Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 221 221. The Final Game

Chapter 221 221. The Final Game
Seeing this scene, everyone above was shocked.

"Twenty-one people entered, and only ten people came out? Eleven people died!?" Everyone in the Scarlet Heaven Sect looked stunned. This time, the survival rate is even lower than before!

They couldn't see what happened in the maze, otherwise they really doubted how those people died.

Some people frowned, guessing, could it be killing people to steal energy?

This idea may very well be reality.

The strongest ones in the Lost Realm are only the fifth-order peak monsters. Even if those fighting spirits can't beat them, they can hide and bully the younger ones.

"Master, the death rate in this maze is really high." Seeing the exhausted appearance of these ten people, Yao Tianhuo raised his brows and was a little surprised.

"Indeed." Long Fei nodded, he was the only one present who saw all the pictures inside and passed by.

While the two were whispering, Huantian was also a little astonished, there were only ten of them, and with their appearance, it seemed that it was impossible for them to compete directly.

And among the ten people who survived, the proportion of Dou Wang and Dou Ling was quite even, five of them.

There is one one-star fighting king, two two-star fighting kings, one three-star fighting king, and one four-star fighting king.

There are three Nine Star Fighting Spirits, and two Nine Star Peak Fighting Spirits who are only one step away from the Dou Wang.

These ten people who can survive are all elite existences, no matter what the final result of the big competition is, these ten people have already been sent to the Scarlet Heaven Sect, but Huantian will not tell them any news at present.

At this moment, Huantian's voice sounded: "Ten people, very good, you are all the ten strongest people in this year, all the energy in your hands is invalid, all ten of you have entered the last level, as for getting All the magic cores are handled by you, or you can hand them over to Zongmen to exchange for Zongmen points, and Zongmen points can be exchanged for cultivation resources."

Including the rest of the Scarlet Heaven Sect, they were all surprised by Huantian's operation, because in the past, they had to put away the magic core.

But even the suzerain has spoken out, so they will naturally not refute.

The ten people below who survived were overjoyed when they heard this.

"Thank you suzerain!" The ten people hurriedly bowed their hands.

Huantian said: "It is absolutely impossible for you to directly enter the competition in this state. This sect will give you a stick of incense to adjust, take medicine for those who should take medicine, and practice for cultivation. After a stick of incense, the official lottery competition will begin."

"That's right, this guy is quite humane." Long Fei nodded and muttered.

The ten people dare not neglect, because Huantian has already thrown a stick of incense and stuck it in front of the ten of them.

Quickly eat the elixir, sit cross-legged, practice exercises and meditate to absorb it.

The vindictive energy belonging to them flew out of everyone's bodies, and soon the field was centered by colorful colors.

Soon, the time for a stick of incense will come.

"Okay, the time for a stick of incense is up. The third stage of the martial arts competition begins. All ten of you come up to draw a lottery. There are ten numbers in total. The numbers you draw in order will be your opponents."

"No. [-] will fight against No. [-], No. [-] will fight against No. [-], and it will take turns like this."

The deacon who was in charge of this session came in front of the ten people, holding a wooden box in his hand, which contained the things for the lottery, looking at the ten people, he said lightly.

Ten people got up one after another, and after a stick of incense recovered, although they hadn't reached their full peak state, there was no big problem anymore.

Everyone took the lead in drawing prizes one after another.

After looking at their numbers, they all had their own numbers in their hearts.

"Which one of you is number one and who is number two?" the deacon said.



Two voices sounded, and everyone looked over.

One male and one female.

The woman said: "I am number two!"

The man said: "I am number one!"

The deacon nodded: "Very well, report your names."

The woman said: "My name is Tianmei'er."

The man said: "My name is Songjiang."

"Tianmeier, Songjiang, it's very good. It's the first competition for the two of you, and the rest go to the audience area." After speaking, the deacon waved his hand, and a scoreboard appeared in the distance ahead, which read the first competition. The words of Tianmeier and Songjiang.

Soon, everyone went to the auditorium, and only Tian Meier and Songjiang were left on the stage.

The cultivation bases of these two people are both nine-star peak fighting spirits.

What a coincidence.

It happened to be the two of them.

"The game begins!" The deacon said without talking nonsense.

"I won't release water just because you are a woman, Songjiang advise!" When Songjiang raised his hand, a blue long sword suddenly appeared and was held in his right hand, and the blue fighting energy appeared on his body.

"Hmph, no need, Tian Mei'er give me advice!" Tian Mei'er snorted coldly, a long whip appeared in his hands, and both the long whip and her body were enveloped by a burst of red flame energy.

The auras of the two nine-star peak fighting spirits collided directly.

Everyone on the stage watched.

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo are the audience now, they are only responsible for watching, not meddling in other people's business.

Songjiang was very blunt, and rushed directly towards Tianmei'er, pointing out the long sword, and the green grudge energy was solidified.

Tian Meier was at the same level as Songjiang, so naturally she wouldn't be afraid of him, so she swung the flame whip and went straight up.

With a bang, one red and one green energy collided to form a grudge energy magnetic field.

Songjiang danced his sword quickly, and Bang Bang seemed to be chopping randomly, but in fact it was chaotic and orderly.

After several trial rounds, the two sides officially entered the serious mode.

"Fighting skills, flurry of flame whips!"

Tian Mei'er stepped forward, frantically flicking the long whip in her hand, emitting an incomparably chaotic whip gas, flames and blades, in order to cause scars in the ring.

Seeing this change of expression, Song Jiang kept as calm as possible, and ran quickly with a movement of his body, using his keen body skills to quickly dodge from the small distance between the whip blade and the whip blade. out.

Bang bang! !
Nine-star peak Dou Ling's two strikes are very strong.

The impact force that erupted directly shocked both sides.

The two who were able to come out of the maze alive really had a few brushes.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Scarlet Heaven Sect nodded secretly. These two people are only between 23 and [-] years old, and they are very good.

They liked Songjiang's calm temperament in the face of danger, and Tianmeier's fiery temperament, but they were more inclined to the former.

Only with a calm mind can we live better and achieve great things.

But everything is still determined by the final outcome of the game.

Songjiang, who had just landed, jumped up directly, rushed out of the explosion smoke, pointed the long sword in his hand to the sky, and the surrounding blue energy quickly gathered like a hundred strands of black thread.

"Fighting skill, Xuanqing Cross Slash!"

The long sword in Song Jiang's hand slashed down, and the two terrifying blue sword qi formed a cross shape, and his sword pointed at the center of the cross, and fell towards Tianmei'er together.

Tian Mei'er didn't intend to dodge, and it was too late to dodge at such a distance. After several hits, she rolled up the long whip directly, and the flames immediately swept into a tornado and went towards Songjiang.

"Fighting skills, Xuan Long Yan Po!"


(End of this chapter)

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