Wu Sheng family

Chapter 207

Chapter 207
"Oh? Who on earth has the guts?" Before, Guan Moya would have been worried, but after knowing his relationship with the Guan family and the Kong family, he has long since let go of his worries.

"It's really unclear. There are different opinions in the rivers and lakes, and no one has a clear answer, and the Guan family and the Kong family have never said anything. At that time, everyone thought that the Guan family was in danger, but they didn't expect that the old prince of the Guan family would still Now, this is really beyond everyone's expectations."

"Old prince?" Guan Moya was startled.

"It's Guan Moya's grandfather, the old prince Guan Peiao Guan. With the old prince here, those are just clowns who are just jumping on the beam, and they returned home in the end." Zhou Gaopeng said.


"Huh? Brother Yinlong, what did you say?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just surprised. Although I practice in the mountains, I often hear Master talk about the Guan family. That is to say, now the Guan family is presided over by the old prince?" Guan Moya said.

"Of course it's the old prince. In fact, if you think about it, if Guan Moya is really dead, I'm afraid the old prince will have to pick someone from other young children of the collateral line to inherit the throne. I haven't seen any movement from the Guan family yet. It seems that this matter is really complicated." Zhou Gaopeng said.

"Brother Zhou, are you so concerned about this matter?" Guan Moya asked.

"How can you not care about it? The Guan family is the leader of the alliance. Besides, the world has not been peaceful recently. Many sects have been exterminated. Up to now, we don't know who the murderer is. Alas, you should know that all the sects that have been exterminated are all in the world." There are countless masters in the famous sect, and none of their senior masters survived, it is really unbelievable." Zhou Gaopeng said secretly with a complexion.

"Is there such a thing?" Guan Moya was stunned for a moment.

"At the beginning, everyone didn't believe it, but the facts are there. Wushan Gate, Juxian Villa, Wuhu Gang, Iron Fist Sect and many others have all been murdered. Now, all the sects in Jianghu are in panic. "

Guan Moya was also surprised when he heard Zhou Gaopeng's words about the sects.He is naturally clear about the power of the sects in Jianghu. Although these sects cannot be said to be on the same level as Shaolin Wudang and other famous sects, they still belong to the second echelon. Basically, Zhou Gaopeng's Jiangcheng sect also belongs to this level.Looking at the entire martial arts world, such sects are all big ones, and their strength is by no means simple.But such a sect was exterminated in such a way, no wonder people in the martial arts are panicked.It seems that the same is true of Zhou Gaopeng's Jiangcheng faction. After all, their strength is similar to those of those few. If they are targeted, they will probably be doomed.

"However, the old prince has already spoken, and he will definitely find out the truth about this matter. This is also one of the reasons why I pay attention to the Guan family." Zhou Gaopeng continued.

"What's the purpose of these people?" Guan Moya didn't believe that these people had no intention of killing the sect.

"Although there is no unified statement in the Jianghu, there is one thing in common, that is, masters from these several sects have entered the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor'." Zhou Gaopeng sighed.

"The Mausoleum of the First Emperor?" Guan Moya thought for a while and said, "Could it be that there is some conspiracy in it?"

"That's not clear. To be honest, a senior from my Jiangcheng faction has also entered. During this time, the sect has been on guard. This is really worrying. Now I only hope that Old Prince Guan will find the murderer sooner. Otherwise, when will such a day come?" Zhou Gaopeng did not hide it from Guan Moya, after all, the fact that someone from his family entered the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor' has long been spread in the world.Of course, everyone who has been inside knows it.In this way, it is reasonable for the Jiangcheng faction to be nervous.

After all, apart from the 'Mausoleum of the First Emperor', there seems to be no other reason.

"It's on fire, it's on fire, it's a big fire~~~" Suddenly people exclaimed from outside.

"Where is the fire?" The people in the restaurant also started to ask.

"It seems to be on Jiangcheng Mountain. There is such a big fire. Look, the city is now covered with plant ash, and now it is covered with a full layer."

Guan Moya and Zhou Gaopeng hadn't reacted at all, but when Zhou Gaopeng heard about Jiangcheng Mountain, his expression changed, and he hurried to the window to look, only to see that the ash in the city was falling like black snowflakes. down.

"What a big fire!" Guan Moya knew that the ashes were blown over by the wind, and it was more than 20 miles away from Jiangcheng Mountain, which showed how big the fire would be on Jiangcheng Mountain.

"No, brother Yinlong, I have to go back quickly." Zhou Gaopeng said with a serious face.

Guan Moya glanced in the direction of Jiangcheng Mountain, and saw black smoke billowing into the sky.

"I'll go too, maybe there's something I can do to help." Guan Moya said, after all Zhou Gaopeng helped him once, it's not good for him to just leave.Although he wanted to meet his grandfather very much, it would be great if he knew now, and it was not so short of time.

Zhou Gaopeng didn't refuse, so the two rushed out of the restaurant and ran towards Jiangcheng Mountain frantically using their lightness kung fu.

With the two running wildly for twenty miles, they arrived in less than half a quarter of an hour.

"No~~~" As soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, he looked up at the trees that had been burned to ashes, and Zhou Gaopeng's face turned pale.

A bad feeling also appeared in Guan Moya's heart. When the two rushed up the mountain quickly, they saw a large piece of ruined walls, and the wooden pillar that did not kill was still burning, and there was a burning smell in it.

"No~~~" Zhou Gaopeng fell to his knees suddenly, his eyes were red, the tears had already flowed down, and he wailed heart-piercingly.

Guan Moya frowned and looked at everything in front of him. There were countless charred corpses lying here, and some even had only skeletons left. It was really horrible.

You don't need to think about it, but you know that this is the Jiangcheng faction, but now there is no Jiangcheng faction.Guan Moya didn't believe that a single fire could wipe out members of a sect.

"No, seniors!!" Suddenly remembered something, Zhou Gaopeng suddenly jumped up, and then quickly rushed to the back mountain, Guan Moya followed closely.

However, after looking at the scene in front of him, Zhou Gaopeng collapsed on the ground powerlessly. He was already powerless to roar at the Great God, but the despair in his eyes was even worse.

Just at the entrance of the cave in the back mountain, lay several old men with white hair and white beard, they had already lost their breath.

Guan Moya knew that these were probably the masters of the Jiangcheng faction, but they were all dead.

"Who is it? Who is it? Ahhhhh~~~~~" Zhou Gaopeng hammered the ground hard with both hands.

"Brother Zhou, I'm sorry for the change!" Guan Moya really didn't know how to persuade Zhou Gaopeng. Just now Zhou Gaopeng was still telling himself that many sects in the Jianghu had been wiped out, but just for a while, his sect was gone. Well, apart from him, there is no one else in the Jiangcheng faction.

"En?" Guan Moya's heart suddenly moved, and he turned his gaze to a huge rock not far away.

"Brother Zhou, there seems to be someone alive! Brother Zhou!!" Guan Moya hurriedly said, and without waiting for Zhou Gaopeng to react, he dodged behind the boulder.

I saw a girl in a pink dress lying behind the boulder. This girl had a weak aura. If she didn't pay attention, she might really be regarded as a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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