Wu Sheng family

Chapter 176

Chapter 176
It's just that Lu Zongyan shook his head and said, "Let's do it this way!" Of course he has his own reasons for his persistence, and Lu Zongyan certainly knows what Pang Wujiu is thinking.Although the relationship between my three families is very close, the children of each generation are still secretly competing, and now my own strength is the strongest among the three. Although Pang Wujiu, the eldest brother, doesn't say it, Lu Zongyan also knows that Pang Wujiu is in his heart. thought.Pang Wujiu also wanted to prove it to himself. Although he didn't mean to be stronger than Lu Zongyan, he had to show his hand in front of them no matter what.

In the end, Ji Changyu faced Pang Wujiu, Xue Ningshuang faced Lu Zongyan, and the remaining Huang Qiyan faced Yan Konggu.Although Ji Changyu did not agree to Xue Ningshuang's dealing with Lu Zongyan, but Xue Ningshuang was also a proud woman, so she decided to fight Lu Zongyan.

Seeing that Lu Zongyan and the others were picking their opponents without paying attention to himself and the others, Duan Rufeng shouted loudly: "It's unreasonable to think that we don't exist!"

"Are you? You can do whatever you want!" Pang Wujiu glanced at a few people and said disdainfully.

Duan Rufeng was out of breath and wanted to get mad, but Ji Changyu's voice transmission sounded next to his ear, not only him, Wan Liuqing, Lu Zongli and his senior brothers all received the voice transmission: "Calm down, this Pang Wujiu I am not a problem, but the opponents of the two junior sisters are troublesome, especially that Lu Zongyan, you play by ear!"

Because of Hong Shiba's arrival, Ji Changyu was rude to Lu Zongyan and his brothers, and directly assigned tasks.After all, the master is helping the Guan family, so of course the disciples must obey, otherwise, he would not drag Lu Zongli and the others.Compared with the friendship between Duan Rufeng and Wan Liuqing, Lu Zongli and the others are still a little worse.

Hearing Ji Changyu's words, Duan Rufeng calmed down, his eyes fixed on Lu Zongyan and Yan Konggu.

"Boom~~~" Guan Peiao and Elder You are now at a height of hundreds of feet, it is difficult for ordinary people to see them with naked eyes.However, the huge roar of the fight between the two still shocked the people below.

Now the Guan family is surrounded by people from all walks of life, all of them are looking up at the two people in the sky.For these martial arts people, everything in front of them is so incredible.The two people above my head who I didn't know at all stood in the air like the gods in the legend.

Of course, there are also well-informed people who are not too surprised by this, especially the few people who came back from the desert, they know Guan Peiao.

Guan Peiao and Elder You had already made a move, and the six people from Songzhuangyou followed closely behind, they all found their opponents and killed them.Of course, the six of them are all mid-level heavenly ranks, so it's a piece of cake to fly into the sky.

Seeing six more people hovering in the air, fighting non-stop, those people in the rivers and lakes opened their mouths wide and were all stunned.Of course, this time they were not as surprised as the first time.

The six of them didn't fly very high, they were only about ten feet above the ground.

Guan Peiao let out a soft shout, and the internal energy in his body circulated to his hands, and his hands controlled the spiritual energy of the world and turned it into a series of pale green forces that wrapped around his arms.

Seeing Guan Pei'ao's appearance, Elder You's expression was solemn. The Guan family's 'Dragon Transformation Art' was unpredictable, and he had seen its power before, so he was very afraid.

Guan Peiao leaped in the air and arrived in front of Elder You. His hands that had turned into dragon claws grabbed Elder You. Although Elder You was afraid, he was not so frightened.The body was filled with a strange dark green aura, similarly, his hands turned into claws, and he shouted: "Ghost Soul Devouring Claws!"

'Bang~~' The four claws wanted to strike, and in an instant, the two of them had gone through dozens of moves, and their bodies shook, and both of them retreated tens of feet.

Both of them looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect that they were evenly matched just now, and neither of them got any advantage.

"Sure enough!" Elder You said with a smile.


"Unfortunately, you can't beat me. As long as I hold you back for a while, they probably won't be able to hold on for long!" Elder You looked down at the six people in Songzhuangyou, only Songzhuangyou and Lu Luyin killed them. It was hard to separate, but Hong Shiba and Fu Bo retreated steadily under the attacks of Pang Tongxun and Yan Konggu, and they had to parry.

Guan Peiao frowned slightly, his aura suddenly surged, turning into a ray of light and rushing towards Elder You.Elder You's face was startled, he didn't expect Guan Peiao to show his strength so quickly, but thinking about it, he wanted to drag him down, but he wanted a quick victory.

Guan Peiao's moves are extremely powerful, it's no wonder that the Guan family's martial arts are originally domineering.One move is as quick as one move, and each punch is more violent. For a while, Elder You can only resist.

However, although Guan Peiao's offensive was fierce, he did not hurt Elder You.When the stormy attack finally weakened, Elder You slightly avoided Guan Peiao's palm, the corner of his mouth curled up, and his fist slammed into Guan Peiao's chest.

Although Guan Peiao hit the air with his palm, but when Elder You's punch came, he quickly crossed his palms on his chest and blocked Elder You's punch.

However, although Guan Peiao escaped the fate of being punched through the chest, his body still quickly fell towards the ground.

How could Elder You let go of such a good opportunity, his anger sank to his dantian, and he fell towards Guan Peiao at a faster falling speed.

Seeing that he was about to catch up with Guan Pei'ao, Elder You's aura was ready to go, and he could catch up to Guan Pei'ao in just one breath, and if he fell, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

However, just when his hand was able to touch Guan Peiao, his expression suddenly changed, his body suddenly stopped his falling, and stopped abruptly on the spot.

Seeing Elder You stopped chasing, Guan Peiao also stopped.

Looking at Guan Peiao, who was a few meters below him, Elder You laughed loudly and said, "I almost fell for your trap!"

Guan Peiao casually rose a few feet, stood opposite Elder You, and said, "I didn't expect that I was discovered by you!"

"Thirty feet, this height is already the limit, and if you go down, if you suddenly open the guard formation of Guan Wangfu, the old man's strength will be greatly reduced in an instant. When you fall down, you can turn defense into offense, then old man But it will be miserable!" Elder You said. "Guan Peiao, you don't have to think about it anymore, you'd better fight my old man obediently here!"

"If I activate the protective formation, what can you do to me? I can deal with them in an instant!" Guan Peiao pointed to the three of Lu Luyin below and said, "I will deal with you slowly in time!"

"Hey~~ Guan Peiao, if you can, you don't have to wait until now. Although you can kill the three of them in an instant, I have no objection to this point, but don't forget, even in the big formation The strength of this old man is greatly reduced, but it is still possible to kill a few close people of your Guan family. For example, Song Zhuangyou, those little guys, I don’t bother to shoot, but if you persist, maybe this old man will do it Indiscriminate attack!" Elder You laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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