Wu Sheng family

Chapter 158 Exposure

Chapter 158 Exposure
"Wait~~~" Guan Moya shouted.

"What else do you want to say!" Shi Tianlang stopped and asked.

"Let them go, otherwise, I will cut off my meridian, and you don't even want to get the magic fire!" Guan Moya said coldly.

"Threatening the old man?" Shi Tianlang glanced at Guan Moya and asked.

"You can think so!"

"Haha~~ Let me tell you the truth, even if you cut off your meridian, as long as your body is still there, the old man can still take out the magic fire, but it's just a little more troublesome. Now I still think about others, but I still think about my own." The situation." Shi Tianlang said.

Guan Moya didn't expect this to happen. He thought that with his death, the divine fire would dissipate.But now it seems that this cannot make Shi Tianlang stop.

Glancing at Ji Changyu and the others, Guan Moya was furious.If it wasn't for the divine fire covering the God-devouring acupoint in his sea of ​​consciousness, making it impossible for him to perform God-devouring record, or he might still have a chance to fight.

"Haha~~ Are you angry, come on!"

Seeing Shi Tianlang's look of contempt, Guan Moya roared, and his figure flashed before Shi Tianlang.Then he slapped Shi Tianlang with a palm, and Shi Tianlang returned a palm.


"Qinglongjin!" Guan Moya kicked his feet on the ground suddenly, and the ground suddenly sank and cracked, and the spiritual power in his body crazily turned into a fierce Qinglongjin and rushed towards Shi Tianlang through the palm of his hand.

"It's far away!" Shi Tianlang chuckled, and with a force on his palm, he shook Guan Moya away.

However, when Guan Moya was shaken away, with a wave of his left hand, "the blue dragon swung its tail", a huge blue dragon tail swept towards Shi Tianlang.

Shi Tianlang was a little surprised that Guan Moya didn't adjust his breath and used the Guan family's unique skills, but an accident was an accident, and it couldn't hurt him.

After shaking Mo Ya's switch, he turned to face the cyan dragon's tail without closing his palm.

When Shi Tianlang greeted the 'Qinglong Wagging Tail', Guan Moya's face turned hard, the cyclone in his dantian swirled crazily, and the aura tearing the outside world poured into his body along the meridians like a whale.

Shi Tianlang, Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao are all masters, so they are no strangers to the aura of heaven and earth.Guan Moya's absorption of heaven and earth's spiritual energy was not so exaggerated before, so they didn't notice it much.

But now, Guan Moya had already given up all his strength, and the meridians in his body showed signs of breaking under the impact of the huge spiritual energy.Forcibly provoking the severe pain of tearing meridians, Guan Moya yelled: "Dragon Transformation Kungfu, double dragons playing with pearls!"

Guan Moya opened his hands, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered in the dantian quickly rushed to the palms of both arms through the eight extraordinary meridians.Then Guan Moya waved his hands, and his left and right hands each shot out a huge cyan dragon.

The two giant dragons roared and rushed towards Shi Tianlang.Seeing such a situation, Shi Tianlang finally had a trace of seriousness on his face.

He shook the dragon's tail away violently, then jumped up and faced the two blue dragons.

Shi Tianlang was in the middle of the two giant dragons in an instant, waving his palms, red light flashed on his palms, and with the dancing of his palms, waves of red palm strength began to wrap around the body of the cyan dragon.

Guan Moya's heart skipped a beat, Shi Tianlang was pulling the double dragons, that's fine, so he desperately pumped out the spiritual power in his body and injected them into the double dragons, making them more condensed.

Shi Tianlang's face turned pale, Guan Moya's move was really beyond his expectation, and the power of this 'Dragon Transformation Kung Fu' is not easy to deal with even a heavenly master.Now it is a bit reluctant to deal with the strength of the peak of the prefecture level.

Of course, it is only reluctantly, but Shi Tianlang is not worried about any harm this 'Dragon Transformation Art' will cause to him, but now that Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao are present, if he is embarrassed by this junior in front of him, then in the future What face do I have.

I saw Shi Tianlang roared and pulled his hands violently. Immediately, Guan Moya's chest trembled.

As Guan Moya lost control of the Ssangyong, the Ssangyong was torn by Shi Tianlang, and both of them plunged into the ground.

'Boom~~' There were two loud bangs, and it really felt like the ground was shaking, and some masters who were watching from a distance were even more frightened. If I had been hit by the blow just now, there would definitely be no bones left.

"Are you from the Guan family?" some people murmured.

But what was more shocking was Shi Tianlang's strength.Of course, although Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao were powerful, they were not shocked by Shi Tianlang after all.

Guan Moya half-kneeled on the ground with some exhaustion, panting roughly.

But Shi Tianlang had a gloomy expression on his face. When he walked in front of Guan Moya, he said: "It seems that I should abolish you first, lest you cause trouble to the old man!"

Seeing that Guan Moya still wanted to struggle, Shi Tianlang pointed his fingers and hit Guan Moya's body with force. Immediately, Guan Moya couldn't move an inch.

"I didn't expect the Guan family to have a talent like you. If you continue to grow, it will be fine. Maybe you will be another Guan Mingxuan!" Shi Tianlang said.

As he spoke, Shi Tianlang grabbed Guan Moya's mask with one hand and pulled it violently.

"Sure enough, you're still young, so I can't keep you!" Shi Tianlang said after glancing at Guan Moya.

"Guan~~Guan Moya!?" A sudden exclamation came from afar.

Although Lu Zongli was seriously injured and unable to move, Hua Nujiao also stopped her hands, as if she hadn't killed herself and others for the time being.

Now that he and others are powerless, all hopes are pinned on Guan Moya.Although they did not believe that Guan Moya could defeat the three of them, they had no choice.

When Guan Moya was also restrained by Shi Tianlang, Lu Zongli also sighed in his heart, he and his party were really wiped out.But when he saw Guan Moya's true face, he couldn't help but shout out.

"Guan Moya?" Everyone present silently recited a sentence.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's faces changed, and then they were full of doubts.

"You said he is the prince of the Guan family, Guan Moya?" Tong Yiqian appeared in front of Lu Zongli at some point, grabbed his collar, lifted him, and asked.

Lu Zongli didn't know how to answer for a while. Looking at the situation in front of him, the three people in front of him must not know Guan Moya. Since Guan Moya is wearing a mask, he naturally doesn't want others to know.And he didn't control his mouth and yelled out, damn it.Although there were some people from the rivers and lakes in the distance, they were all old men after all, and most of them had never met Guan Moya.

Seeing Lu Zongli's embarrassed face, Xue Ningshuang said, "That's right, he is Guan Moya! It's fine if he's an ordinary member of the Guan family, but if he has something to do, hey, it's useless even if you escape to the ends of the earth !"

"Smelly girl, so what about the Guan family?" Hua Nujiao scolded, "But, isn't Guan Mo Ya a good-for-nothing?"

"Girl, is what you said true?" Tong Yiqian said, leaving Lu Zongli behind and staring at Xue Ningshuang.

"Haha~~It's really interesting, it's okay, after the old man gets the magic fire, then bring your body to Guan Peiao, I would like to see his expression at that time, haha~~" Shi Tianlang laughed loudly.

"Guan Peiao?" Hua Nujiao and Tong Yiqian didn't know why Shi Tianlang would mention this.


"Okay, no matter who you are, I'll let you go first!" said Shi Tianlang and raised his hand.

But at this moment, Shi Tianlang's expression changed, and then he looked up at Tong Yiqian who was a few meters away, and next to Tong Yiqian was Guan Moya.

(End of this chapter)

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