Wu Sheng family

Chapter 172 It's time to come

Chapter 172 It's time to come

Immediately, the inns in Jingzhou City were full, and at a high-end inn, a table of people were looking at the martial arts people in the city.

"I don't know how to live or die!" An old man on the table whispered.

"Hey~~ If it weren't for you and me, Da Mo and his party, I'm afraid I still have no idea about this, but now~~~"

"Master Hu, what should we do this time?"

These people were the surviving members of Loulan's party before, and now they heard that someone wanted to call the Guan family's attention, they contacted them, and hurried over.

Of course, they didn't think anything would happen to the Guan family. After all, who could beat the senior Guan family they met during the trip to the desert?Come here now, although it won't be of any help, but you still come here, you have to show your heart to some extent.

Because of Guan Moya's matter, there was an oppressive atmosphere from all over the Prince Wu's mansion, Meng Yunxi has been a little dazed since hearing the news.Du Xuanyin was afraid that she would have an accident, so she stayed with her all the time.Guan Moying and Baobao were also by Meng Yunxi's side.

What should come is still coming, this morning a servant stumbled to Fu Bo.

"Old Fu, it's not good. A few masters came from outside the mansion, and they smashed the plaque of the palace without saying a word! This time they broke into the mansion, and now they are shouting in the hall to want~~ want~~~" Said At this point, he didn't know what to say.

"Say what, say it!" Forbe scolded.

"Say, if you want the former king to go out, they will avenge their shame! By the way~~By the way, let the Guan family disappear from now on~~~"

Uncle Fu's eyes widened, and he said angrily, "It's unreasonable!"

"Ah Fu, don't get angry, it seems that the opponent is bound to win! Let's go and see!" Guan Peiao said lightly.The Guan family has been the leader of the martial arts alliance for nearly ten thousand years. I don't know how many forces want to destroy the Guan family, but they are basically imagination, do?That is absolutely impossible.Now it did appear, which made Guan Peiao want to meet someone.

"Yes!" Forbe replied.

Guan Peiao naturally followed Song Zhuangyou behind him. When they came to the hall, there were already six people in the hall.Three of them knew Song Zhuangyou, namely Lu Luyin, Pang Tongxun and Yan Chonggong.The other three are young, and Song Zhuangyou has never seen them before, but Song Zhuangyou can still feel the aura on them, and they should be members of the three families, which is definitely not wrong.

However, if Ji Changyu and the others were present, they would definitely be able to recognize these three people as Lu Zongyan, Pang Wujiu and Yan Konggu who had met once in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

"Haha~~ Song Zhuangyou, you are here too, huh?" When Song Zhuangyou appeared, Pang Tongxun couldn't help laughing, but when he saw Guan Peiao beside Song Zhuangyou, he exclaimed With a sound.

Not only him, but Lu Luyin and Yan Chonggong also showed doubts on their faces.From the sound of human footsteps just now, it could be judged that there were two people, but now there were three people.They are Song Zhuangyou, Uncle Fu, and Guan Peiao.

Apparently, the three of them didn't notice Guan Peiao's footsteps.

"Who are you?" Lu Luyin looked at Guan Peiao warily, and asked.The sudden appearance of the old man caught the three of them by surprise.It stands to reason that there are not many talents in the Guan family now, but this person in front of him, could it be that Song Zhuangyou invited him?Thinking of this, Lu Luyin's heart moved. After all, the three of them still knew about some of the Guan family's situation.No matter what happened to my three families in the past, I would not dare to say the words of destroying the Guan family, but now my three families are quite different from before.The Guan family, they can also fight themselves.

"What? You want to destroy my Guan family, but didn't even anyone in my Guan family investigate clearly?" Guan Peiao asked sullenly, "The grievances between you and my four families go back thousands of years. Can't the time of this time obliterate this enmity?"

Hearing Guan Peiao's words, several people were still a little confused. This person belonged to the Guan family, but they still didn't know who it was.

"Don't play tricks, you haven't answered our question, who are you?" Pang Tongxun shouted.

"Guan Peiao!" Guan Peiao said lightly.

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked.After all, it was rumored that Guan Peiao was dead, and there had been no news for so many years. It was hard to accept his sudden appearance, but with this person's skill and Guan Peiao's seniority, it was true.

"You guys go back and tell the old guys in your family that I, the Guan family, don't want to entangle with the three of you any more, and the grievances of ten thousand years should be over!" Guan Peiao said.

"It's unreasonable. If you say it's over, it's over. Our ten thousand years of patience are not in vain? Our three families are waiting for such a day. We want to see your Guan family destroyed. Only in this way can we comfort the spirit of our ancestors!" Pang Tongxun said.

"Go back, your strength is not worth my shot!" Guan Peiao sighed.

Pang Tongxun still wanted to speak out, but Lu Luyin beside him did stop him.Lu Luyin kept thinking in his heart, he really didn't expect that Guan Peiao would not die.What Guan Peiao said was not wrong. With Guan Peiao's current strength, even if the three of them were all together, they would have no chance of winning.I thought that there would be no one there to support the Guan family, even if Song Zhuangyou was there, so what?
"Haha~~~ I didn't expect you to be alive. It's really interesting. Back then, the Blood Demon Region bragged about killing the prince of the Guan family, but now it seems that this is a complete joke!" Suddenly a voice sounded in the hall.

The gazes of several people were cast in the courtyard outside the hall, only to see an old man appearing in front of everyone.

"It's you!" Lu Luyin and the three said in unison.

"That's right, it's the old man!" The person who came was Elder You who had fought against the three of them in the palace.

"The old man just got the news in the desert, and the details are not very clear. I heard that Shi Tianlang was defeated. This time, I came to the Guan family to confirm. I didn't expect the news to be true. It was really unexpected. , you are still alive." Elder You said while looking at Guan Peiao.

Guan Peiao looked at Elder You with a solemn expression, and said: "I advise you to stop making trouble here, and go back and forth wherever you come from!"

"Hmph, it's not your turn to say what this old man wants to do." Elder You snorted coldly at Guan Peiao, then turned his head to Lu Luyin and the others, "How about it? Let's cooperate once, Guan Pei Aoyu is dragged by the old man, as for the others, I think, you should be enough, right?"

Lu Luyin looked at Elder You with some puzzlement, wondering in his heart what this person was planning.

"Are you afraid? You should also know the origin of the old man. Will the old man join forces with the Guan family to deal with you?" Elder You laughed.

"Hmph, how could we be afraid of you?" Yan Chonggong snorted coldly.

Of course Lu Luyin knew that it was impossible for Elder You to join forces with the Guan family, but what Elder You wanted was the key.

(End of this chapter)

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