Chapter 222.


The fighting skills of the two sides collided, and once again they radiated terrifying energy shocks.

"Well done! It's not over yet!"

Songjiang shouted loudly, and once again displayed his own strength, forcefully pushing Xuanqing Cross Cut over.

Tian Mei'er gritted her teeth, her expression labored.


In the next second, her attack was interrupted.

The whole person was blasted out.

Songjiang saw the timing, and stabbed with a sword.

Seeing the cold glow emanating from the sharp long sword in front of her eyes, Tian Meier felt the crisis. She lost her balance in mid-air due to the strong force, and forcibly waved the flaming long whip in her hand and moved forward.

The flaming whip was like a snake's body, which bound Songjiang's blue long sword smoothly and twistingly.

"What!?" Songjiang was taken aback, he could still do this at this point, it seems that every nine-star peak fighting spirit is not as easy to defeat as he imagined!


As soon as Songjiang's internal force came out, it was very powerful. The internal force guided along the long whip, and the strong shock wave made Tianmei'er's hand numb. At this moment, the flaming long whip in his hand flew out, another powerful impact spread.

Tianmei'er let out a cry, flew upside down and hit the ground hard.

Songjiang was neither careless nor slack. Seeing this incomparably beautiful opportunity, he jumped up on the spot, quickly mobilized his body strength to integrate into the long sword, and then slammed towards Tianmei'er!

too fast.

Tian Mei'er had no time to dodge or defend.

"Oops!" Tian Mei'er's face turned pale.

"I admit defeat, help!" Tian Mei'er shouted.

At this moment, the deacon who was getting ready flashed, and afterimages appeared in front of her. Then he waved his hand, and with a bang, the long sword flew and landed on the ring with a jingle.

Songjiang also fell down.

Picking up the sword and cupping his hands: "Accepted!"

"In the first game, Songjiang won, and Songjiang advanced to the top five!"

"Let's move on to the next match, number three against number four!"


After some manipulations by the deacon, the second match soon began.

The players in the second match were two two-star fighters.

As the minutes passed, the game soon came to an end.

The final game standings are.

No.1: The four-star fighting king Rong Gu.

No.2: Samsung Fighting King Mao Yan
No.3: One Star Dou Wang Qianyang.

No.4: Two-star Dou Wang Wanqian.

No.5: Nine-Star Peak Fighting Spirit Songjiang.

Most of the day has passed like this, and the result has already come out after a lot of painstaking selection.

This competition is officially over.

The top five can be selected by ten elders to become disciples.

The last five can be selected by the ten hall masters to become disciples.

This is not enough.

However, they were not selected randomly. The hall masters and elders of the Scarlet Heaven Sect were all selected according to their own battle qi attributes.

Those who don't have it will be gone, and they can only wait for the next session.

The game is over, there is no need to stay here, Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo are planning to leave.

However, he was quickly stopped by Huantian, saying that he wanted to discuss the matter of going to Ice Sky Valley to dry the Ice Sky Snow Dragon tomorrow.

Inside the ancestral hall, Huantian, the ten elders, Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo sat here.

Huantian's voice sounded, and the palace was very quiet, everyone could hear clearly: "We have sent people to Ice Sky Valley to investigate, and considering the weather conditions tomorrow is the rarest day with the hottest sun in the sky, this is also The mortal enemy of the monsters in the Ice Valley, the fierce sun can reduce some of the strength of the monsters in the Ice Valley, and there are even few haunts, we plan to attack tomorrow morning!"

The opinions and ideas of the rest of the people except Long Fei are completely consistent with Huantian.

"Those people also know?" Long Fei asked casually.

Huantian nodded, showing a hint of arrogance on his plain face: "This time, they are all centered on me, so naturally I agree, after all, as long as this evil beast of Bingtianxuelong wakes up completely, it will definitely endanger me. The domain inside and outside Fangtian City!"

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo nodded secretly after hearing this.

"Now it's only a matter of two expressing their opinions before the matter can be settled." Huantian looked at Long Fei.

"Of course there is no problem, let's go tomorrow morning." Long Fei nodded.

"The plan has already been made."

Huantian nodded in satisfaction, and said with a slight smile: "It's getting late today, and they set out together tomorrow, why don't you two rest in this sect tonight?"

"Okay, even Sect Master Huan has spoken, so we will not be polite!" Long Fei also laughed.

"Hahaha, good!" Huantian was very happy and said, "Let's prepare for the feast!"

"It's the suzerain!" Zi Yuetian nodded.

During the time when everyone was chatting, the servants in the sect quickly prepared the banquet and it will be served soon.

Took an hour to finish this meal.

The crowd dispersed.

Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo returned to the previous big room.

"Master, I have to say that the food of the Scarlet Heaven Sect is really good!" Yao Tianhuo said while lying on the bed.

"It's really delicious." Long Fei nodded, the free banquet is naturally to be missed.

Yao Tianhuo sat up, frowned and said, "Master, why do I feel that these guys seem to have other meanings?"

Long Fei's expression was flat, and he wasn't surprised at all: "What do you think it is?"

Yaotian Huo said suspiciously: "The old man always feels that these people have hidden a hand in the Ice Sky Valley, and this hand is used to deal with us and the beast in the Ice Sky Valley."

"If there is no accident, they may already know that we are the murderer of Fangtian Auction House." Long Fei said lightly.

Yao Tianhuo said a lot of words: "This can be used. After all, those people didn't die. They must have gone back and informed their Xuan family, and the Xuan family may have a good relationship with Scarlet Heaven Sect. Then put this The news was told to the Scarlet Heaven Sect, after all, this Fangtian City is dominated by the Scarlet Heaven Sect, if you don't even care about what happened in your own city, it will really make the forces in the city feel too cold."

"Be careful tomorrow, after all, the other party has a lot of Dou Zun, we only have two." Long Fei just reminded Yao Tianhuo, and then his expression didn't care: "If they really want to fight, I won't talk nonsense with them. "

"It's nothing more than a group of little Dou Zun. Now that the two of us have cultivated, don't we have to worry about it." Yao Tianhuo nodded.

After this day and night of absorption practice.

Their cultivation bases have all been greatly improved.

Yao Tianhuo's original seven-star Dou Zun has broken through to an eight-star Dou Zun, and Long Fei has also been promoted from a six-star Dou Zun to a six-star Dou Zun.

The strength of the two of them was already terrifying, but now that Long Fei has upgraded, his cultivation will only become even more terrifying.

And just now the two of them deliberately hid their cultivation so that Huantian could not see it.

So, if they really do something this time, the other party will definitely be very miserable.


(End of this chapter)

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