Wu Sheng family

Jiangdong City

Jiangdong City

Looking at the words 'Jiangdong' written on the gate in front of him, Guan Moya smiled wryly in his heart.He didn't expect Uncle Ao to be so straightforward. When he said he wanted to leave the 'Wanjie Mountain', Uncle Ao sent him out directly, which left him no time to say goodbye to a few good friends.

Butler Liu and others have said before that no one can leave Wanjie Mountain with their own strength, but Uncle Ao is the owner there after all, and Guan Moya knows that he will definitely be able to let him leave.

"Jiangdong City, it's still nearly a thousand miles away from Jingzhou." Guan Moya shook his head helplessly, but since he had already come out, there was nothing he could do, so he left without saying goodbye.

"The aura is too thin." Guan Moya thought to himself, although the aura here is many times stronger than that in the 'Seven God Burying Swords' cave, but compared with Wanjie Mountain, it is a world of difference .

"Ten years, I have to go back quickly." Thinking of this, his stomach reacted, Guan Moya patted his stomach and said softly, "It seems that we should find a place to eat first."

Jiangdong City can also be regarded as a prosperous city, but compared with Jingzhou City, it is still a bit inferior.Of course, Guan Moya didn't pay much attention to these things. He saw a restaurant and went in.

"Guest officer, please come upstairs!" Seeing Guan Moya stepping into the gate, Xiaoer hastily stepped forward to greet him.

"Guest officer, what do you need? The crispy crispy chicken in our store is the best in Jiangdong City. Would you like some of it, guest officer?" Seeing Guan Moya sit down, the little girl hurriedly suggested.

"Oh? I know that Jiangdong is famous for its delicious seafood." Guan Moya said with a smile instead of rushing to order.

"Naturally, if the guest officer wants fresh seafood, the small shop also has it, so it's guaranteed to be fresh." The waiter replied.

"That's how it is, just the crispy chicken you just mentioned, and some seafood, oh, and a pot of wine." Guan Moya said.

"Nuerhong of 50 years? This is the best wine in the shop, looking at the entire Jiangdong City~~~" Xiaoer asked.

"Okay, it's the best in Jiangdong City, right?" Guan Moya interrupted Xiao Er's words, "Let's just say daughter is red, it's rare in 50 years."

The little girl was a little embarrassed, but he still said: "Guest officer, I really can't find anything better than Xiaodian in Jiangdong City."

Although the restaurant wasn't full, it was still [-]% full. Guan Moya knew that this was a big deal. It seemed that this restaurant was really strong.

After the dishes were served, Guan Moya also felt a lot of emotion. There is still a big difference between the dishes in Jiangdong and Jingzhou, but they have a different flavor.

Guan Moya had never had such a good meal during his ten years in 'Wanjie Mountain'. At that time, he ate all kinds of spiritual fruits.Although these are very helpful for washing scriptures and cutting marrow and improving skills, the taste is somewhat unflattering.Most of them are extremely sweet, but there are also bitter, hot and sour ones.In short, there are all kinds of flavors in the world, and this has been eaten for ten years, which makes Guan Moya a little bit unbearable, although it is everyone's dream.

"Huh~~ It's really good!" Guan Moya patted Wei Wei's spine and sighed. Before, he would definitely not be so overeating.Although overeating may harm the body of ordinary people, but as a master like Guan Moya, it is not harmful.It's just that, as a prince, he is very particular about food, clothing, housing and transportation. No matter how good this food is, he won't eat too much. Just like eating and drinking, he should only eat enough to be full.

"En? The first year of Dawu?" At this time, Guan Moya's heart was moved by the conversation of the guests upstairs, "Oh? Then the Zhu family is finished, has the dynasty changed?"

Guan Moya also guessed this, and Guan Moya also got confirmation from their subsequent conversation.However, Guan Moya was a little surprised by what he said next.

"I never expected that the throne would fall on the head of Dingnan King Duan Yuxing."

"Yeah, I thought it was King Wen Kong Lingqi who would proclaim himself emperor."

"Who would have expected this? No matter how you guess it, you can't guess it. No matter how you calculate it, it will not be the turn of King Dingnan. Even if it is not Prince Wen, then Prince Wu is more qualified than King Dingnan."


These people talking are basically people in the Jianghu, ordinary people dare not talk about this in public like this, and call these people by their names.

"King Dingnan!" Guan Moya smiled slightly, so that he could be sure that Duan Rufeng must be the crown prince, this is really an impermanent world.

Since Xue Ningshuang and others told him about the relationship between Kunlun and his Guan family, he didn't care much about it.Kong Lingqi naturally wouldn't fight for the throne, if he wanted to, it would be within his grasp.Just like closing their own family, the two of them have never cared about the throne.

"Xiao Er pays the bill!" Guan Moya shouted after resting for a while.

The little girl hurried over, but Guan Moya's face changed slightly at this moment.

"Guest officer, a total of 30 taels!" The little boy said with a smile, he was very confident in his vision, although the guest officer in front of him looked very ordinary, but he always had a sense of nobility, so many years of experience, let him There is basically no time to look away.So he recommended to Guan Moya the 50-year-old daughter red wine, which is not something that ordinary people can afford.

However, seeing Guan Moya's delay in paying the money, the little girl's smiling face slowly faded away.

Guan Moya was embarrassed for a while, and when it was time to pay the bill, he realized that he was penniless.

"That~~ I forgot to bring money today, how about this, I will send it over in a few days!" Guan Moya said a little embarrassed.

"What? No money? How dare you come up to eat and drink without money?" At this time, the little girl seemed to have forgotten her previous self-confidence, "Boy, if you don't pay today, then don't even think about getting out of here, eating the king's meal, trust me If you don’t believe me, report to the police right away?”

Everyone present looked towards Guan Moya. Although it was just a trivial matter, it was able to attract their attention.

"I really forgot to bring the money. I swear, the money will be delivered within three days." Guan Moya said.

"It's still three days, I think you really want to eat the king's meal, no, if you pay again, then I will report to the police." The second boy shouted.

"But I really don't have money right now." Guan Moya said helplessly.

"Do you have any valuables on you? If you really don't want to eat the overlord's meal, then I will bet it first, and I will return it to you when you pay the silver!" Xiaoer said.

"Mortgage?" Guan Moya searched, but there seemed to be nothing valuable. Suddenly, he touched his chest and pulled out the purple jade pendant on his chest. Then he shook his head and was about to put it back.

"Just this piece of jade, I think it's the only piece of jade on your body that can be mortgaged." The little girl said.

(End of this chapter)

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