Wu Sheng family

Chapter 202 Changes

Chapter 202 Changes
"Brother Ming, look at your expression, you have gained a lot in the past ten years, have you made a breakthrough?" A man who came out of the cave said when he saw the man who was already outside.

"Oh? Brother Zhang, there is nothing wrong. The past ten years have not been wasted. I have comprehended this saber technique, and it has improved two realms. My brother, your strength has also skyrocketed. It seems to be better than my brother's effect. "

"Haha~~Brother Ming, my younger brother's strength is already weak, so naturally he has improved a lot, but compared to Brother Ming, that's far behind."

As the ten-year period is approaching, many masters have come out of the cave one after another. After all, those who should break through and comprehend in the past ten years are almost the same. Also to no avail.Of course, there are still many people who have to persist until the last moment.And those who came out were all very satisfied with their ten years of practice.

Friends who haven't seen each other for several years, or haven't seen each other for ten years, naturally have a lot to talk about when they meet again.In the past, these ten years are of course nothing. For them, ten years is still too short after all, it is also a blink of an eye.But these ten years are different. The effect of cultivation may be worth thousands or tens of thousands of years. This is not an ordinary ten years.No matter who you are, everyone has gained more or less, and naturally the topic is about skills.

"It seems that the kid still didn't succeed!" They all knew that Guan Moya had never given up on the 'Seven God Burying Swords'. They thought that the kid would wake up after persisting for a few years, but they didn't expect it in the past ten years. , persisted for ten years.

"Stupid!" Many people shook their heads.

Basically everyone thinks so about Guan Moya's persistence. If you persist for a year or two, everyone will still have no idea. After all, everyone has come here like this, but it's really wrong to be so determined.

"There is only one of these two 'forbidden knives' left. I don't know when I will have a new master. I don't know if I can see such a genius in my lifetime!" I and others are basically hopeless, but they also hope that someone It can be done, but unfortunately, there has never been such a person.

"Let's go, let's consolidate this period of time, this time the merits and virtues have been completed!" One person said.

Everyone nodded, and then they were about to leave, but at this moment, one person suddenly asked in surprise: "Did you see that? There seems to be some changes in that word?"

"Change?" Hearing this man's words suddenly, those people looked in the direction the man pointed, and that direction was not the cave of the 'Seven God Burying Swords'.

"Are you dazzled?" One person laughed.

"Impossible, I clearly saw it!" The man shook his head and said.

"Okay, if the 'Seven God Burying Swords' really changed color, wouldn't it mean that someone has practiced it? Let's go, it must be dazzled~~~flowers~~~" One person said with a smile, but at the end His complexion suddenly changed, because right under his nose, the words 'Seven Swords of the Burial God' began to emit a faint purple light.

Although the purple light is very faint, whoever is not a master here can naturally see clearly, even if there is a slight change in the word, they cannot escape their eyes.

"This? This?" Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Suddenly, a figure 'whoosh' appeared in front of everyone, that person was the guardian here, that is, that woman.She stared at the words 'Seven Swords of Burying God' with a face full of shock.

"My lord, isn't this?" Seeing the guardian approaching, someone asked in a trembling voice.

"That's right, he has learned it!" The guardian took a deep breath, and then said calmly, "A hundred years ago, the word 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' was the same. This vision will only appear after the 'forbidden knife' has been practiced."

"How could it be? That kid hasn't even reached the sky level, why?" The hearts of the people present were hard to calm down. In terms of aptitude, they didn't think they belonged to anyone. In terms of skill, Guan Moya was naturally incomparable. Even if there are a hundred Guan Moyas, they will be wiped out.

"'Forbidden Saber' is only magical, how can it be measured by the level of skill. However, this is also guessed based on the experience of 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons'. The specifics will not be confirmed until he comes out. I am afraid it will take a while Time." The guardian said.

"Don't talk about a little time, even if it is a thousand years, I will not leave!"

"Yeah, this is really an exciting moment, but I'm really jealous of that kid~~~"

There are more and more people around the entrance of the cave, and Jiang Kai is naturally among them. He also got a voice transmission from a few friends, saying that something happened here, so he came here as quickly as possible.

Don't say that he is familiar with Guan Moya, even if he is not, he will feel it immediately. This is a historic moment.There were very few people who saw the 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' back then, but now this time, they don't want to miss it again.

Guan Moya in the cave didn't know these things. Since he got the saber manual for eight years, Guan Moya has been practicing and comprehending, but the saber technique is so mysterious that he has no clue.During the period, he also asked that senior Xu Ying for advice, but although that senior also explained it to him, this saber technique still depends on his own understanding, and other people's can only be used as a reference.

Eight years is just a blink of an eye to the experts outside, but it is a long time to Guan Moya.Even though the aura here was thin, Guan Moya found that his skill had reached the peak of the heavenly level, and if it wasn't for his deliberate suppression, he might have been able to break through to the godly level.

"There is not much time, if you can't comprehend any more, then you are also disqualified!" The phantom of the senior appeared on the handle of the knife again.

Guan Moya also knew that although he had seen the knife manual, if he couldn't even get started after such a long time, then he really didn't have that qualification.

At this point, Guan Moya could only make a last-ditch effort.Over the years, he has also discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, whenever he performs this saber technique, he always feels that his heart is more than enough but his strength is not enough.The most important thing is the lack of skill. It is undeniable that a profound skill is needed to perform this saber technique.However, Guan Moya tried his best to absorb the aura around him, but the aura was too thin, which made his skill unable to keep up with the consumption of the saber technique, so naturally he couldn't perform this saber technique.

"Aura! Try it, no matter what the result is, it's a blessing or a curse." Guan Moya held the knife tightly in his hand, and then closed his eyes.

'Reversing the Universe' was running crazily, and the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth suddenly flooded into Guan Moya's body.

(End of this chapter)

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