Wu Sheng family

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

"Although I don't know how you did it this time, just based on your appearance just now, you can barely accept the inheritance of the 'Seven God Burying Swords'." Senior Xu Ying said with a change of tone.

Guan Moya was taken aback for a moment, and then asked ecstatically, "Senior, what do you mean?"

Although Guan Moya has already made a decision in his heart, who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to learn the real 'Seven God Burying Swords'?

"That's right, come on, pull me out!"

"Pull it out?" Guan Moya was puzzled, what does it mean to pull him out?
However, Guan Moya found that the sword in his hand had disappeared, as if it had begun to appear suddenly.And at this time, the phantom of that senior gradually dissipated.Only one sword remained stuck there.

Guan Moya's heart was agitated, there was nothing wrong with it, the senior was referring to this saber, the real 'God Burying Saber', Guan Moya had no doubt about it.

Coming in front of the 'God Burying Knife', Guan Moya suppressed the joy in his heart, took a deep breath, and then tightly held the handle of the knife with his right hand.

"This feeling is so powerful~~" As soon as Guan Moya grasped the handle of the knife, there was only one thought in his mind, that is powerful, a trembling powerful feeling.

"嗤~~" Guan Moya immediately pulled out the "Buying God Knife".

"From now on, you are my new master!" A voice sounded in Guan Moya's mind.

"Senior~~ Senior?" Guan Moya was startled, the voice was not exactly that of Senior Phantom.

"I am the Burial God Saber Soul, you can call me 'Soul Soul' from now on!"

"Soul of the sword?" Guan Moya understood after a little thought, how could such a magic sword not have its own soul.

Then, the soul of the sword told Guan Moya some secrets of the "Seven God Burying Swords".In order to truly be able to use the 'Seven God Burying Swords', the person performing the sword technique must have terrifying skills, and Guan Moya definitely understands this deeply.In fact, Guan Moya's strike just now cannot be said to have failed, it can only be said that he did not exert the greatest power of the first strike.

The power of the 'Seven God Burying Swords' is determined by the skill of the person performing it, that is to say, the higher a person's skill is, the power of this knife technique can naturally be multiplied infinitely.Of course you have to be able to afford it.

In addition to this, the news revealed by the soul of the knife is even more terrifying.

The power of each of the "Buying God Seven Knives" increases dramatically, the second knife has four times the power of the first knife, the third knife is nine times the power of the second knife, and the fourth knife is sixteen times the power of the third knife , and so on, the seventh knife is 49 times the sixth knife.In this way, you may not feel anything. To put it another way, just calculate the product of multiples, that is, the seventh knife is at least 500 million times the power of the first knife, but this is purely a number, meaningless, but at least it can be seen The power of the seventh knife.

No matter what kind of martial art it is, even if it is the lowest level, if it is multiplied by 500 million times, what kind of strength should it be?Just like a low-level martial artist, his skill suddenly soared by 500 million times. Even if his foundation is weak, it is still enough to kill gods.In fact, the soul of the sword has also said that after practicing the seventh sword, if the person who performs it has enough skills to maintain it, the power of this sword technique can be increased infinitely.

"Infinite increase?" Guan Moya didn't think about it anymore, and now he couldn't even fully perform the first knife.

"Maybe you have reached the god level, and you can barely perform the first knife completely." Said the soul of the sword.

"God level? It turns out you have to be at the god level." Guan Moya thought to himself.

"Wrong, it's just you. If you switch to other gods, even if you reach countless realms, you will be powerless." Daohun said.

Guan Moya smiled, because of his mentor and himself "Reversal of the Universe" and "God Eater Record", if the two are missing, I am afraid that there is nothing they can do.

"Then what kind of realm is my previous knife?" Guan Moya was still very curious about the knife just now.

"There are few enemies among the gods!" Said the soul of the sword.

"As expected!" Guan Moya said in his heart, remembering what the guardian said ten years ago, the person who learned the 'Nine Swords of Transforming Demons' was several times behind her in realm, but she was not his opponent either.

But Guan Moya also understands that he can defeat a god-level master with such a full blown sword, and this sword is also his trump card. If he is dealing with ordinary masters, he doesn't need to go all out, so he won't be able to lose his strength after using it.

Guan Moya didn't know that he was wrong. What the sword soul said didn't say which level it was at the god level. You must know that there are nine levels at the god level.And Guan Moya's god level is at most the first level of god.

With the approval of the soul of the sword, Guan Moya has also accepted the inheritance of the "Seven God Burial Swords". When he pulled out the "Seven God Burial Swords", the words "Seven God Burial Swords" at the entrance of the cave began to change .

"Haha~~~ It's beyond my expectation that I can comprehend it in ten years." Suddenly, Uncle Ao's laughter sounded in Guan Moya's ear. Before he could speak, Guan Moya felt his surroundings change. Then I arrived at Uncle Ao's small courtyard.

"That's right. I thought it would be good to understand a little bit. After all, there will be plenty of time in the future, but it's also good. Now that I have got the inheritance, it will save me troubles in the future." Uncle Ao was still lying on a reclining chair, looking at it with a smile. Guan Moya said.

"I came out?" Guan Moya was stunned for a moment.

"It's so strange that it came out." Uncle Ao said.

Guan Moya smiled, then found a chair beside him and sat down: "Uncle Ao, can I go back?"

"What? Isn't it good here?"

"Okay, of course it's good, but I've been here for ten years after all, I'm afraid~~" Guan Moya is of course these are very good, full of aura and masters gathered, no matter which aspect is very beneficial to him, but he still wants go back.



"Alright, go out and exercise." Uncle Ao nodded.

Guan Moya was directly teleported to the small courtyard by Uncle Ao, but the edge of the 'Seven Burial Gods' was still surrounded by people, they didn't know.

"Why haven't you come out yet?"



"Master Steward!" Suddenly Steward Liu appeared in front of everyone, and those masters hurriedly saluted.

"Brother Liu, what are you doing here? There are still a few months left in the ten-year period." The guardian said.

"It's not about this matter. I'm here to tell everyone that the people inside have already gone out, so you don't have to wait any longer. You can do whatever you want to do. Although it's only a few months, you can still improve your cultivation. Be more diligent." Liu Butler said.


Everyone felt a little regretful, after all, they had not seen such a genius.

"Fortunately, I once saw that kid once. Why didn't I think he was so powerful at that time?"

"What's so strange, his skill at that time was really too weak."

"Huh? Jiang Kai, you seem to be neighbors with that kid, right?"

All of a sudden, many people gathered around, even experts gossip sometimes.Of course, it also depends on what the topic is, after all, this is a "forbidden sword", but, from now on, these two "forbidden swords" have become legends.

(End of this chapter)

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