Wu Sheng family

Chapter 175

Chapter 175
Uncle Fu took a few steps forward, looked at Yan Chonggong and said with a sneer, "Although the old man doesn't know whether he is your opponent, he still has to give it a try!"

"With your strength? I can crush you to death with one finger. It seems that the Guan family is really dying. The son is missing, life and death are unpredictable, but the grandson is a waste of martial arts. The Guan family is in decline. Even if we don't look for the Guan family today, I'm afraid the Guan family won't last long!" Yan Chonggong said.

Regarding Guan Moya, the three of them don't even know about it now.Therefore, Guan Moya was considered to be a waste of martial arts. When Lu Zongyan and the three escaped from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, Guan Moya's identity was not revealed. , They are all focused on improving their skills now, so they don't have time to care about these things.Naturally, there are no rumors about Guan Moya's identity in the world for the time being, but this matter will be known to everyone sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

Thinking of Guan Mingxuan, thinking of Guan Moya, Uncle Fu looked up to him since he was a child, and now that the two of them are still alive and dead, their original mood is also extremely heavy.Now being brought up again and again, and with insulting words, he had to be furious.

"Then try it!" Uncle Fu yelled loudly, and luck's whole body's kung fu hit his dantian.

Seeing Uncle Fu's appearance, the three of Yan Chonggong also looked at him in surprise. As Uncle Fu continued to improve his skills, his aura also increased a lot.

"It's just such a small increase in skill?" Yan Chonggong said with some disdain.

Fu Bo sneered, the internal energy in the dantian gathered more and more, constantly hitting the seal in the dantian.

He has no idea how much his strength can increase after the seal is released.Of course, he has no doubts about Guan Peiao's words, at least he can raise himself to the sky level.

Under the impact of huge internal force, the seal was finally released. The moment the seal was released, unparalleled internal force surged out from within.However, this internal force is somewhat different from the internal force in the body. These internal forces are constantly impacting the meridians in Fu Bo's body. Because his meridians are too small, it is difficult to withstand such a sudden appearance of huge internal force, and began to burst.

However, what followed was a change. After those meridians were broken, they healed quickly, and the meridians also widened, even more tenacious than before.

"Reconstruction of the meridians?" Uncle Fu was startled. In fact, he also knew that this was due to the internal force in those seals. After all, the internal force was mixed with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It was this that could quickly restore the broken meridians. Although it is untied, the power of the seal released is also miraculous, and I am afraid it can also protect my heart.After all, if the seal is released, this internal force will definitely increase greatly. If you are not prepared, how can you bear it.

The sudden powerful aura on Uncle Fu made Lu Luyin and the three of them take a step back. They really didn't expect that they were still at the elementary level of the earth level just now, and now they can exude a power of the heaven level.

"Seal!" Lu Luyin thought of it, and couldn't help saying, "I didn't expect that there is a seal in his body, no wonder!"

"Even if the seal is broken, so what? It's just the first level of heaven!" Yan Chonggong said.

"No, his skill is still increasing!" Pang Tongxun said with a slightly changed face.

The faces of the three of them were serious. That's right, although Fu Bo has already broken through to the elementary level of the heaven level, his strength is still growing.

"What? Heaven-level mid-level!" Lu Luyin looked at Uncle Fu who had changed his momentum in disbelief. He really didn't expect that Uncle Fu had been sealed with so much power.

The expressions of Pang Tongxun and Yan Chonggong were also similar, which was a bit outrageous. Although unlocking the seal could increase the skill, it was rare to hear that it was so outrageous.

However, the faces of the three returned to normal immediately. The change in their faces just now was just because they were surprised by Fu Bo's strength increase, not because they were afraid of him.After all, the current Uncle Fu is only a mid-level heavenly rank, and he is no match for them.Of course, the three of them had some confidence in themselves.

Of course, Elder You was very clear about Uncle Fu's movements. He looked at Guan Peiao who was facing him and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect you to have a backup, but your strength is a bit weak!"

"Don't bother you, you'd better take care of yourself, since you came to the martial arts world, you have to be enlightened!" Guan Peiao said lightly.

"Haha~~ This old man naturally knows this, but this old man is not a blood leopard or a blood wolf. Although your Guan family is famous for a while, you, Guan Peiao, are not qualified to do so!" Elder You said.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's make a move!" Guan Peiao snorted coldly, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards Elder You.

And with Fu Bo's seal released, he could barely deal with the three of Lu Luyin for the time being, which was why Guan Peiao was able to make a move.

There has already been a move over there, and Ji Changyu's side is also on the verge of breaking out.After all, both parties knew each other's identity.

"I didn't expect you to come to the Guan family to make trouble! Come on, your elders have already done something, so you can go too!" Ji Changyu said.

"You are not our opponents yet!" Lu Zongyan glanced at Ji Changyu and said with a smile.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength!" Xue Ningshuang said coldly.

"Although there are many of you, apart from the three of you, the others are nothing to worry about!" Lu Zongyan laughed.

"You~~" Duan Rufeng was annoyed in his heart, the other party was too defiant.Although he also knew that apart from Ji Changyu and the other three who could compete against each other, his own strength was indeed too weak, but what they said still made him feel very uncomfortable.

"It's really unbearable to let us fight with the two girls!" Pang Wujiu sighed.

"Brother Pang Da!" Lu Zongyan glared at Pang Wujiu.

"Third brother, anyway, I can't do anything to women, so let me deal with him?" Pang Wujiu pointed at Ji Changyu and said.

Lu Zongyan was stunned for a moment. They also knew that Ji Changyu was the strongest among the opponents. Originally, they wanted to deal with Lu Zongyan by themselves, but now that Pang Wujiu volunteered, Lu Zongyan couldn't help but hesitate.

"Brother Pang Da, I think it's better for the third brother!" Yan Konggu said to Pang Wujiu.Yan Konggu is also very afraid of Ji Changyu, of course he pushes others with himself, and Pang Wujiu's skill is comparable to his own, so naturally he may not have a good chance of winning against Ji Changyu last year.If Ji Changyu was an ordinary prefecture-level peak, they wouldn't have any fear, but it's a pity that Ji Changyu is the descendant of Kunlun Lingxiao Pavilion, which is completely different.

Among the three, although Lu Zongyan was the youngest, his strength was the strongest among the three.Therefore, Yan Konggu proposed to let Lu Zongyan deal with Ji Changyu.

But Lu Zongyan thought for a while and said, "Brother Pang Da, be careful yourself!"

"The third child?" Yan Konggu looked at Lu Zongyan with some puzzlement.

(End of this chapter)

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