Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 199 199. Fangtian Auction House

Chapter 199 199. Fangtian Auction House

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo listened to what these people said.

Secretly pondering some things in their hearts.

After eating.

A piece of news came out from Fang Tiancheng.

Akasaka Sect announced that the sect martial arts competition will be held in three days.

The personnel selected in this competition will become the new blood of the Akasaka Sect.

The required participants are the younger generation.

Must not be older than 30 years old.

The minimum realm must reach the one-star Douwang realm.

As soon as this news came out, the prestige and status of Scarlet Heaven Sect in Fangtian City quickly spread throughout the city, and everyone knew about it.


At the same time, in a small forest outside Fangtian City, a young man who was cultivating heard the news, and his whole body became hot immediately.

"This news came too suddenly. Three days later, the Scarlet Heaven Sect will have a martial arts competition, and those who are selected can join the Scarlet Heaven Sect!" the young man clenched his fists tightly, eagerly.

There was heat in the eyes but a trace of coldness flashed across: "Mao Ji, wait for me, you have taken away my chance, it has been three years, this time I will come back and let you know that even if a genius loses an important chance will rise!"

His tone was full of hatred.

Recalling the scenes three years ago, he is a member of the Mao family, one of the three major families in Fangtian City, and a collateral disciple. His name is Mao Yan. Three years ago, he and Mao Ji were good friends and good brothers. , but chose to betray him because of that opportunity in the trial place of the Mao family, and then he was abolished by the Mao family because of the various schemes set up by the Mao girl. He became a waste and expelled from the Mao family.

But the sky will not kill him, and there will be great luck after the disaster.

After being expelled from the Mao family, what can a crippled person do?

Dejected, he fell directly off the cliff.

However, what surprised him was that he did not die. Instead, he got the inheritance of the supreme half-saint powerhouse by a blessing in disguise. He used the secret methods and medicinal materials left by the half-saint powerhouse to smelt them for seven to seven days, and finally got rid of the abolished ones. The vindictive vein has been repaired, and it is stronger than before.

Now he is carrying the inheritance of the semi-sacred powerhouse, possessing powerful martial arts and other secret techniques, and it took only three years to re-cultivate from the first level of Douzhiqi back to the eight-star fighting spirit realm. Far beyond the eight-star Dou Ling, his current cultivation base has reached the three-star Douwang!

This only took three years! ! ! !
"Fang Tiancheng's Mao family, I, the King of Maoyan, will return in three days. I will crush many talented talents with the strongest posture in three days. I can't do anything to you from the Mao family now, but I will make the entire Mao family kneel down to me in a short time. Apologies, but Maurice will be your death in three days!!"

As Mao Yan said, an extremely cold killing light flashed in his eyes, and there was also a scarlet blood flashing.

"It's time to go back to Fangtian City." Mao Yan said, directly turning his fighting spirit into wings, but his wings were bright red.

Full of ferocity.

It's vengeance!
Ascended into the sky and flew directly towards Fang Tiancheng.


the next morning

An auction was held in the Fangtian Auction House in Fangtian City, which was very large.

With the help of various resources, its propaganda is extremely powerful, and it does not fall into the propaganda of the Scarlet Heaven Sect's trial and competition.

It's afternoon.

The afternoon is coming soon.

Fangtian Auction House is crowded with people.

It's super big and super luxurious.

As expected of the rich, the place is different.

There are two ways to enter Fangtian Auction House.

The first is to hold an invitation letter from Fangtian Auction House.

The second is to spend 100 million gold coins to buy tickets.

The second type of 100 million is not considered a lot of money for people in Zhongzhou, and they can be obtained casually, and those with a little power will even disdain this money.

And it is even more impossible for the six factions in Fangtian City, the six factions of one sect, two sects, and three families, to spend their own money to enter, because they will receive the invitation letter from Fangtian Auction House as soon as possible.

Among the crowds, everyone wants to enter Fangtian Auction House to participate in the auction, because there will definitely be great treasures here.

"I rely on so many people. It seems that we are still late. Who do these people belong to?" Yao Tianhuo's helpless voice sounded from the sky a hundred meters away from Fangtian Auction House, and his eyes looked at the people on the side Long Fei.

Long Fei was holding a cigar in his mouth, the tip of the cigar was still emitting white smoke, and there was a black sunglasses in front of his eyes, which was very visible.

Just a cloak.

Long Fei looked indifferent, and said in a flat tone: "There are quite a lot of people, but it doesn't mean anything. Most of these people are Dou Emperors, Dou Zong, and even if there are Dou Zun, they are low-level ones. Any threat, this seat can crush a large group of people with one hand."

As soon as these words came out, it really confirmed the truth that under a powerful force, the lives of ants are worthless.

"." Yao Tianhuo looked at the people below and suddenly showed a trace of pity.

Whoever you meet here is not good, you have to meet us, a gang leader who doesn't play cards according to the routine.

"Go!" Long Fei raised his hand and pressed Yao Tianhuo's shoulder, and then the two of them turned into a thunderbolt and rushed down quickly!

Among the crowd below, a bolt of lightning surged out with a terrifying aura. Wherever the lightning passed, the terrifying power directly sent these passers-by away.

As a result, there suddenly sounded one after another vigorous screams here.

Where the lightning passed, these people had no ability to resist at all, because it came too suddenly, and the power was too powerful. Ken was not these Dou Wang, Dou Huang, Dou Zong, and even low and middle-level Dou Zun. It can be resisted.

The appearance of this scene instantly aroused the anger and hostility of everyone around.

And as soon as the situation outside appeared, it was discovered by the staff of Fangtian Auction House. If such a big matter had not been discovered, it would really be rubbish.

"What's the situation, go over and have a look, and if anyone dares to mess up, shoot him immediately!" Inside Fangtian Auction House, a tall woman in a beautiful pink dress with a veil coldly turned to the man who was following her. Open your mouth and give an order.

"Yes, if you dare to do something within the scope of Fangtian Auction House, even if you slap our Fangtian Auction House in the face, you don't need to say that I will kill him." The center of the crowd walked out, and a strong murderous aura appeared on his body.

Seeing this person coming out, everyone retreated one after another.

This person is strong, at least stronger than the people here.

Soon, lightning, the culprit of the chaos, stopped in front of the man.

Turned into two human natures.

"What! Since I'm a human!"

"Still a child!?"

Seeing Long Fei and Long Fei, the affected people were stunned and dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, the man Jin Kun looked at the two people in front of him with a serious expression on his face.

"This aura is so powerful, when will such a person appear in Fangtian City?"

Behind, the woman also frowned, and a cold and horrified voice sounded from under the veil.


(End of this chapter)

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