Wu Sheng family

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

Guan Moya nodded, he also understood in his heart that even if you show some martial arts to you, there is no guarantee that you will be able to practice them.But as long as there is this opportunity, Guan Moya is naturally full of confidence. So many people can't get this qualification, and since he got it, he has to go all out.

I saw that Senior Phantom waved his hand, and Guan Moya heard bursts of 'click' sounds coming from the air. When Guan Moya looked up into the air, he saw countless purple runes appearing in the air , these runes were suspended in the air and divided into eight columns, emitting a faint purple halo.

"What is this? It seems to be some kind of text, but I can't understand it. Senior?" Guan Moya withdrew his gaze, then looked at Senior Xuying and asked.

"That's right, it's a kind of writing. It's normal if you don't understand it. After all, there are not many people in this world who can understand it." The senior laughed.

"Could it be? Could this be the sword manual of the 'Seven God Burying Swords'?" Guan Moya exclaimed suddenly with a heartbeat.

"The boy is smart, there is nothing wrong with it, this is the sword manual of the 'Seven God Burying Knives', which includes the 'Seven God Burying Knives' sword techniques and mental techniques."

"Senior, please give me some pointers!" Guan Moya was inexplicably pleasantly surprised. He finally saw the 'Seven God Burying Swords' sword manual, although he still didn't know what the runes meant.

However, after Guan Moya finished speaking, he suddenly felt a slight heat in his chest. He couldn't help touching his chest, and said in his heart: "En? It seems that there is a wave of heat rushing towards the sea of ​​consciousness? Well, maybe It's an illusion."

But he didn't know that the purple jade pendant hanging on his chest just now emitted a soft purple light, because it was under the clothes, so no one noticed anything.

"Huh?" Before the senior could explain, Guan Moya suddenly exclaimed again, "Senior, I understand."

"Understood?" Senior Xu Ying asked with some doubts when he heard Guan Moya's words just as he was about to explain.

"Yes, seniors and juniors don't know what's going on, but now they understand the runes in front of them, and they also understand the meaning of these runes, oh, what the characters represent." Guan Moya replied.

"Oh?" The senior raised his brows and said in surprise, "This is interesting, it doesn't look like you are lying, if you know it, then you might as well read it out and let me hear it!"

It's not surprising that this senior didn't believe Guan Moya. In fact, even he himself was baffled, because just a few breaths ago, he really didn't know what these runes represented, but now he knew these runes. It should be said that it is the meaning represented by the words, and he can even feel very familiar, as if he knew him from birth, without the slightest sense of strangeness, let alone the appearance that he has just learned.

"The general outline of the 'Seven God Burial Swords': Infinite divine thoughts, infinite divine power, and infinite sword strength! Destroy demons! Slay demons! Even bury gods!" Guan Moya read, this is the first column of the eight columns of text, which is' The general outline of "Seven Swords of Burial God".Of course, Guan Moya's voice was weird. After all, these words were not familiar to him, and the pronunciation was also different, but he didn't know how he pronounced it, and the meaning was naturally understood.

"You? You really know? It's strange, it's really strange!" The senior looked at Guan Moya in surprise. He didn't doubt that Guan Moya really didn't know the words in front of him before, but now he understood. What's going on?

"Hehe, this junior is also not very clear. Senior, the following seven columns are the formulas of the seven-style saber techniques of the 'Seven Burial Gods'. Do you still need to read it out again?" Guan Moya asked.

"No need, since you know these words, you should also understand the meaning of these words. This will make it a lot easier. You should understand it yourself first. Although I may guide you to help you practice sword skills faster, but If you can comprehend and then learn by yourself, then your future achievements will be higher. So, you should think about it yourself. If you really don’t understand, then ask me. Of course, I will give you a suggestion. It will be very helpful for you to recall and comprehend the scenes you saw. This knife is for you to practice using!" After speaking, the senior phantom gradually disappeared on the knife.On the contrary, the knife was still standing upright, but a knife slowly rose from Guan Moya's sandy surface, and the style of this knife was exactly the same as the one in the distance.

"Interesting!" Guan Moya grabbed the handle of the knife and held the sudden appearance of the knife in his hand, "Buying God Knife!"

As soon as Guan Moya held the knife, a message came to his mind, which was the name of the knife.Of course, Guan Moya knew that the knife in his hand was just a counterfeit, but the real 'burial knife' was not far away.

He understands the meaning of that senior Xu Ying, and he is afraid that only after he learns the 'Seven God Burying Knives' can he own the real 'Seven God Burying Knives'.

"No matter what, although many things are puzzling, I will definitely be able to practice this sword technique! The 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' has set a precedent. There is no reason why I can't learn the 'Seven Swords of Burying God'." Guan Mo Ya Xindao.

Looking up at the 'Seven Burial Gods' saber technique floating in the air, Guan Moya inserted the saber back into the ground beside him, and then sat cross-legged on the sand.

Guan Moya can understand the meaning of the general outline, and it is nothing more than to say how powerful the "Seven God Burial Swords" are, but for the real knife skills behind it, you still need to read the following seven formulas.

After Guan Moya read all the formulas carefully, he actually wrote them down in his heart, but he couldn't understand them for a while.

However, this saber technique is always practiced from the beginning, and no matter what saber technique or kung fu technique, it always has its own mysteries, and it is impossible to understand it at a glance, otherwise how could it be called a "forbidden knife".

Because there is no overwhelming sword strength now, Guan Moya is very safe here, without the previous guard at all.Since the 'Seven God Burying Swords' sword technique was right in front of his eyes, he didn't dare to waste time, so he closed his eyes and began to comprehend it.

"It's been eight years, and the ten-year period is almost here, what's wrong with Brother Guan?" Jiang Kai sat in front of the house and looked at Guan Moya's room and thought to himself.In the first two years after entering here, Guan Moya still often appeared here, but after two years, Guan Moya never came out of the cave again.

Jiang Kai was not worried about Guan Moya's safety, because everyone would know if anyone who entered the trial died.Now that there is no information sent, it means that he is safe.But it has been eight years, and Guan Moya has not shown up, and this kind of thing also makes him a little worried.

In the past ten years, Guan Moya has not given up on the "Seven God Burial Swords", and Jiang Kai also went to the cave entrance of the "Seven God Burial Swords". Practice this knife technique.It can be said that he has wasted these ten years.Jiang Kai felt a little pity for Guan Moya.

(End of this chapter)

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