Wu Sheng family

Chapter 181 The Mysterious Land

Chapter 181 The Mysterious Land
"Grandpa, baby?" Meng Yunxi hurried forward to ask Guan Peiao when she saw Guan Peiao recuperating.

This room was originally the baby's residence. Although she was basically attached to Meng Yunxi, she slept with Meng Yunxi when Guan Moya was not around.However, there are many people here today, including Du Xuanyin, Song Zhuangyou, Fu Bo, and Guan Moying.But Ji Changyu and Guan Peiao didn't let them in, after all, the baby's identity is also a mystery.

Seeing Meng Yunxi's appearance, Guan Peiao felt a pain in his heart, but he still sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "There is nothing I can do!"

"Master~~You~~You can't do it either?" Du Xuanyin couldn't believe that even Guan Peiao couldn't do anything about it.

"Uncle, is there really no other way? You already~~" Although Song Zhuangyou didn't know the baby's identity very well, he could still see the baby's unusualness based on his cultivation.

"What does the god level represent? It's not helpless now!" Guan Peiao couldn't help laughing at himself.

Hearing Guan Pei'ao's words, Meng Yunxi felt her eyes go dark and fell down.

Du Xuanyin had been paying attention to Meng Yunxi, hurriedly supported her, and then used her own internal strength to wake Meng Yunxi up slowly.

"Baby~~Baby~~" Meng Yunxi broke away from Du Xuanyin and ran to the bedside, holding the baby's little hand tightly, but the baby's little face didn't have a trace of blood, and even her breath was almost gone.

Looking at the baby on the bed and the heartbroken Meng Yunxi, Du Xuanyin couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Yun Xi, don't be too sad, you will be fine, you will be fine!" Du Xuanyin couldn't bear it, so she walked over to comfort Du Yunxi.

"Sister-in-law, the baby must be fine, the baby is so powerful, isn't it?" Guan Moying said with tears in her eyes.During this period of time, apart from the baby getting close to Meng Yunxi, the rest is Guan Moying.Now that the baby has become like this, her inner pain is naturally no less than anyone else's.

"Grandma~~Grandpa, you go back first, I~~I want to stay here with the baby, with the baby~~" Meng Yunxi forced a smile and said to everyone.

Du Xuanyin wanted to persuade her, but Guan Peiao winked at him.Du Xuanyin couldn't help sighing, and followed Guan Peiao and others towards the outside of the house.

"Mo Ying, you can go too, I want to spend the last night quietly with the baby!" Meng Yunxi said to Guan Moying who was behind her without turning her head.

Guan Moying nodded with tears all over her face, and left crying.

Meng Yunxi was really happy when she recalled the time with her baby, especially because her body was able to recover because of the baby.She doesn't care about the baby's origin, but she really treats the baby as her own.

"Baby~~Can you open your eyes, please, when you are well, mother will cook a lot of fish you like, okay? Baby, why don't you ignore mother, mother is angry~~ woo woo~~~"

Meng Yunxi, who was sitting by the bed, kept muttering to herself, calling for the baby, but because she was too sad, she passed out again by the bed.

When Meng Yunxi opened her eyes again, she found that she was in a place she didn't know at all, where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, countless colorful butterflies were dancing among the blooming flowers, and all kinds of rare animals were running around her.

"Baby~~ Where's the baby?" Meng Yunxi suddenly recovered and shouted in a panic.

"Don't worry, the baby is here!" Suddenly a voice sounded behind Meng Yunxi.

Meng Yunxi turned around hastily, only to see the baby floating in the air a foot away from her. At this time, the baby was no longer the phantasmagoric image of a little girl, but had returned to her original appearance.

Seeing that the baby was still there, Meng Yunxi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. When she looked at the person behind the baby who was making the sound, she froze for a moment.The woman in front of me was dressed in red, her face was both illusory and real, even as a woman, she couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

"Who are you? What is this place?" Meng Yunxi calmed down and asked.

"You don't have to worry about where this place is, I'm here this time because of this little guy!" The woman in red pointed at the baby and smiled.

"Baby~~Baby she~~" Meng Yunxi felt a pain in her heart.

"Don't worry, the baby is fine!" the woman in red still smiled.

"Really?" Meng Yunxi doesn't care about anything now, as long as there is hope, she will believe it.

"I won't lie to you, it'll be fine later!" As she spoke, she saw the woman in red, with her right hand deep inside, caressing the baby's body, and then the baby's body suddenly ignited a raging fire.

"Baby~~What are you doing, I~~" Seeing the baby in the center of the flame, Meng Yunxi was furious, as if from the past.

But Meng Yunxi found that she couldn't move her body.

"I won't hurt the baby, don't worry!" the woman looked at the excited Meng Yunxi and explained.

Maybe the woman's expression didn't want to hurt the baby's mind, Meng Yunxi also calmed down, thinking about it, the baby is very familiar with the flame, the flame should not be able to hurt her.

"Okay!" The woman clasped her right hand, and the flame on the baby's body was instantly extinguished.

Meng Yunxi only heard a crisp and clear bird song resounding in the air, and following the bird song, the rare and exotic animals that were still playing around stopped their movements, and all looked at the baby.

Before Meng Yunxi recovered, she saw a red shadow rushing into her arms.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice sounded: "Mother~~"

"Baby~~baby~~" Meng Yunxi held the baby on her chest with both hands, tremblingly said, "baby~~ hello, are you alright?"

"Okay, mother, the baby is all right. I'm so mad at the baby. The next time I let the baby see that old hag, the baby will burn her to ashes. She beats the baby so badly!" The baby said angrily.

"No, mother only wants the baby to be healthy!" After going through this time, Meng Yunxi will never be like the baby said, how could the baby be the opponent of Hua Nujiao.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much, it's just that the baby doesn't know how to use his abilities!" said the woman in red.

Hearing what the woman in red said, the baby couldn't help looking at her, his eyes were full of confusion, and asked, "Who are you? The baby doesn't know you, but the baby likes the smell on you very much!"

"Meng Yunxi, in fact, you don't know how to use your magical skills!" The woman in red didn't answer the baby, but continued to talk to Meng Yunxi.

"Me?" Meng Yunxi was very puzzled, when did she become magical?
"Of course, because of the baby, can't you manipulate the flame?" The woman in red laughed.

After such a reminder, Meng Yunxi remembered that she would indeed release flames inadvertently, but she didn't know how to control it at all.

"And baby, you too!" said the woman in red.

"Then sister, what should I do?" Meng Yunxi asked.

"You can't call me sister, this generation is messed up!" said the woman in red.

"Then what should I call you?" Meng Yunxi asked curiously.

"You can call me mother-in-law~~ Well, call me senior! I am much older than you!" The woman in red hesitated for a moment, then laughed.

"Yes, senior!"

(End of this chapter)

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