Wu Sheng family

Chapter 182 Entrusted by Others

Chapter 182 Entrusted by Others
"I have a mental method here, and I will pass it on to you now. You practice it well. After you learn it, you can also teach it to your baby! Of course, I will let someone guide you, lest you go astray!"

After the woman in red finished speaking, a mental formula appeared in Meng Yunxi's mind, and this formula was called 'Phoenix Nirvana'.

"Thank you senior!" Meng Yunxi thanked hurriedly, "Dare to ask senior's name!"

"You will know in the future, and now you should go back!"

"Senior, you have great powers, I want to ask you something, I~~"

The woman in red waved her hand and said, "I know what you think in your heart. When you practice your kung fu well, you will naturally meet again one day."

"That~~that~~ is still alive, really?" Meng Yunxi's face was full of excitement.She asked each other aloud with the mentality of giving it a try, after all, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, she is willing to try.And the ability of the senior in front of her was definitely beyond what she could think of, so she asked each other out loud.Unexpectedly, she got an affirmative answer, how could this not surprise her.

"Okay, it's all up to you!"

After finishing speaking, the woman in red waved her hand, and Meng Yunxi only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and then lost consciousness.

In a certain secret room, a red-clothed woman crossed her legs and retreated. Suddenly she opened her eyes, and her eyes turned to the top wall of the secret room. There was nothing but rocks on the top wall.

However, she still asked, "Who are you?"

"Don't ask who I am? This matter is not harmful to you!" The voice echoed in the empty secret room.

The woman in the secret room frowned, and muttered to herself: "Who is this person? Why does he have such supernatural powers? I hope it's not theirs, otherwise~~~ Forget it, let's go and see!"

After speaking, the woman closed her eyes again.

And when the woman closed her eyes, in several secret rooms not far away, all the people who were in retreat opened their eyes, and looked at the woman's retreat in doubt.

"Strange, where is Second Sister going?"

"Second sister?"


Meng Yunxi woke up slowly, and the moment she opened her eyes, she suddenly looked around, but everything in front of her was normal, and it was still the baby's room.

"Hey~~ It's a dream, what if~~" Meng Yunxi really wanted to say, how wonderful it would be if this dream were real, but it's unrealistic after all.


"Yes!" Meng Yunxi answered habitually, and when she answered, she suddenly remembered something, looked up, and tears flowed down her eyes immediately.

"Mom, why are you crying? You're not pretty anymore!"

"Don't cry, mother don't cry!" Meng Yunxi didn't care about her ladylike demeanor, she directly wiped her tears with her sleeves, looked at the baby on the bed and said with a smile.

"Baby is fine, mother don't need to worry!" Baobao stood on the bed and said, at this time the baby was her original appearance, a little red bird the size of a palm.

"Really, it turned out to be true, that's great!" Looking at the recovered baby in front of her, Meng Yunxi realized that she wasn't dreaming at the time, it turned out to be true, "Then the prince~~" Thinking of this, Meng Yunxi's heart ached. The big rock was finally put down.Now that the baby is fine, then what the senior said about Guan Moya at that time is naturally correct.

"Mother, the baby seems to have had a dream. A very familiar sister in red has cured the baby! Now the baby has woken up and is really cured!" said the baby.

"Well, it's good, it's good, it's good!" Meng Yunxi held the baby in both hands, rubbing it on her cheeks non-stop.

"Cackling~~ Mother, it's so itchy, baby is so itchy!" the baby kept calling, fluttering its little wings.

Meng Yunxi held the baby up to her eyes and said, "Baby, don't be so reckless in the future. Do you know how dangerous this is, if you~~ mother will be very sad!"

"Mother, the baby knows, but the baby must take revenge, hum!" the baby snorted.

At this moment, a red light flashed in the baby's room, and a red figure appeared in the room.

Both Baobao and Meng Yunxi felt something strange, and couldn't help but turned their heads to look, only to see a woman in red appearing in their room.

Meng Yunxi and Baobao looked at the woman in front of them warily at first, but immediately this woman gave them a familiar feeling, a familiar aura.

And when the woman appeared, when she saw Meng Yunxi and the baby, a hint of surprise flashed across her face.

"You are this Princess Guan, Meng Yunxi?" said the woman in red.

"Exactly, I don't know who you are?" Meng Yunxi replied, she could feel that the woman in front of her was not malicious to her, and judging from her ability to enter Wu Wang's mansion quietly, this person's skill was absolutely unfathomable.She will not take the liberty to offend.

The woman nodded, then looked at the baby and asked, "Then you are the baby!"

"She is the baby! How do you know?" Meng Yunxi really couldn't figure it out. This woman had never seen her before, so how did she know the baby.

The woman smiled and said: "Entrusted by others!"

"Entrusted by someone?" Meng Yunxi asked suspiciously.

"You should have obtained an exercise, 'Phoenix Nirvana', right?" asked the woman in red.

Meng Yunxi was very surprised, how did the other party know about such a secret matter, but although the other party seemed to ask her, she was obviously sure of it.

So, Meng Yunxi suddenly remembered something, and no longer concealed it: "That's right, do you dare to ask that senior is the one who instructs me and my baby to practice kung fu?"

"Little girl, you are smart. That's right, it's me!" The woman in red laughed.

While talking, the door of the house was pushed open suddenly, Guan Peiao flashed into the house from the outside, when he saw the woman in red, his body shook.

Guan Peiao originally gathered in the hall with everyone. Although he was helpless about the baby's injury, deep down he still hoped to find a glimmer of hope. Everyone gathered in the hall thinking of possible solutions.

And just before that, Guan Peiao suddenly felt a powerful aura appearing in the baby's room, and before he had time to explain to everyone in the hall, he appeared here.

"You~~ you are?" Guan Peiao asked a little uncertainly.

The woman glanced at Guan Peiao, then nodded slightly.

Guan Peiao didn't dare to neglect, he quickly knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed respectfully a few times.

Meng Yunxi looked at her grandfather with some puzzlement. The woman in front of her knew that it was not easy, but seeing Guan Peiao's respectful look, Meng Yunxi still didn't expect it.

"Get up!"

Guan Peiao stood up according to his words, and said respectfully: "Senior, junior's little granddaughter, she~~~"

"It's all right!" Of course the woman in red knew that Guan Peiao was referring to the baby.

Hearing this, Guan Peiao looked towards Meng Yunxi, and saw that the baby was now standing firmly on Meng Yunxi's palm.When he came in just now, his mind was attracted by the woman in red in front of him, so he had no time to distract himself.

"Thank you senior!" Guan Pei said proudly.

"I didn't heal this!" The woman in red smiled, and before Guan Peiao recovered from her doubts, she continued, "Yun Xi and the baby have very good aptitudes, I want to take them back and meditate for a while. time!"

Hearing what the woman in red said, Guan Peiao was surprised, but he nodded hastily and said: "That is the blessing they have cultivated in their lifetimes!"

(End of this chapter)

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