Chapter 240 240. Nine Nine Supreme
The second item is auctioned off.

The third item was also presented by the woman.

After opening it, it was a peach-like fruit, with a different pink flush attached to the surface of this peach-like fruit.

"what is this!?"

Everyone is curious.

However, Long Fei knew it within the highest standard.

And only those with this level of specifications have the auction menu to watch, and the rest of the VIP rooms do not.

Long Fei lazily looked at the screen in front of him, and muttered, "Huang Ketao"

This is really a peach, but it is very powerful.

Long Fei was quite interested in this, as there are some similarities and differences between the Huangjian Peach and Xian Peach.

They look similar, and have the effect of increasing lifespan, but compared with Xiantao, they are too small.

The most powerful effect of Huangji Peach is that it can double the cultivation speed of the user for life, and at the same time, when faced with obstacles to break through difficulties, there is a 30.00% chance of successfully breaking through the shackles of difficulties.

Jin Ya briefly introduced: "This is the emperor's peach, which is the fruit of the extremely rare and super precious emperor's tree. The emperor's tree blooms every 500 years, bears fruit in another 100 years, and grows in another 300 years. In another 1000 years, it will reach its current mature appearance. Calculated in this way, it will take [-] years for the Huangji tree to bear mature Huangji peaches, and each Huangji tree will not produce more than ten! It is the world's most One of the rare treasures!"

He paused for a while, looked at the reactions of the audience around him, and then realized that the smiles in his grasp became more intense.

Continued: "The effect of Huangji peach can increase the life span of the user. As for how many years, it should not be less than 500 years, and the most powerful effect of Huangji peach is that it can double the speed of cultivation for life and let the person take it. Faced with the obstacle of breaking through the predicament, there is a 30.00% chance of successfully breaking through the shackles of this difficulty."

"What!? Since there are such god-defying fetishes!!"

"Increase lifespan, double the speed of cultivation for life, 30.00% successfully break through the shackles!"

"This kind of divine fruit will make countless forces jealous if you look at Zhongzhou mainland!"

Soon there was a sensation in the audience.

This time, the five strongest sects of Beiyuchi all came, but except for Jianaozong and Honglongzong, they didn't speak before.

But this time it's different, she will definitely open her mouth, because this emperor peach is so attractive!

"We must take a picture!" Elder Hong Longzong breathed heavily, his eyes sparkled, and he was extremely excited.

"We must take pictures!" Elder Jian Aozong also acted in the same way.

"Sword God Sect must win this divine fruit!" The same is true of the elders of Sword God Sect, one of the five major sects.

"Yan Shengzong must take this thing!"

"Tianlongzong must take this thing!"

Soon, the members of the five major sects shouted in their respective VIP rooms.

"This imperial peach is exactly what the domain lord needs. We want to take a picture of it and help the domain lord successfully break through the semi-holy realm!" One of the highest-spec VIP rooms, there are nine elderly people sitting here, An old man said in surprise.

These nine old men are the nine pool masters of Beiyu Pool, the Nine Nine Supremes!

It is also the existence of the dominant level of Beiyu Pool.

One of the nine pool masters stroked his beard and said, "I didn't expect that the legendary Huangji peach would appear here. It seems that we need to meet the real auctioneer of this Huangji peach. If we can get the rest of the Huangji peach Even the legendary Emperor's Tree is good news for the nine of us!"

Another old man said coldly: "No matter what, we must take this imperial peach. As for those other sect forces, don't blame us if they don't know how to praise!"

An old man said calmly, "Hehe, don't be so impulsive, this is an auction house where the highest bidder wins, not to mention do you think that the financial resources of the nine of us are not as good as these five sects and other great powers? "

An old man laughed loudly: "Haha, big brother is right, as long as we want, this imperial peach is ours, and our financial resources are the first existence!"


Next, Jin Ya continued to speak: "The starting price of the third auction item, Huang Ketao, is 1000 million, and each increase must not be less than [-] million gold coins! The auction begins!"

All the way through her voice, people from all sides gasped, and the starting price was [-] million! !
Although those people were not short of money, they were also surprised, but thinking that this is the most authoritative and most prestigious Golden Nang Auction House in Beiyuchi Continent, it immediately relieved a lot.

However, his complexion still twitched unbearably, the richer he was, the more he felt different.

They are indeed rich, but they still can't look like they have hundreds of millions of dollars when they don't change their faces.

What follows is a duel between the big forces.

Those people are raising prices like crazy.

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"Two hundred million!"

Soon, the price of Huang Ketao easily reached [-] million gold coins!

"Sword Aozong, 3000 million and [-] million!"

"Yan Shengzong, 5000 million!"

"Sword God Sect, 6000 million!"

"Tianlongzong, 8000 million!"

Just when these voices appeared, there was no price increase in Hong Longzong on the other side.

Because they already spent 5000 million for the first and second auctions.

Now they bring in limited money.

In the VIP room of Hong Longzong, the elder said: "We have already photographed two things. Although this Huangjiao peach is very good, it is indeed a very popular big potato. There are many people who are jealous. Our Hong Longzong will not take pictures. Save the items for later."

Everyone is moved, but it is not so easy to take it back.

"Three hundred million!"

Just then, a strange voice sounded.

When everyone looked over, it was a man in a black robe.

"Damn it, since who dares to compete with us!" Tianlongzong and others gritted their teeth.

But they also saw the black robe, and they didn't know the power or appearance, so it was not easy to deal with it at present.

Moreover, hands are not allowed in the Golden Nang Auction House. This is a rule, and even the five masters must abide by it, because the Golden Nang Auction House is one of the Nine Nine Supremes, and Jin Hai is one of the Nine Nine Supremes. .

Backstage is hard!

But why he compromised in front of Long Fei, it was because of Jin Hai's big structure.

"Hmph! Yan Shengzong's [-] million!"

"[-] million Tianlongzong!"

To be honest, I have a toothache.

And the rest of the major sects also fell silent.

It seems that their upper limit has been exceeded.

What's more, let these people spend more money now, and they will often have more opportunities later.

As soon as Tianlongzong's [-] million voice fell, the audience became quiet.

No one raised the price.

Jin Ya happily said: "One time for [-] million, two times for [-] million, three times for [-] million"

"Stop arguing, I'll give you one billion dollars for this imperial peach!"

At this most critical moment, an old voice appeared with terrifying majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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