Wu Sheng family

Chapter 180 God Level Deterrence

Chapter 180 God Level Deterrence
When Guan Peiao spoke, that Elder You's body suddenly turned around, and he quickly fled to the back.

"I want to escape~~" Guan Peiao showed a contemptuous smile on his face, and then his figure flashed and turned into a huge blue dragon shadow, heading straight for Elder You.

"Ah~~~" There was only a scream in the air, and a cloud of blood sprayed down.

Guan Peiao didn't chase, because there was another one in the backyard, and he couldn't waste any more time.

"En?" Guan Pei'ao couldn't help but glanced at a big tree not far from Wu Wang's mansion, but it was just a glance, and he ignored it.

Guan Peiao's change and Elder You's escape made Lu Luyin and the others know that they had miscalculated today.Lu Luyin helped Lu Zongyan from the hands of Pang Wujiu and Yan Konggu, and then quickly fled from Prince Wu's Mansion, followed by several others.

Seeing a few people leaving, Song Zhuangyou and the others didn't chase after them, after all they were not strong enough.

"Baby~~baby, wake up, wake up~~" Meng Yunxi hugged the baby with her eyes closed and pale face, screaming non-stop.

Looking at the weakly breathing baby, Du Xuanyin, who was seriously injured and unable to move, kept tearing down her eyes.The baby still didn't avoid Hua Nujiao's blow just now, and her palm hit the baby firmly on the back.

Hua Nujiao wished to tear the corpses of the people in front of her to pieces, especially that kid, but Guan Peiao's sudden burst of breath made her feel a little terrified, and she knew she couldn't drag it on any longer.My goal today is Meng Yunxi, so I will take it away first.

Thinking of this, Hua Nujiao rushed towards Meng Yunxi.But at this moment, Guan Moying suddenly appeared in front of Meng Yunxi, and shouted: "Stop!"

"Mo Ying, run away!" Du Xuanyin hurriedly shouted, she knew that Hua Nujiao might not hurt Meng Yunxi for the time being, but she definitely didn't care about the others.

Sure enough, Hua Nujiao smiled cruelly, and slapped Guan Moying with her palm.

Guan Moying didn't make a sound, but just stared coldly at Hua Nujiao who rushed towards her.

Just when Du Xuanyin couldn't bear to look any more, Hua Nujiao's subordinates suddenly stopped, and the palm also stopped a few inches away from Guan Moying's forehead.

"Ah? What am I doing?" Hua Nujiao withdrew her palm, looked at everything in front of her, her face became extremely calm, without the slightest hostility, it was a world of difference from the previous hideous appearance.

"How could I hurt you, I~~I will heal your wounds~~" Hua Nujiao said again.

Du Xuanyin was stunned, what's going on?Is this Hua Nujiao cheating?However, does she need this?It is easy for her to deal with herself and others.

Du Xuanyin couldn't see Guan Moying's eyes with her back turned to her. When Hua Nujiao rushed towards Guan Moying, Guan Moying didn't know why she was surprisingly calm, without the slightest fear.

Even she herself knew that her eyes staring at Hua Nujiao began to become gray, and two whirlpools could be vaguely seen in those gray eyes.

But at this time, Hua Nujiao suddenly stopped.

"Go away!" Guan Moying blocked Hua Nujiao who wanted to approach.

To everyone's surprise, Hua Nujiao looked embarrassed, and took a few steps back as she said.

Du Xuanyin's eyes widened. What's going on with all this?

However, after making Hua Nujiao take five steps back, her friendly expression suddenly changed, and she returned to her previous hideous expression.However, the ferocious face instantly turned into a confused look.

"What happened to me just now?" Hua Nujiao's doubts were definitely the biggest among the few. She remembered everything just now, was she still herself at that time?

Hua Nujiao temporarily suppressed the doubts in her heart, and wanted to rush to catch Meng Yunxi again, but at this time, her body trembled, and a murderous intent locked herself.

Before she had time to think about it, Hua Nujiao waved her hand behind her, and several figures in her own shape rushed towards Guan Peiao, who was rushing towards her, while she herself was facing the opposite direction without looking back. The direction left quickly.

How could a few avatars stop Guan Peiao now, but he didn't go after Hua Nujiao, after all, he was seriously injured.

Several people from Songzhuangyou also found the woman who escaped from the backyard, but who is this woman, this strength is really beyond the reach of myself and others.

Just when several people were about to go to the backyard, Song Zhuangyou's body suddenly shot at a big tree outside King Wu's mansion.

Just when Hong Shiba and Uncle Fu were puzzled by Song Zhuangyou's behavior, a figure suddenly appeared on the big tree, and as soon as this person appeared, he slapped Song Zhuangyou with the palm.

"Haha~~ I got the lesson, Kunlun!" After finishing speaking, the retreating figure turned around and left.

And Song Zhuangyou was also shaken back to the ground, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Who?" Hong Shiba hurriedly came to Song Zhuangyou's side and asked, he really didn't expect that there would be a master who could receive Song Zhuangyou's slap without injury and spy on him.

Song Zhuangyou sighed and said, "It's too similar, but this is too outrageous!"

Seeing Hong Shiba and Uncle Fu looking at him, Song Zhuangyou said directly: "If I didn't see it, he is Zhu Youyi!"

"Zhu Youyi?" Hong Shiba shouted, "How could it be him, his ancestors probably don't have the strength!"

Uncle Fu nodded and agreed with Hong Shiba's words.This Zhu Youxi was the emperor before, so everyone knows how much his kung fu is.Basically, it means knowing a little bit of kung fu, which can only be said to be third-rate.

"Actually, it might not be. After all, the world is so big, there are people who look alike. Besides, I took a quick glance, and I can't be sure!" Song Zhuangyou couldn't convince himself.

"It's probably like this. Hey, anyway, this crisis of the Guan family is over." Hong Shiba said, "It's just~~" After speaking, he turned his eyes to the backyard.

Song Zhuangyou and Fu Bo's faces darkened, the things in the backyard could not escape their consciousness, they were clear about the situation there.

This time, "destroy the Guan family first, then destroy the Kong family" has come to an end. The Guan family is still standing, but many people from the rivers and lakes who went to watch have fallen. They have suffered unreasonable disasters. After all, their strength Many people were so weak that they were crushed to death by that momentum. It can only be said that life and death are fate.

The Guan family, which everyone thought was in decline, once again filled the world with awe because of Guan Peiao's strength.The Guan family is still the same Guan family, even if it is in decline, I and others are not qualified to take his idea.This is what those people in the rivers and lakes who survived by watching onlookers think in their hearts.Their martial arts realm is not at the same level as their own.This also let them know that in this world, it is the Guan family who opened up their determination to pursue a stronger road.

(End of this chapter)

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