Wu Sheng family

Chapter 171 Death News

Chapter 171 Death News
"Let me tell the story!" Xue Ningshuang took a deep breath, stood up and said.

"This girl?" Meng Yunxi asked with some doubts.

"Siblings, let's call you that!" Xue Ningshuang said to Meng Yunxi.

Xiaoqin next to her made a small face, her young lady is an empress, how can she be called casually.

Although Meng Yunxi was very puzzled by Xue Ningshuang's words, she still nodded slightly to signal her to continue.

"My name is Xue Ningshuang, and I'm Mo Ya's sworn sister. I think I'm right to call you that!" Xue Ningshuang said.

"Oh, so it's the prince's sworn sister, it's okay! Then my sister is probably here for something important!" Meng Yunxi laughed.

Xue Ningshuang paused, but still said: "Mo Ya is dead!"

"What?" Meng Yunxi stood up abruptly, but immediately she swayed and fell down.

Fortunately, Xiaoqin next to her has quick eyes and hands, and hurriedly supported Meng Yunxi.The baby who was originally in Meng Yunxi's arms jumped onto the coffee table and looked at Meng Yunxi worriedly.

"Mom, are you okay?" the baby called.

"Mother?" Xue Ningshuang looked at the baby suspiciously. She obviously didn't know about the daughter adopted by Guan Moya and Meng Yunxi. Of course, people in Jingzhou City knew more about this matter.

Ji Changyu and the others were all surprised. They really didn't expect Xue Ningshuang to be so direct.

"Sister, you're joking, aren't you?"

Seeing Meng Yunxi looking at her with hope, Xue Ningshuang closed her eyes sadly, then shook her head!

"How could it be? He said he would come back, he would come back~~" Meng Yunxi murmured.

"Miss?" Xiaoqin's face was full of anxiety.

Lue, who was originally full of joy, was also full of surprise after hearing Xue Ningshuang's words. Now after seeing Meng Yunxi's appearance, she hurriedly left the hall.

Seeing Meng Yunxi's appearance, everyone didn't know how to persuade her. For a while, everyone could only keep silent.

Apart from the hall, Lue hurriedly ran towards the study.The news of the old man's return to the mansion, although not many people in the palace knew about it, but after all, Lue was considered a close person around Guan Moya, so she naturally knew about it.

Guan Peiao and the others looked at the little girl who suddenly barged in strangely, of course they were not talking about any secret affairs, otherwise how could Lue come in.Don't say that she can't get in, her arrival has long been hidden from the people in the house.

"Lue, what's going on with you? You should know the rules of the mansion!" Fu Bo shouted with a sullen face.For the performance of the green calyx, Forber is also puzzled.This green calyx has always behaved well in the mansion, and has never been so reckless like today.

"No~~It's not good~~" Lue panted.

"Don't worry, talk slowly if you have anything to say!" Du Xuanyin said out loud.

"My servant has seen the old lady, the old lady!" Lue came back to her senses, and hurriedly bowed to Guan Peiao and Du Xuanyin. As for the other person beside her, she didn't know her, so she didn't pay much attention.There is no time to think so much now, so Lue continued to say: "Old man, old lady, you should go to the hall quickly, something is wrong!"

"Huh? Could it be that they have come to the door?" Song Zhuangyou was a little surprised.

"What's the matter?" Guan Peiao asked.

"The empress has fainted~~My lord~~My lord is gone~~he's dead~~" Lue really didn't know what to say, she was so anxious that she was a little incoherent.

"What?" When the people present heard this, they stood up abruptly.

"Is this true?" Guan Peiao moved to Lue's side in a blink of an eye.

"Yes~~It's true!" Lue said hastily.

As soon as the words fell, Guan Peiao's figure had disappeared into the study.The same is true for Du Xuanyin Songzhuang Tour and Uncle Fu.

At first, Song Zhuangyou thought that Lue's panic was because the three families had arrived at Guan's house, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen. Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, it must not be sloppy and must be clarified.

In the hall, everyone felt a figure flickering in front of them. Looking up, they saw an old man appearing beside Meng Yunxi.

"Senior!" Ji Changyu and the others immediately recognized the person coming. Isn't this the senior of the Guan family who fought against Shi Tianlang in Loulan?

"It's you!" Guan Peiao supported Meng Yunxi, then glanced at Ji Changyu and the others, and said, "You guys brought back the news about Mo Ya?"

Before they could answer, Du Xuanyin, Song Zhuangyou and Uncle Fu also appeared in the hall.

"Uncle Song? You're here too!" Ji Changyu looked at Song Zhuang You who appeared in the hall.

"It's you guys!" Song Zhuangyou was slightly taken aback.

"Uncle Song!" Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan also saluted Song Zhuang.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what happened to Mo Ya?" Song Zhuangyou said, "Uncle Guan is still waiting for your answer!"

"Uncle Guan?" Ji Changyu and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then they understood that this person is indeed a senior of the Guan family, and it is normal that his seniority is still higher than his Uncle You in Songzhuang.

"Why are you hesitating, Uncle Guan is Mo Ya's grandfather!" Song Zhuangyou reminded everyone.

Several people looked at Guan Peiao in surprise. After all, Guan Peiao had already died in everyone's impression, but now he was standing in front of everyone alive, and they were unavoidably surprised.

"Speak, no matter whether Mo Ya is dead or alive, I will explain the matter in detail!" Guan Peiao helped Meng Yunxi back to the seat, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and then said to Ji Changyu and others.

Without hesitation, Ji Changyu told Guan Peiao about the matter. After listening, Meng Yunxi had already thrown herself into Du Xuanyin's arms and wept uncontrollably.Du Xuanyin also looked helpless, so she could only pat Meng Yunxi's pink back, not knowing how to comfort her.

"Life and death have their own destiny, no matter how sad it is, it will not help!" Guan Pei sighed proudly.

"Grandpa!" Meng Yunxi looked at Guan Peiao with tears in her eyes.

"It's just a pain for you, but, daughter-in-law, if you meet a suitable person in the future, you can marry again! You don't have to be a widow and suffer!" Guan Peiao said.

"No!" Meng Yunxi said resolutely, "I want to wait, until the day the prince comes back!"

Guan Peiao sighed in his heart, but shook his head and said nothing.

"Uncle Fu, please arrange a few people to stay here first!" Du Xuanyin said.

Ji Changyu and the others nodded, and Lu Zongli naturally wanted to stay for a few more days because Lue was in Guan's house.

During the few days that Ji Changyu and others stayed, many people from the martial arts swarmed into Jingzhou City.Naturally, they came for a purpose. There were rumors in the world that some people dared to utter wild words to destroy the Guan family. Such a big event would naturally require people to join in the fun.Of course, many of them came to fish in troubled waters.If this wild talk can really destroy the Guan family, then how can I get a little of the Guan family's accumulation of tens of thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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