Chapter 239.
After hearing this voice, the rest of the people were shocked. Two of the five strongest sects in Beiyuchi have come!
In Hong Longzong, several direct disciples were taken aback for a moment, then looked at the elders at the side, and asked: "I didn't expect people from Jianaozong to come, what should the elders do now, are you going to continue?"

The elder of Hong Longzong stroked his long white beard, and after thinking for a while, he said indifferently: "Listen to the voices of those people, they come like us, they are disciples who have achieved great achievements in the sect, since it is not the rightful master and those old guys who came here, Then we don't have to worry about it, we will increase the price, our Hong Longzong's wealth background is beyond your imagination!"

"Yes, elder!"

The disciples nodded, and with the support of the elders, their confidence became stronger, and then they rang the bell.


"Hong Longzong bid 7000 million!"

A voice came from Hong Longzong's house.

The sound immediately spread throughout the audience.

"It seems that these two sects are directly involved!"

"The next thing is the competition of these top sects. If we people don't want to die, it's better not to intervene."

The viewers of the rankings said that they all know that although there is a lot of money, this world is a world where the strong are respected. More money does not work, offending the top forces, even if the items are auctioned and sold out, they will inevitably die. !

In Jianaozong, the rest of the people also frowned.

"It seems that Hong Longzong is really planning to confront us!" the half-haired man said coldly.

He is the representative of the direct disciples this time. There are a total of five direct disciples here, plus an elder, that is six people.

Among the direct disciples, he is the most powerful.

At this moment, another female disciple who passed on her own hands naturally embraced her chest, and said coldly: "Our Jianaozong and Honglongzong have always been at odds. There is no direct war."

The domain master of Beiyuchi is the strongest existence in Beiyuchi and its surroundings. His strength has reached the terrifying half-step peak and half-sacred realm. Although he has not really entered the semi-sacred realm, his strength can show his holy power. However, generally this existence is unable to come out after retreating, and generally coming out is not a trivial matter, either turmoil or breakthrough.

It is rumored that the domain master's retreat this time is to attack the semi-holy realm. Once it succeeds, there will be a real semi-holy realm strongman sitting in Beiyuchi.

Under this domain master, there are also nine great pool masters, all of whom follow its subordinates, and the cultivation bases of these nine pool masters are all the same.

So these people are collectively referred to as Jiujiu Supreme.

The five major sects are very powerful, but they are nothing in front of these people.

As long as there are powerful beings, there will naturally be stronger beings than them, this is an unchanging law.

Fang Tiancheng is not even an ant in front of Beiyuchi.

With his hands behind his hands, the elder of Jianaozong said slowly: "The auction is about the highest price. Those who have money will take it, and those who have no money will have nothing to do. It's fair. They Honglongzong won't even I don’t even know a little common sense. Continue to increase the price!”


He rang the bell.


"Jian Aozong bid 8000 million!"

"Hmph! Continue to increase the price, Hong Longzong must take down this local high-level cloud forbidden finger!" The elder Hong Longzong said with a cold snort.


"Hong Longzong bid 9000 million!"


"Jian Aozong bid [-] million!"

"One hundred million!—"

This sound spread throughout the audience, and the scene quieted down early, because this is a battle between two people.

Those people are just watching.

And Jin Ya at the bottom is the happiest, what she likes most is the mutual hoarseness between these big sects, which is the fastest way to raise the price.

Unexpectedly, just the second auction item reached the [-] million unit.

Then the things behind will definitely not be so bad.

"One hundred million, damn bastard, this Jianaozong is too much, really intends to fight with our Honglongzong!?"

"Aren't their sects majoring in swords? This cloud forbidden finger has nothing to do with their cultivation, so why pay such a high price to bid for this cloud forbidden finger!"

The people on Hong Longzong's side looked gloomy and spoke angrily.

"Damn bastard, this Jianaozong is clearly against us!" Hong Longzong's strongest direct disciple smashed the handle of the table and said angrily.

"Elder, do you want to add more!" The man turned his head to look at the elder who also had an ugly face.

At the same time, on the other side, Jian Aozong's house.

"Elder, we have already bid [-] million, will the other party really continue to increase the price?"

"Our sect specializes in swordsmanship. Although this cloud forbidden finger is a high-level fighting skill, it is not compatible with our cultivation. In fact, this disciple thinks that we don't need to pay too much attention to it. Maybe there will be more swordsmanship skills in the future. .”

The disciples of Jianaozong said one after another.

The elder Jianaozong nodded: "That's right, those old men you mentioned know that this cloud forbidden finger is indeed not important to us, but being able to accommodate general advanced fighting skills will be more important to our sect." Our upper limit is [-] million, as long as Hong Longzong exceeds the value of [-] million, we will give up."

"Elder is wise, this way you can kill Hong Longzong a lot!"




"Add!" On Hong Longzong's side, the elder gritted his teeth slightly and spit out a word.

Anyway, Hong Longzong is not short of money.

"Add 3000 million!" Elder Hong Longzong added after a pause.

He intends to directly monopolize the high price to frighten Jian Aozong.

The disciple was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Yes!"


"Hong Longzong bid 3000 million gold coins!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone gasped.

"My God, as expected of Hong Longzong, 3000 million was added in one go!"

The auction audience exclaimed.

"It's great, let's continue!" Jin Ya smiled happily, thinking happily in her heart.

"We also add 3000 million." Elder Jian Aozong said.

"it is good!"


"Dingling" followed.

"Jian Aozong bid 6000 million!"


Suddenly there was another uproar.

The elder of Hong Longzong clenched his fist and gritted his teeth: "Add it directly to [-] million. If the other party still increases it, our Hong Longzong will give up decisively!"

Although the Hong Longzong is not short of money, but the sect is the sect, and people are people, they didn't bring so much money here, and they still have the items behind them. If there are good items, they can grab them.

"It's an elder!"


"Hong Longzong bid [-] million!!!"

"It's two hundred million!"

"Although high-level fighting skills are very precious, the price also depends on the use of the fighting skills. The price of [-] million is really good."

"The most important thing is that there are many high-level fighting skills on the mainland of Zhongzhou!"

There is a discussion below.

"Good guy, directly locked our price ceiling." Jian Aozong disciple gritted his teeth.

"It's [-] million, we won't add any more." Elder Jian Aozong said lightly with a smile on his lips.

Soon, the scene was quiet, and Jian Aozong didn't continue to add more.

Finally, as Jin Ya's voice fell, the final high-level fighting skill Yun Jinzhi was acquired by Hong Longzong again!

(End of this chapter)

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