Chapter 235 235. Come to an end
"What!? Damn bastard!"

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Blood Nether Sect had already started to attack Long Fei, but it was still too late.

No one in this scene expected to understand a person's life so quickly.

Although the Blood Sect is a bit evil, they are also human beings with life.

The evil kind.

"You're looking for death!" The leader of the Blood Nether Sect was furious, murderous and evil.

The terrifying pressure of the Seven Star Dou Zun was released directly, and he killed Long Fei.

"Blood Darkness Art—Shaluo Taotian!"

Once the exercises are released, no one loves them.

Everyone below trembled in fear.

But after seeing the previous scene, those enslaved Fang Tiancheng people were shocked and saw the dawn again.

"Mere ants, who gave you the guts to fight this seat?!"

Long Fei sneered, his face full of disdain, and then he raised his hand and shot a beam of light waves towards the leader of the Blood Nether Sect with the rich blue holy light.



As soon as the Xueming leader gritted his teeth, the next scene directly changed his face, and his attack was instantly smashed like a tofu film.

The next moment, the light beam shot towards him, the speed was too fast, just for a moment.

"So fast!"


The leader of Xueming felt the danger of life-threatening from this beam of light.

The grudge energy defense was activated instantly, but at the second when the defense just came out, with a bang, the light beam directly crushed the energy defense.


"how come."

Pooh! ——!

The light beam penetrated his body domineeringly, and the front of his chest exploded with blood and flesh. His complexion was extremely painful and distorted. At this moment, the blue holy light enveloped him, and an extremely pure energy of expelling evil burned the leader of the Blood Nether Sect. stand up.

The leader of the Blood Hades Sect was burned to nothing amid fear and screams.

Everyone below was dumbfounded seeing this scene. The leader of the Blood Nether Sect, the person who slaughtered Fang Tiancheng was killed like this?
"Master!" The disciples of the Xueming Cult shouted in horror. The next moment, everyone saw the cyan light beam that killed the leader of the Xueming Cult fall to the ground very quickly, and a terrifying energy instantly enveloped the entire Fangtian City, followed by fierce screams.

When the light disappeared, there were still people alive, and the original buildings were still there, but those blood ghost believers and those dead puppets, everything that had evil spirits, were all turned into nothingness.

The entire Fangtian City was immediately clean.

The people below suddenly became shocked and froze.

Long Fei ignored them, but directly struck out with a palm, which turned into a huge palm shadow and instantly broke through the Xue Ming Sha Zun's formation.

There were several screams again.

The Ancient Azure Dragon Saber appeared in Long Fei's hand, and with a wave of his hands, the blue blade swept out, directly dividing the remaining five elders of the Blood Nether Sect into two halves.

In the fear, the holy flame of blue light burned out.

Anyone who was killed by Long Fei would be turned into experience points and fed back to him.

The death of the members of the Xue Ming Sect brought Long Fei a huge experience value once again.

A frenzy of energy swarmed in, and waited until it was fully filled.

Long Fei's level has directly entered from the peak of the nine-star peak, the fourth-rank Dou Zun, to the fifth-rank Dou Zun.

Sure enough, the more experience points needed later on, the experience points of so many people have only increased by one level.

Long Fei's expression was gloomy, and his face was very disappointed.

"It's really rubbish that so many talents have been promoted to one level." Long Fei complained.

But at this moment, Yao Tianhuo was in a trance, unable to wake up from the torture.

Long Fei raised his hand, and a holy light shone on Yao Tianhuo.

Quickly purify those negative factors.

Only then did Yao Tianhuo slow down complacently.

"Guangzhu, what's wrong with the old man?" Yao Tianhuo asked stupidly.

Long Fei said: "You are bewitched, the members of the Blood Nether Sect have been killed by me, we should leave here and go to North Shangzhou."

Sighing: "The old man shamed you."

The memory of Yao Tianhuo's short video is recovering a little bit now, and he suddenly said with resentment: "Damn the people of the Blood Phantom Sect are really cunning, those formations are really terrible!"

Long Fei smiled mysteriously: "This Blood Sect is not a simple church, behind it is a force you are very familiar with."

Yao Tianhuo asked: "What is it?"

"Soul Temple"

With a calm expression on his face, Long Fei slowly spit out the word.

This is some information he got from the memory of the leader of the Blood Nether Sect.

"It turned out to be the Soul Palace!? Damn it, why is there such a bastard everywhere?" Yao Tianhuo shrank his pupils, and his face changed drastically: "The Soul Palace is really a ubiquitous thing!"

At this moment, ten figures appeared in front of him.

It was those people from Fang Tiancheng.

Seeing Fang Tiancheng's miserable state, he immediately flew into a rage: "Damn bastard, this is what you two did!?"

They pointed at Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo.

"Whether we did it or not, you can ask the people below and you will know." Long Fei ignored these idiots at all.

"Very well, if you really did it, we will never let you go!"

In the team, Huantian and others were also there, and their faces were also very ugly, because Fang Tiancheng suffered such a catastrophe, and his vitality was severely injured.

Soon, someone went down to ask a few people, and immediately got the answer.

"It really wasn't the two of them, it was a group of damned Xueming Sect members who did it."

"These two people saved Fang Tiancheng by destroying the members of the Blood Nether Sect."

Those people became even more furious when they learned the truth, what kind of bloody **** sect dared to sneak attack Fang Tiancheng.

"Sect Master Huan, have you heard of this Xueming sect?" Xuan Zhongtian's complexion changed drastically.

"I haven't heard of it." Huantian shook his head.

Then he said: "We all misunderstood Long Zun and Yao Zun, we will apologize to you, thank you for saving Fang Tiancheng."

"We accept your thanks, and you can deal with the last things yourself, the two of us should go." Long Fei said lightly, and he and Yao Tianhuo continued to fly upwards.

"Wait a second!" At this moment, someone called Long Fei to stop them.

Long Fei and the others stopped, turned around jokingly and said, "Why, do you want to kill us?"

"Uh, it's a misunderstanding, we dare not!"

"What is that?"

"Okay, you two can go if you want, we still have to deal with Fang Tiancheng's final affairs." Just when the man was about to speak, he was interrupted by Huantian's voice.

Huantian looked deeply at Long Fei, and now he couldn't see through him at all.

This person is really scary.

"Okay, there will be a later date!" Long Fei nodded, his eyes stayed on Huan Tian for a few seconds, and then left.

"Sect Master Huan, why don't I continue talking?" After Long Fei and the two left.

the man asked.

"No need." Huantian turned around and waved his hand: "Fang Tiancheng suffered such a big injury, everyone calm down and comfort you."


The crowd nodded.

Then they went to do things.

In the distance, Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo flew towards Beishangzhou very quickly.

Long Fei didn't want to delay any longer, he had to absorb the rest of the strange fires as soon as possible, break through to Emperor Dou as much as possible, and leave this plane after completing the system tasks.

Because he is a little tired.


(End of this chapter)

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