Wu Sheng family

Chapter 159 Infighting

Chapter 159 Infighting
"Tong Yiqian, what do you mean?" Shi Tianlang asked with a cold face.

Tong Yiqian first unlocked the acupuncture points on Guan Moya's body, and then said: "You can't kill him!"

At this time, Hua Nujiao also came over, looked at Tong Yiqian and said, "Tong Yiqian, you defend Guan Moya, are the rumors about that incident true?"

"Of course not!" Tong Yiqian replied.

"Hey~~Tong Yiqian, if it's not like this, you should give me a reason! Otherwise~~~" Shi Tianlang sneered.

"He is the current prince of the Guan family. It's not clear to you, but he has something to do, so can we stay here? If you don't care and go back here, then you can do it!" Tong Yiqian said .

Shi Tianlang and Hua Nujiao fell silent, and after a while, Shi Tianlang said: "Okay, I won't take his life, so can you give him back to me?"

"Haha~~Of course not, I want to take him away!" Tong Yiqian laughed.

"Tong Yiqian, this matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better not interfere!" Shi Tianlang said angrily.

"Tong Yiqian, what you did made the slave family think in that direction. The rumor is probably true, otherwise you wouldn't care so much about Guan Moya!" Hua Nujiao said.

"Don't you understand yet? He has divine fire!" Tong Yiqian pointed to Guan Moya and said to Hua Nujiao.

Hua Nu smiled tenderly, and said: "Okay, I have thought about it a lot, it seems that Guan Moya can't be handed over to you!" Of course, the last sentence was said to Shi Tianlang.

"You guys~~~"

"What? Do you want to do it? Don't forget, you are the only one here. Do you still want to fight with the two of us? Who doesn't want such a good thing as Shenhuo, and of course you can't get it, hehe~~~" Hua Nujiao looked at Shi Tianlang and said.

Guan Moya really didn't understand why Tong Yiqian would suddenly help him.I can't figure it out, it seems that the three of them really have different paths, so that's good, at least I will be fine for the time being.

Seeing that the atmosphere among the three was a bit weird, Guan Moya broke free from Tong Yiqian. The reason why he was able to break free was that Tong Yiqian didn't seem to have the intention of trapping him at all, otherwise Guan Moya would never be able to do it with his current strength. arrive.Guan Moya didn't have time to think about this now, he backed away slowly, approaching Ji Changyu and the others.Guan Moya's actions couldn't be hidden from the three of them, but at this time, no one paid attention to it.Shi Tianlang's face was ferocious, his eyes were shining fiercely, waiting for Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao.

But Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao's expressions didn't change much from before, they just looked at Shi Tianlang.

Shi Tianlang took a deep breath, and the ferocious look on his face faded, and said: "Forget about it today, I'll write this down first! Tong Yiqian, don't think it's okay to let Guan Moya escape this time." It's okay, I can catch him again, unless you keep watching him!"

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as he gets out of here, do you think you still have a chance? When you show up, I hope you can come back. Those old opponents will not be kind to you and me!" Tong Yiqian laughed.

Shi Tianlang looked at Guan Moya who was not far away, his face turned red and white, very exciting.

"Mo Ya, it's great that you're fine!" Xue Ningshuang couldn't help saying happily when she saw that Guan Moya was safe and sound.The others also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Shi Tianlang took a few steps towards Guan Moya and the others.

"What do you want to do?" Tong Yiqian stared at Shi Tianlang warily.

At this time, Shi Tianlang's face had returned to calm, and he glanced at Tong Yiqian lightly and said: "Although I didn't take action against the Guan family's kid, the rest of them are very annoying. Besides, I'm in a bad mood right now. I can't tolerate their happy appearance, why? Tong Yiqian, do you want to take care of this?"

Tong Yiqian paused, looked at Shi Tianlang for a while, and then said: "Of course it doesn't matter to other people, but there are people from Kunlun among them, you must be mentally prepared!"

"You don't need to worry about this!" Shi Tianlang replied.

"Hey~~ It's really interesting. Originally, the servant wanted to take them back. Anyway, the boy is handsome, and the girl is pretty. Hey~~~ Forget it, this time it's up to you~~~" Hua Nujiao smiled. .

Guan Moya and the others heard the words of the three of them verbatim.Guan Moya's expression changed, and he asked in a low voice, "Can you still leave?"

"Of course, it's just that we have no chance in front of them!" Ji Changyu said.

Of course Guan Moya knew this. Even in the heyday, everyone might not be able to escape under the obstruction of the three of them. What's more, everyone is seriously injured now, and their actions will naturally be greatly affected.

But with Ji Changyu's affirmation, Guan Moya said via voice transmission: "Wait a minute, I'll stop him for a while, you have to do your best to rush to the exit!"

Hearing Guan Moya's sound transmission, Xue Ningshuang's expression changed, as if she was speaking, but at this moment, Ji Changyu stopped Xue Ningshuang, and nodded to Guan Moya.And he also glanced at the others, the meaning in his eyes was very clear, that is to listen to Guan Moya.

"Don't worry, at least it looks like Shi Tianlang can't hurt me. Although I don't know the reason, I can rest assured as long as you are safe. Everyone prepare!" Guan Moya said again through voice transmission.

Then, Guan Moya turned around and stared at Shi Tianlang coldly.

"Go!" Guan Moya's voice rang in everyone's ears, and at the same time, his figure rushed towards Shi Tianlang.

Ji Changyu and the others did not hesitate, when Guan Moya's words sounded, they brought up all the power in their bodies and rushed towards the exit with a 'swish' sound.

Seeing a few people wanting to escape, Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao just wanted to intercept them, but at this moment, they changed their minds.

Because Guan Moya rushed towards Shi Tianlang, but this time, Guan Moya couldn't resist Shi Tianlang's move, so he was firmly grasped by the wrist.

After catching Guan Moya, Shi Tianlang rushed towards that exit without even thinking about it.

Obviously Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao would not let Shi Tianlang get what he wanted, so they gave up intercepting Ji Changyu and the others, and rushed towards Shi Tianlang instead.

"Haha~~ There is nothing my emperor wants to get, haha~~" Due to Tong Yiqian and Hua Nujiao's hesitation, Shi Tianlang has already swept in front of them.

Guan Moya felt a little weak when Shi Tianlang blocked the pulse door, but he still saw the figures of Ji Changyu and others leaving from that exit.

Seeing that Shi Tianlang was about to reach the exit, Tong Yiqian felt a little annoyed. He never expected that the majestic leader of the blood wolf would turn his back on what he said.Perhaps one's own strength can slightly gain the upper hand against Shi Tianlang, but it is impossible to catch up with Shi Tianlang in such a short distance.If Shi Tianlang were to take Guan Moya with him, Tong Yiqian couldn't help feeling even more anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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