Chapter 200
"Who are the two gentlemen, and why did you come to our Fangtian Auction House to make trouble?" Jin Kun took a deep breath and asked with a solemn expression.

He could sense the looming enormous power from the auras of the two people in front of him.

These two are at least high-level Dou Zun, and he is not an opponent at the moment. Although there are many such Dou Zun in Fang Tiancheng's big power, it is better not to do it if you can.

"There are too many people, I don't want to line up, I just want to witness the grand scene in Fangtian Auction House as soon as possible."

"Why, don't you welcome us?"

Long Fei spoke in a flat but somewhat cynical tone and attitude.

The voice was very flat, but it penetrated into the minds of everyone around.

Shocked and hated.

Someone scolded: "Damn, there are so many people, you should have come earlier, and now you are still playing this game? Didn't you take Fangtian Auction House seriously?"

"I think these two people are very strange. They must be people outside Fangtian City. They don't know the power of Da Neng in Fang Tian City. As long as they have a taste of Da Neng's suppression, they will be honest."

Everyone started to discuss that such things happened before, they were all self-righteous, and in the end they were directly suppressed by a powerful presence sent by the big forces in Fangtian City, after that, they dared not say any arrogant nonsense When I came out, I didn't dare to take a breath.

Everyone looked at Long Fei and they all showed complacency. Fangtian Auction House is under the care of Chi Xiaozong and other big bosses. If this kid dares to come here to be proud, wait for death!
"Your Excellency is really kind. Don't you know that our Fangtian Auction House is the target of many powerful forces in Fangtian City. If you are like this, aren't you afraid of their sanctions?"

Just when Jin Kun was about to speak, a charming and cool female voice came from Fangtian Auction House.

Everyone was taken aback, and Jin Kun was also taken aback.

They all turned their heads to look at the source of the voice, and were shocked to find that the speaker was the woman who ordered him to come over.

"Miss!" Jin Kun stepped back sideways and greeted.

"Since it's Miss Xuanmi!"

The surrounding people who eat melons exclaimed one after another, and at the same time, there was a strong sense of admiration and love in their eyes.

Xuanmi is from the Xuan family of Fang Tiancheng, but they are relatively low-key, but the overall strength of the family is not weaker than the other three major families in Fang Tiancheng.

If it weren't for their relatively low-key behavior, most of them are kind to people and win-win, the current Xuan family may have replaced the three major families and become the only strongest family in Fangtian City.

"And my Xuan family is not a vegetarian!" She stopped ten meters away from Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo, and as soon as the words came out of her mouth, the aura of a strong woman was suddenly revealed.

"The two of you here are newcomers. I really don't know that you are so particular about this place. It is really wrong for us to be so hasty." Long Fei said.

This scene stunned Yao Tianhuo, who looked at Long Fei in disbelief, did the leader actually give up?Is this still the gang leader I know?
and many more

There must be a big problem here!
Is it
Hey, the leader of the gang is indeed the leader of the gang.

Not only Yao Tianhuo, but even Xuanmi was taken aback, so easy to talk?
Just when everyone was stunned, Long Fei raised his hand and took down the cigar in his mouth, took a puff of cigarettes, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "However...even if we offend you, so what? My seat I really want to learn how powerful you are talking about!"

"Yao" Long Fei said indifferently.

Yao Tianhuo made a decisive move, and at the same time when he heard Long Fei's words, everyone became nervous.

Xuanmi suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Miss, be careful! Thieves don't want to hurt my lady!!!"

Jin Kun's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed to Xuanmi decisively, facing Yao Tianhuo's palm with his palm!

The terrifying impact came out, and Xuanmi's vindictive energy shield appeared on Xuanmi's body, and the surrounding low-level people were ruthlessly blown away, and some people who were really useless were turned into blood dances on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Xuanmi and other people from Fangtian Auction House changed drastically, and Xuanmi sternly yelled at Long Fei: "I don't care who you are, if you dare to come to Fangtian City to kill people so blatantly, the two of you will surely die today." will perish here!"

After finishing speaking, Xuanmi directly took out a token and crushed it, calling for big shots to come to support.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, just take them down." Long Fei ignored Xuanmi's threats, for him these were trivial matters.


Yao Tianhuo shot again.

"Pass through me first!" Jin Kun yelled angrily, used his fighting skills, released the mighty power of Zunzhi, and released the huge long shuttle in his hand.

The terrifying power blatantly condensed: "Ling Tian Shock!"

As his rage sounded, he directly killed Yao Tianhuo.

Yao Tianhuo was disdainful, and said coldly: "Hmph! A mere [-]-star Dou Zun dares to attack this deity! Courting death!"

Yes, Jin Kun is a three-star peak Dou Zun!
But it wasn't enough for Yao Tianhuo.

Do you think you are the main character?

Or is it someone who is favored by the author?
Still want to leapfrog the challenge?

Do you want to fart?
Yao Tianhuo stood still, a ray of light flashed from his body.

Infinity Forging Body Art!
It just so happens that your attack this time is to temper my body!
There is no doubt that Jin Kun has become a tool man.


Seeing Yao Tianhuo's behavior, Jin Kun knew that he was completely underestimated, and his anger was ignited to the extreme again, and his eyes were burning with anger.

Outrageously, the power on his body was once again pushed to the peak of terror.

The power of fighting skills is even more surging!
boom! ! !
The harsh sound of the sonic boom piercing through the space directly shattered the eardrums of those who dared to go through a wave of setbacks, and their ears spurted blood.

There is no doubt that Jin Kun's attack completely hit Yao Tianhuo.

The next scene left everyone dumbfounded.

A [-]-star peak Dou Zun's terrifying blow, and the other party actually caught it with his body?

Seeing this, everyone gasped, and the next moment they recalled that their eardrums were shattered, and many people chose to leave this fierce place.

Seeing that the people who had gathered together ran away, Xuanmi and the others were naturally very angry, and finally vented their anger on the culprit.

"How could it be like this?" Xuanmi and Jin Kun looked moved and shocked.

Jin Kun couldn't believe it even more, this was a terrifying blow with almost all his strength.

"Qiqixing Dou Zun!!?" In the next second, Jin Kun's face changed abruptly, revealing a look of panic.

"What!? Seven Star Dou Zun!?" Xuanmi curled her head together, showing fear and surprise.

You must know that even the strongest of the two sects and three sects are nothing more than the existence of four-star to four-star peak infinitely close to the five-star Dou Zun.

This rejuvenated child turned out to be a Seven Star Dou Zun! ?

"It seems that the people who come this time can only be handled by those powerful people from the Scarlet Heaven Sect." In order not to increase casualties, Xuanmi sighed in her heart and thought.

"Little baby, your eyesight is not bad. I can see the old man's cultivation, but it's too late. Let the old man show you his strength!" It sounded from the mouth, and the next moment, a flame wheel appeared on his body, and a huge arm rushed out to join his right hand, and fell towards Jin Kun in an instant.

"Jin Kun, leave quickly!"

Seeing this, Xuanmi's complexion changed drastically and she shouted.

Although Jin Kun was not reconciled, the strength gap of a first-level level plus the current terrifying attack was no longer something he could resist.

Retreat in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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