Wu Sheng family

Chapter 206 1 year

Chapter 206

"No!" Guan Moya said, jokingly, this piece of jade has been worn on his body since he was a child, how can he use it as a mortgage.

"Boy, it's not your decision at this time. You have to mortgage today if you don't want to mortgage it. Bring it!" The little girl said mercilessly.

"Except for this piece of jade, everything else is negotiable." Guan Moya looked down at the jade pendant in his hand, suddenly he was stunned, and then fixed his eyes on the jade pendant in his hand, "Heng?"

When Guan Moya saw it, he discovered that there was a word engraved on his jade pendant, which he had never noticed before.But after thinking about it for a while, he realized that the character 'Heng' is not the character here, it is the same character as the character of the 'Seven God Burying Swords' sword manual.Before, he didn't know this character, so he regarded it as a decorative pattern on the jade pendant, but he never thought it was a single character.

"Discuss? What else can you mortgage?" The little boy said coldly, and he would naturally not show any kindness to those who eat the overlord's meal.If it had been the past, he would have called a few martial arts guards to come and beat up those who ate the overlord's meal.However, Guan Moya still had some murmurings in his heart. He was not a blind person. The jade pendant on Guan Moya's chest was by no means simple, at least it was worth 30 taels, so there would be absolutely no problem.But even if you are the young master of a rich family and let you go like this, who will you ask for the 30 taels of silver?If he never came back, he would not be able to explain to the shopkeeper.

"This brother's meal money is mine." Suddenly a voice sounded.

"Ah, Zhou Shaoxia, is this your friend?" The little girl's face changed when she saw the person who made the sound, and said respectfully.

Guan Moya also looked curiously at the person who made the sound. This person was about the same age as him, and he was extremely handsome in white clothes.

"I don't know what this brother is called, but Zhou Gaopeng is sent to Xiajiang City." Zhou Gaopeng walked to Guan Moya's table and said.

"Jiangcheng sect?" Guan Moya knew this sect, and it was a well-known sect. It was located on Jiangcheng Mountain, [-] miles away from Jiangdong City.

"Under Yinlong, thank you Brother Zhou, in a few days, I will definitely return today's silver taels." Guan Moya said.

"It's just a mere banker. From the bottom of my eyes, Brother Yinlong is also a member of the Jianghu?" Zhou Gaopeng is also well-known in the Jianghu, and his eyesight is not bad.

"Probably." Guan Moya said with a smile.

Zhou Gaopeng also delved into it. After all, everyone would not tell everything to a stranger they just met, even though he said that he helped him out once.

He would help Guan Moya pay the bill, of course he had his own ideas, no matter what, for this person who travels the rivers and lakes, one more friend is one more way, who knows if he will have any troubles in the future.

Besides, this is the land of my own Jiangcheng faction, no matter what the disciples of the He sect come here, they must do their best to be the landlord.Of course, this also depends on the person, but not everyone can get such treatment.In Zhou Gaopeng's view, this Yinlong has an extraordinary appearance, and no matter how you look at it, he is also a figure with a history.

"Xiao Er, another pot of wine." Zhou Gaopeng said.

"Brother Yinlong, if you come to Jiangdong, how about letting your brother be the host?" Zhou Gaopeng then asked Guan Moya.

"Brother Zhou, you are being polite. It is better to obey than to be respectful." Guan Moya said with a smile.

During the period, Guan Moya also asked about what happened in the past ten years, but what Zhou Gaopeng said surprised Guan Moya.

"Brother Zhou? You said that the 'Tomb of the First Emperor' happened a year ago?" Guan Moya asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"That's right. If you want to talk about any major events in the past ten years, it should be last year. In the past few years, there have been countless fights in the rivers and lakes. There is nothing to talk about. But since last year, what happened suddenly in the desert? The "law of resurrection" caused people in the rivers and lakes to rush to the desert one after another. In the end, there were heavy casualties. It is said that the power of the beast god is unpredictable. Next, there will be the "Mausoleum of the First Emperor". I really didn't expect it. Ya's strength is so amazing. The world thinks he is a waste of martial arts, how stupid." Zhou Gaopeng sighed.

Regarding the leak of his identity, Guan Moya was prepared, after all, there were quite a few people present at the time.But if you know it, you know it, so what?

"There is also the change of the dynasty. I really didn't expect that the current King Dingnan ascended the throne as the emperor." Zhou Gaopeng said.

Guan Moya also knew this from the people around him just now. After Dingnan King Duan Yuxing ascended the throne, he named his country 'Wu', and this year is the first year of Dawu.

"This really happened a year ago?" Guan Moya asked.

"This is something everyone knows, huh? Don't you know Brother Yinlong?" Zhou Gaopeng asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, this is actually the first time for me to go out of the mountains. I used to practice with my master in the mountains." Guan Moya said with a smile.

Regarding Guan Moya's words, Zhou Gaopeng did not delve into it. After all, there are countless hidden masters in this world.

On the contrary, Guan Moya was incomparably puzzled. He had stayed in the 'Wanjie Mountain' for a full ten years, which was definitely not wrong, but it was only a year here, which was really unbelievable.Could it be that the ten years of 'Wanjieshan' is equivalent to a year here?
After thinking about it, this is the only possibility. This is really crazy. The 'Wanjie Mountain' is not only full of aura, but also has a variety of elixir. If it is practiced there for ten years, and the outside world only has one year, it is too scary. .

"Speaking of the Martial Lord Guan Moya, it's a pity that he died in the 'Tomb of the First Emperor'. He was a real martial arts genius, and he was the target of my generation." Zhou Gaopeng regretted. .

"There are exceptions to everything!" Guan Moya laughed.

"Could it be that you think Guan Moya is still alive?" Zhou Gaopeng shook his head again and said, "However, it is also possible, after all, this is everyone's guess, no one has seen it with their own eyes, it's just everyone's rumors , because Lu Zongli and others who were with Guan Moya at that time all came back, but Guan Moya was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps, it is also possible that he practiced in closed doors at the Guan family, yes, it is possible."

"Speaking of the Guan family, is there any major event in this year?" Guan Moya asked instead of answering Zhou Gaopeng's guess.

"Of course there is. In fact, no matter how you say it, even if it is a small matter for the Guan family, it is still a big thing in everyone's eyes. But it is really a big thing. After the desert incident, a very powerful force appeared. It is said that the collapse of the former dynasty was because of them. At that time, they played the banner of 'destroying the Guan family first, and then punishing the Confucius family'."

"Destroy the Guan family first, and then punish the Kong family? What a bold tone!" Guan Moya snorted coldly.

"Who says it's not? But I have to say that their strength is really terrifying. An elder with great skill in the lower sect once went to the scene. After returning, he sighed that he was sitting in the well and watching the sky. Afterwards, he retreated and never saw anyone again. "Zhou Gaopeng said.

(End of this chapter)

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