Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 236 236. Northern Territory Pool

Chapter 236 236. Northern Territory Pool

Because there is no specific location in Beishangzhou, and Zhongzhou is too big, it took Long Fei and Yao Tianhuo a whole week to arrive at the area in front of them.

The large area in front of me is called Beiyu Pool.

After inquiring about the news, Long Fei learned that the space wormhole tunnel needed to lead to Beishangzhou is located in this Beiyu pool.

The two of Long Fei landed, and the convoy below them entered the Beiyu pool in an orderly manner.

If you visit along the way, you will know that the North Territory Pool is so prosperous, a place where the strong gather, and rich people are everywhere.

This is only twice as large as Fang Tiancheng in terms of prosperity, area and number of strong people.

Yao Tianhuo sighed: "The Zhongzhou Continent is worthy of being the strongest center of the entire Dou Qi Continent. It is really stronger than the next level."

A lot of people gathered not far ahead, it seemed that something big had happened, and the discussions were noisy and complicated.

It can be heard that most of it is covered up by excitement.

The two were also curious and walked over to participate in this lively audience.

Ahead is a majestic and huge ancient Chinese palace-like building.

Resplendent and luxurious, it is completely a status symbol of a tycoon.

Long Fei opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Huh, it's really big, the standard equipment for rich people."

There is a huge plaque above the palace.

There are huge five characters carved in the plaque.

Gold Setting Auction House

These five characters are also made of gold, and the naked eye looks golden, full of the taste of money.

Yao Tianhuo touched the wealth in his ring, and said with an unnatural expression: "This auction house must be super expensive."

Long Fei rolled his eyes and complained: "Isn't this nonsense? Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. Even a blind person can know such a strong smell of money."

The consumption here is very high. Even though there are a lot of people gathered here, those who can enter are high-ranking officials, big families and big forces.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look." As soon as Long Fei's words came out, the people around heard them, and looked at the two of them's attire, they immediately looked down on them. This attire is probably a poor man, come in?
Isn't this wishful thinking?

Yao Tianhuo muttered next to Long Fei: "We seem to be underestimated."

Long Fei didn't reply but walked towards the inside calmly.

At the door, there are two staff from the auction house.

Seeing the two of Long Fei approaching, he frowned, he couldn't find anything worthwhile all over his body.

The people who came here were all dressed in luxury and extravagance, and they could know their wealth background at a glance.

"Stop!" The two women looked at each other, and nodded one after another, with a tacit understanding.

The two women stepped forward and blocked Long Fei's path.

The people behind them watched the show with mocking expressions.

"These two bumpkins dare to come to the Golden Nang Auction House, do they have the money?"

"Or did someone invite them?"

Everyone laughed.

"What?" After stopping, Long Fei asked.

The female one raised her forehead slightly, showing a proud look: "I'm sorry, our place is a high-end and luxurious place, and the pretending of the two of you does not meet our entry-level standards here!"

The second female also showed disdain: "Please leave!"

The voice was deliberately raised so that everyone present could hear it.

I have to say that these two women really deserved to be beaten.

"It's not for money." Long Fei's voice was flat, with his hands behind his back, he said coldly: "How much are your admission tickets here?"

"Hehe, you can really pretend!" The first female and the second female sneered.

Then he raised it up and said contemptuously: "Admission ticket, 2000 million gold coins per person."

"Can you afford it?" The two women continued to taunt, this time even more proudly.

Long Fei took out a huge bag of money and slammed it on the face of the most prominent woman.



The woman screamed and was thrown flying by the force on the purse.

Instant slap in the face!

"There are 5000 million here, and the remaining 1000 million is considered as the guard fee for you." Long Fei looked at the two of them coldly, and then an incomparably terrifying deterrent force swept the audience.

Everyone around felt this way, they were instantly crushed by a huge stone, and it was extremely painful and difficult to breathe.

The two women who originally planned to resist and those outsiders who wanted to join in the fun were immediately suppressed.

Both legs were weak, as if a huge force of ten thousand catties had smashed down mercilessly, everyone present lay down on the ground one after another.

Their faces showed endless panic and fear, their bodies were trembling, and their faces were dripping with cold sweat. The same was true for all parts of their bodies, and the clothes on their bodies were soaked in cold sweat in just a few seconds.

"Do you still think it's funny now?" The corners of Long Fei's mouth curled up.

They gritted their teeth and wanted to speak, but they were so uncomfortable that they couldn't speak.

They just want to say it's not funny anymore.

"Can't you laugh? But it's my turn to laugh, I can laugh!" Long Fei laughed loudly: "Hahahahahaha!!!!"

"My lord, please stop!" Just then, an old voice sounded.

Long Fei's smile stopped completely.

In front of him walked out an old man with a half-legged waist.

There was an aura emanating from the old man, which permeated the audience, so that these people could relax a little.

This old man is not simple.

But he himself was not much better.

Long Fei squinted his eyes, and immediately saw the old man's cultivation.

Nine-star peak rank two Dou Zun, but besides that, there is a mysterious power in him.

Long Fei immediately understood, it's no wonder that this person was able to help those people ease up while supporting his suppression with a mere nine-star peak second-rank Dou Zun cultivation base.

"Who are you?" Long Fei asked.

The old man cupped his hands and said very politely: "Old man Jin Hai is the pioneer of this auction house!"

"No surprise." Long Fei said indifferently: "These people offended me. I don't like it very much. How can an ant have the right to look down on me. I'm very upset. Once I'm unhappy, I want to kill someone."

"They are the main troublemakers here, as well as the mockers outside. Don't bother the Venerable to do this, the old man will personally give the Venerable an explanation." After Jin Hai finished speaking, his complexion suddenly changed, revealing a murderous intent.

"Master Xing, please spare me!" the two women's expressions changed greatly, and they shouted in fear.

They knew they were dead.

And it wasn't just the two of them who spoke out, but also those outside who were mocking.

"The power of the lord is so that you little ants can humiliate him. Take it as a lesson in this life, and open your eyes in the next life!" Jin Hai snorted coldly, his killing intent became more intense, and the terrifying power swept across those human bodies with his wave. .

Suddenly there was a series of puffing sounds, and those people thought they were dead.

Then Jin Hai's complexion changed, and he smiled apologetically, "Honorable One, how are you doing now?"

"That's right, you know how to do it, but the admission tickets here are really expensive." Long Fei mocked.

Jin Hai quickly said: "You two, if we are wrong first, we don't need the money. It's a treat for the elderly, and we will also arrange the highest standard and the best expensive house for the two of you."

"Okay, but you don't have to pay back the money. I don't care about the little 5000 million." Long Fei waved his hand with a look of disdain.


(End of this chapter)

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