the strength to enter it. Heaven-level and above include those who are heaven-level, Can't enter!" Ji Changyu said.

After Ji Changyu's explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If there are sky-level masters participating, how can I have any hope? Now that I know that the sky-level masters will not produce events, then I and others still have a great advantage.

"There's still something wrong, so even if we get the 'Xuanyuan Token', I'm afraid we won't have the chance to enter the 'Human Emperor's Tomb'! After all, it takes a heavenly level to have a chance." Duan Rufeng reacted.

"Haha~~~ Don't worry about this, if you are lucky enough to get the 'Xuanyuan Token', then I guarantee that you will be able to advance to the heavenly level within a year! Unless you are really hopeless, but I think you can go to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor , must also be a good player on one side, and his martial arts qualifications will never be too bad. Of course, if Junior Brother Yinlong is only one step away from reaching the heavenly level, let alone, as long as he gets the 'Xuanyuan Order', he may be able to advance to the next level " Ji Changyu said with a smile, "Don't be surprised, this is the magic of the 'Xuanyuan Token', so it is said that the real treasure is the 'Xuanyuan Token'!"

(End of this chapter)

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