Chapter 234.
But unfortunately, it was too late for him to make a move.

A beam of light fell into the formation's eyes very quickly, and the bang and loud noise directly blasted away the surrounding blood cultists, and the terrifying power instantly took their lives away.

The formation eye was also destroyed here, and the surrounding formation ecosystem that had been built with great difficulty was destroyed in this way.

"Ah! Damn bastard! Who! Come out for me and dare to interfere with the affairs of my Blood Sect!!"

The leader was furious and yelled at him.

The evil anger from the surrounding six elders of the Blood Nether Sect burst out brazenly.

Everyone looked up.

"Who is coming? To save us?"

"It's just that even those strong men have fallen, can these two people really save us?"

Seeing the figures of Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo, the enslaved people of Fangtian City showed a small hope in their frightened faces, but it was quickly wiped out.

"Damn it, two brats! Capture these people for my leader!" The leader of the Blood Nether Sect pointed at the sky and shouted sullenly.

The six elders of the Blood Nether Sect soared into the sky, and a gloomy evil atmosphere spread all over them.

"Destroy my Blood Sect's affairs, die!"

The black energy of the six turned into swords and stabbed at Long Fei and the two of them.

Yao Tianhuo snorted coldly: "Six small six-star Dou Zun, this old man alone is enough to kill you!"

"Looking for death!" The six elders of the Blood Nether Sect were somber and furious, and the power on their bodies became even more strangely powerful.

At this moment, as soon as Yaotianhuo's voice fell, he condensed his spell instantly, and as soon as the Wulun Lihuo array came out, five fire spirits appeared, and then the big Vulcan arm directly moved towards the six members of the Xueming sect with terrifying scorching flame energy. The elders bombarded away!

Seeing this scene, the complexions of the six elders of Xue Mingjiao changed drastically, their pupils also condensed, and there was a hint of panic on their faces.

But the next moment, the six long swords directly confronted the huge Vulcan arm.

There was a loud bang, and the powerful impact force of the Eight Star Dou Zun directly crushed the six swords.

"What!?" Everyone didn't expect that their weapons would be shattered with just one move.

At the same time, the scorching flames approached like the sun.

"Li Huo Burning the Sky!" Yao Tianhuo came towards them with the Vulcan Arm and at the same time displayed other skills.

"Not good, retreat quickly!" An elder shouted.

The six of them resorted to secret techniques one after another, abruptly supporting the attack in front of them.

Someone looked at Long Fei behind Yao Tianhuo.

Immediately, a countermeasure sounded in his heart, and he sent a voice transmission to the others: "You hold him back, I'll go over and catch that brat, then we will have a hostage, this person dare not mess around!"

"Okay! We'll attract attention for you!" The rest of the elders agreed with this decision and sent back voice transmissions.

The six of them used all their strength together, forcibly guiding a powerful force from within their bodies to hit them.

Force the attacks of both sides to explode.

The impact force formed by the powerful explosion force immediately sent the two sides flying.

Long Fei watched from not far behind and didn't intend to make a move, at least not for now.

Because those people will be back soon.

His eyes looked towards the direction of Ice Sky Valley.

With super strong spiritual perception, he can now feel how many Dou Zun energies are flying towards this side quickly.

It may only take 10 minutes to get here.

The highly cultivated Yaotianhuo quickly stabilized from the explosion.

The rest of the six people were a few seconds behind him, and then, the strange imprints in the hands of the six people formed, and the six people disappeared into the sky.

"Blood Shadow Ferry!"

When it reappeared, it turned into identical shadows, attacking Yaotianhuo like a ferry of souls, and soon arrived around him, but the strange thing is that these shadows did not intend to attack Yaotianhuo.

Yao Tianhuo watched this scene coldly.

Then these shadows flashed and flashed very quickly, forming circles of dazzling rotating windmill scenes.

Immediately afterwards, round after round of black stripes appeared across the sky, centered on Yaotianhuo.

"Blood Nether Brahma Venerable Formation!"

Accompanied by the strange sound of the shadow, Yao Tianhuo suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness. For a moment, black beams of light shot up into the sky around him and connected together instantly. The world around him suddenly turned into boundless darkness. Confused by fog.

A huge beast that exuded a terrifying and evil aura rushed over from Yaotianhuo's body. Its huge fangs, scarlet eyes, bloody mouth, and ferocious face made people extremely terrified.

How could such an evil monster appear here!

Looking at him, Yao Tianhuo showed astonishment on his face, even if he was the existence of the eight-star Dou Zun, he fell into it at this moment, and the scarlet blood pupil invaded his heart like an evil and ugly nightmare, making him He develops fear.

In front of him, a huge bloody mouth had already come to him, and a lot of cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

And Yao Tianhuo hasn't come out yet, and he's still stuck in a dilemma in his heart.

The next moment, the huge bloody mouth submerged him here, and at this moment, his heart throbbed, and he came to his senses, and then he screamed miserably.


Look at his face, very painful, very desperate.

All of this was caused by the scarlet blood pupil.

There will be fear in everyone's heart, as long as it is dug out, no matter how powerful people are, they will fall.

And the Xuemingsha Venerable Formation is this way, causing fear, destroying people's hearts, destroying hope, and creating boundless pain.

In the formation, Yao Tianhuo's screams kept ringing out, and at the same time, different evil and weird things kept swallowing and invading his heart.

At this moment, even if he is an eight-star Dou Zun, he is very terrifying.

For him, this is a kind of spiritual torture, very cruel!

outside world.

at the same time.

Long Fei stared at the strange formation in front of him.

The chaotic blue dragon's pupils penetrated and entered, and he saw the real scene.

Inside, there are black shadows holding a group of black swords and continuously penetrating Yao Tianhuo's body.

These swords did not cause harm outside the body, but directly crossed the body and entered the soul and heart.

These figures were the five elders of the Blood Nether Sect, but one was missing.

It really is a vicious formation.

Everything is a blindfold.

What kind of bullshit is the Xue Ming Sha Venerable Formation, in fact, it's just a closed black space with some extra materials added to assist it.

Long Fei planned to break this formation with his hands.

Right now, a black shadow flashed in front of him, it was the elder who disappeared.

"Jie Jie~ You son of a bitch, die!" Elder Xue Ming let out a creepy laugh, and slapped Long Fei with his palm.

"It's you who's waiting, do you think I'm easy to bully?" Long Fei raised the corner of his mouth, his expression disdainful, and then a blue light flashed from his body, and Elder Xue Ming felt extremely hot, and his body was also burning. burn up.

"What!? What is this!?"

"Ah! It hurts so much. Hierarch, help!!"

Elder Xueming never imagined that the end of all his efforts would be so cruel.

The flame on his body was like a sacred fire, which could not be extinguished, and soon Elder Xueming died in pain amidst screams.

Long Fei's blood has the ability to ward off evil and exorcise demons, and these things are courting death if they take the initiative to come to the door.

This is absolute restraint!

(End of this chapter)

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