Wu Sheng family

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 The Threesome

When several people thought of this, they all turned their attention to Tong Yiqian.Perhaps feeling the gazes of everyone, Tong Yiqian turned his head and glanced in the direction of Guan Moya and the others.Although the distance is far, but with such a glance, the chests of several people still feel a little suffocated.

"It's too scary!" Duan Rufeng said with a pale face, "Didn't it mean that those above the heavenly level can't get in? His strength is definitely above the heavenly level. What's the purpose of his coming here?"

Everyone looked away, Tong Yiqian glanced at them, and then disappeared from there.And everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"So everyone should be careful this time. If we face him, there is no chance of winning. Maybe he is just waiting here for those who come out of the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor'. They cannot enter the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor', but that The 'Xuanyuan Order' is also what they dream of." Ji Changyu said.

"It shouldn't be wrong. In the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor', it is absolutely impossible for masters above the sky level to appear, but there are no restrictions outside. Before we enter the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor', everyone must be more vigilant." Xue Ningshuang said, "Hey , Brother Yinlong, do you have any concerns?"

"I was thinking that if Tong Yiqian appeared here, there might be someone else!" Guan Moya said.

"Who?" Xue Ningshuang asked, while the others were also staring at Guan Moya, waiting for his answer.

"'Hundred Flower Palace', Hua Nujiao!" Guan Moya replied.

"Huanujiao? I haven't heard of it!" Xue Ningshuang said softly, then shook her head.

"It's her!" Lu Zongli turned around and said, "Speaking of which, this woman was also present at that time."

"It's not just that!" Guan Moya continued, "Judging from the situation at the time, that Shi Tianlang was a little apprehensive when he saw Hua Nujiao, it can be said that he was a little scared!"

"Oh my God!" Duan Rufeng patted his forehead and said, "What's wrong with this world, how can there be so many mysterious masters who are boundless? Then what am I now?"

"Brother Duan, don't be discouraged. After all, there are not many such people. In short, we have to be careful with this Tong Yiqian and the Hua Nujiao that Junior Brother Yinlong said. Although we are not their opponents, I believe that as long as we Working together, we can still make them retreat, we are not so easy to mess with!" Ji Changyu said.

"That's right, if everyone's skills have improved so much and they are timid, then it's better to go home now!" Wan Liuqing said.

Everyone nodded their heads. After this incident, everyone cheered up and did not dare to be negligent in the slightest.All the people in the martial arts who passed by them did not relax in the slightest.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were turned to the front, but there were three people walking towards them on the opposite side.

Everyone frowned slightly. Although they didn't know what these three people wanted to do, judging from their aura, it was obvious that it was not simple.

"How are you, two beautiful girls, can we take a rest next to you?" One of them said, looking at Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan with a smile.

Hearing this, the faces of Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan collapsed.Wan Liuqing stepped forward and said, "You are not welcome here, please go ahead!"

"Yo!" The person who spoke took a look at Wan Liuqing and said, "Since I was a child, no one has ever refused my young master's request! You are the first one!"

"Brother Pang, let's go!" One of the three said softly to the person in front.

"Hey! Brother Lu, what are you afraid of? Who are we three brothers afraid of? Brother Pang, this time it's up to you! My little brother is here to cheer you on!" Another person said.

"Hey! Brother Yan, just watch it!"

"Let me introduce myself first, my young master Pang Wujiu." Turning around and pointing at the person behind him, he said, "This is my second younger brother Yan Konggu."

Yan Konggu took a step forward, straightened his chest, and blinked at Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan.

"Then this is my third younger brother, Lu Zongyan!"

Seeing himself mentioned, Lu Zongyan stepped forward and smiled awkwardly at Guan Moya and his party, and then saluted.

However, Pang Wujiu immediately stopped Lu Zongyan and said, "Third brother, what are you doing!"

"Okay, we're done introducing ourselves, so, the two girls, can I tell you your name?" Pang Wujiu looked at Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan and said.

"Shameless person, go away!" Wan Liuqing said angrily.

Pang Wujiu turned around and looked at Wan Liuqing coldly, and said, "Stinky boy, are you courting death?"

While speaking, Pang Wujiu suddenly burst out with an astonishing aura and rushed towards Wan Liuqing. Wan Liuqing was caught off guard and suffered a small loss.

Ji Changyu's face changed slightly, he took a step forward to block Wan Liuqing, and hit back.

Pang Wujiu's originally disdainful expression suddenly became serious, and he stared at Ji Changyu with his eyes, and his aura kept rising.But Ji Changyu remained calm, and traces of sweat began to appear on Pang Wujiu's face.

At this time, that Lu Zongyan took a step forward, and a red light flashed on his body, which shook the breath of the two people to confront each other.

"En!" Lu Zongli frowned, and suddenly covered his left arm with his right hand.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with you?" A junior brother beside him asked.

"It's okay!" Lu Zongli replied softly with a smile.

Seeing what Lu Zongli said, his younger brother cast his eyes on the field.But Lu Zongli felt a little strange in his heart, his left arm seemed to be a little hot just now, if he didn't feel wrong, that position should be the position where he had a tattoo since childhood.It's just that the scorching pain passed away in a flash, which made him feel a little unreal. This was the first time he encountered such a thing.

"Looks like I'm nervous, these people in front of me are very strong!" Lu Zongli thought to himself.

"I'm sorry, my elder brother is impulsive, please bear with me if I offend you!" Lu Zongyan gently supported Pang Wujiu, bowed to Guan Moya and his party, and said.

Seeing the other party apologizing, Ji Changyu didn't have anything to say, and besides, everyone has not been hurt, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Where, but this place is small, I'm afraid there won't be room for the three of you, please find another place to rest for the three of you." , I am so sorry!"

"Third brother!?" Pang Wujiu shouted.

After Lu Zongyan glared at Pang Wujiu, he cupped his fists at Ji Changyu and said, "Then let's say goodbye first!"

After speaking, Pang Wujiu, who was still full of unwillingness, pulled away from here.

Ji Changyu looked at the three people who left and fell into deep thought.

"The strength of these three people is not simple, especially that Lu Zongyan!" Guan Moya said.

"Although I'm not reconciled, I have to admit that Pang Wujiu's momentum makes me a little breathless!" Wan Liuqing sighed.

"Hey~~~ That Lu Zongyan is not easy, if I face him, I don't know how the outcome will be!" Ji Changyu sighed.

"Senior Brother Ji, aren't you just joking?" Huang Qiyan exclaimed, "How powerful is that weak boy?"

"Weak kid? Hehe, Junior Sister Huang, how do you think Junior Brother Yinlong compares to that Lu Zongyan?" Ji Changyu asked with a smile.

"En?" Huang Qiyan didn't know how to answer, so she murmured: "Regardless of martial arts, they seem to be weak scholars."

"But Junior Brother Yinlong is the strongest among us!" Ji Changyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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