Wu Sheng family

Chapter 151 People Who Shouldn't Be Present

Chapter 151 People Who Shouldn't Be Present
"It's inconceivable that there is such a treasure in heaven and earth that can raise one's skill to heaven!" Lu Zongli murmured.

"Then, what's in the 'Human Emperor's Tomb'?" Duan Rufeng asked with bright eyes.

Ji Changyu smiled helplessly, then spread his hands together and said: "I'm sorry, that's not something I can know, that's all I know. If you want to know, you have to wait until you win the 'Xuanyuan Ling' to find out for yourself gone."

"So, we must get this 'Xuanyuan Token'. Oh, I forgot to ask, how many 'Xuanyuan Tokens' are there? Isn't it just one piece?" Duan Rufeng asked.

"Of course not, as long as everyone can reach the deepest part of the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor', everyone who arrives will get a 'Xuanyuan Token'!" Ji Changyu said.

"Haha~~ That's good, I was still worried that there were too few tokens, we didn't have enough points, now it's good, everyone has one piece, good, very good!" Duan Rufeng laughed.

"Brother Duan, it seems that you are really optimistic!" Guan Moya sighed.

"Always have confidence, and with our lineup, if we can't get the 'Xuanyuan Ling', it's really unreasonable!" Duan Rufeng said.

"Okay, since everyone is so confident, let's start now. There are only [-] days before August [-]th. It may take more than ten days to reach the location of the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor' from here. We can't delay , let's go!" Xue Ningshuang said.

The map of the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor' appeared on the map, causing the rivers and lakes that were already ready to move to explode. Of course, their goal was no longer the imperial court, but the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor'.Martial arts secrets and mysterious treasures have always been the source of disputes in the martial arts world, and this time is no exception. A large number of people in the martial arts world went to the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor'.Because they doubted the authenticity of the maps they had easily obtained in their hearts, these people focused on the maps in the hands of those great sects.

After all, in the eyes of these people in the arena, the more powerful the faction is, the more authentic the map in their hands will be.Of course, these people didn't dare to attack directly, and they often tried their best to get these maps.For a while, even the powerful Da faction was a little bit battered.After all, there are many capable people and strangers in this arena.

Twelve days later, Guan Moya and his entourage finally arrived at the outskirts of the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor', and now the time has not come, so everyone can only enter on the night of the full moon of August and fifteenth.

"It's terrible, it seems that there are many more people in the martial arts this time than in the desert last time!" Wan Liuqing looked at the crowds of people all over the mountains and plains, and sighed a little.

"This is normal. Although the 'Resurrection Method' on the desert was very attractive, it was not in the Central Plains after all. In addition, this time it is not as illusory as last time, but a real 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor'. There are many people, That is a matter of course, not worth making a fuss about." Duan Rufeng said.

"I don't know how many people will be able to leave here alive in the end!" Guan Moya sighed softly.

Hearing Guan Moya's words, everyone's faces darkened. This place is destined to be a battlefield for killing.

A group of people arrived at a mountain far away from the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor'. Although there were still a lot of people here, it was much better than the previous one, which was a little bit crowded.

Several people sat around under a thousand-year-old tree, quietly looking at the surrounding martial arts people.

I have to say that there are too many people, and the people in the rivers and lakes among them are also somewhat uneven. It seems that many people want to come here to rely on luck and fish in troubled waters.

"Who is that?" A sudden exclamation came from the front.

Guan Moya and his party followed the sound and could faintly see a person standing on the top of a big tree thousands of feet away.This person just stood on the thin branches and leaves on the top of the tree, and the branches fluctuated from time to time as the breeze in the mountains blew the branches.

"What a profound skill!" Guan Moya and his party are all rare masters. Of course, it is impossible for several people to not know that person's performance like this.

Guan Moya's face suddenly changed, his eyes were fixed, and after a careful look, he murmured, "It's him? Why did he come here?"

"Who?" Duan Rufeng couldn't help asking after hearing Guan Moya's words.

"Did you forget that when you were in Mount Tai to enter the 'World Martial Arts Pavilion'~~~" Guan Moya reminded.

Hearing what Guan Moya said, Duan Rufeng stared carefully at the man in the distance for a while, then said: "Oh, I remembered, I was defeated by him at that time, it was the 'Baguamen' Yes, it's called~~~ Tong Yiqian, yes, it's Tong Yiqian! But, fourth child, is there anything strange about him here?"

"Is there anything wrong with Tong Yiqian? Seeing that he is as old as us, even if he is powerful, so what?" Xue Ningshuang asked.

"Ah!" Lu Zongli suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Except for Guan Moya, the others looked at Lu Zongli curiously, wondering why Lu Zongli had such a sudden reaction.

"Brother Duan's words reminded me of an incident in Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion 'Tiange', oh yes, Brother Yinlong was also present at that time." Lu Zongli said.

"Could it be that Tong Yiqian has something to do with the Tianxia Wuge incident?" Duan Rufeng came back to his senses and asked.

"Yes, he is one of them." Lu Zongli said.

"In other words, this person's strength is not simple, but do you and the fourth child need to care so much?" Wan Liuqing asked. In his opinion, although Tong Yiqian's strength is not simple, but now he and others are already It's not what it used to be, so you shouldn't take it to heart.

"Brother Wan, I understand what's on your mind. If I hadn't experienced that incident and met them, I might have the same idea as you. But I want to tell everyone that when I was in Tianxia Wuge, that The master of the Beast God Sect, Shi Tianlang of the Langya Sect, was also present." Lu Zongli said with a trembling voice.

"Brother Lu, what's the matter with you? Speaking of which, my opponent was still that Shi Tianlang back then, but obviously he was hiding his strength~~" Wan Liuqing paused at this point, and said with some hesitation on his face, " Don't you mean that Shi Tianlang and Tong Yiqian are fighting together in Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion?"

"Exactly. Moreover, judging from the expressions of the two at the time, they obviously knew each other. What's even more outrageous is that they were equals! Everyone has seen Shi Tianlang's strength, and everyone is familiar with his appearance. Yes, on the surface, he looks similar to us, but do you believe this is his real age?" Lu Zongli said.

Hearing Lu Zongli's words, several people's faces changed drastically.Several people have seen the strength of that Shi Tianlang in Loulan. He is an adult of those heavenly masters, so what kind of state should his strength be?And since Tong Yiqian was able to discuss friendship with Shi Tianlang on the same level, doesn't that mean that his strength is also at the same level as Shi Tianlang's?

(End of this chapter)

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