Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 387 387. Refreshments

Chapter 387 387. Refreshments
Long Fei observed his surroundings and nodded secretly: "That's not bad."

Following Dianyu through the walk, he soon came to a door.

Passing by here is a maid holding cleaning things in her hand.

"Meet the elders" the maid said hello respectfully.

"Go and prepare some good refreshments, this is Mr. Long." Dian Yu smiled slightly and said softly to the servant girl.

The servant girl raised her head and looked at Long Fei nodding with a smile on her face, and then turned her gaze back to Dianyu: "Yes, elder!"

After the maid left, Dianyu pushed open the door, and the two of them walked in and closed it.

There is a smell of books inside, decorated with long brown cloth, and the overall layout is still very good.

Walking in, there is a tea table.

"Mr. Long, please sit down." Dian Yu smiled.

Long Fei nodded politely and smiled back, walked forward and sat down.

After sitting down, Long Fei looked at the courtyard in front of him and said, "I thought that alchemists like you should be concentrating on researching the refining of pills, but I didn't expect to have such leisure time."

Dianyu walked towards the table with some cups and tea sets, put them on the table and smiled lightly: "Mr. Long made fun of it. It is true that we are focused on refining medicine, but we can't just stay here forever. Drinking tea is A very good thing, drinking it once in a while can calm the mind and soothe the body and mind, and maybe it can be greatly improved in some aspects."

While talking, he sat down and made a cup of tea.

At this moment, the door rang.

"Elder, tea is here."

A female voice sounded, it was the maid just now.

Dianyu kept smiling: "The door is unlocked, come in."

After getting permission, the door opened, and the servant girl came in, holding a large plate in her hand, on which there were various refreshments.

She carefully placed it on the tea table, and left respectfully after everything was put away.

"Try it, these are the good craftsmanship of our chefs." Dian Yu said as he picked up one.

"it is good"

Long Fei was not polite, picked it up and tasted it.

"How is it?" Dian Yu said, "Do you like the taste?"

"very good"

Long Fei swallowed, smiled slightly, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, which was placed on the table.

Dianyu laughed when he got a satisfactory answer.

Long Fei said, "This is a place to talk. Elder Dianyu asked me to bring me good tea and delicious food. Why?"

"Then I'll go straight in alone. Mr. Long's alchemy technique, as well as the control of the soul, and the strength of the soul, can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented."

"It's exactly what our Alchemist Guild needs. I'm here this time to hope that Mr. Long can join our Alchemist Guild, and then represent one of our members to participate in this session, which is tomorrow's Alchemist Conference!"

On the way, Long Fei didn't speak, but listened carefully to what Dianyu had to say while eating tea and drinking tea.

When Dianyu finished speaking, Long Fei showed a smile that he had expected a long time ago: "Elder Dianyu finished?"

"Uh, it's over!" Dian Yu nodded, looking at Long Fei's calmness, he always felt a little uncomfortable psychologically.

There seems to be a feeling that everything has been seen through by the person in front of him, and his heart suddenly becomes a little complicated.

After Long Fei finished his tea, he said, "Elder Dian Yu spoke highly of me, and I love to hear it. I'm glad you invited me to join the Alchemy Association, but I'm not really that good at alchemy. I have a cold, and I already have my own sect."

Dianyu asked curiously: "If you don't catch a cold, then practice until he catches a cold. How powerful is Mr. Long?"

"Blue Dragon School"

Long Fei turned his hands over, a ray of light appeared with dragon's breath, and then saw a token.

After handing it over, Dianyu's pupils widened, his face changed in shock, and he couldn't believe it: "Qinglongzong! Since you are a disciple of Qinglong?!"

"Not bad!" Long Fei nodded and put it away.

Dianyu hurriedly took a sip of tea and refreshments to suppress his shock, and calmed himself down a bit, before speaking again after a while: "Mr. Long, although you have a sect, the alchemist guild does not conflict with the sect. You can still opt in."

He intends to try to win him over. The current opponent is not something that the Alchemist Guild can provoke, no matter his cultivation level or background. Even if he can't become a member, at least he can make friends with him.

Long Fei said: "I have already said that I am a person who focuses on the cultivation of strength, and I personally just want to have fun with alchemy."

"All right."

Hearing that Long Fei had said this, Dian Yu didn't know what to say, but he still couldn't make any rebuttals, after all, the other party also had a reason.

He sighed and said, "Even if Mr. Long doesn't join, forget it, but I hope we can form a good relationship and get to know each other."

"You can have this." Long Fei nodded.

He continued to eat tea and drink tea, without any expression of embarrassment.

Long Fei said leisurely: "Although I won't join your alchemist guild, I'm still interested in participating in tomorrow's alchemist competition. I came here today to obtain this alchemist badge for tomorrow's competition."


As soon as he heard it, Dianyu's eyes lit up immediately, he became interested, and began to cheer up.

"In this way, we can help you sign up quickly without having to queue up, but this requires Mr. Long to be named on our side." Dian Yu said quickly.

Long Fei secretly laughed in his heart, this old fox.

Then after thinking for a while, he said: "Although I won't join your alchemist guild, I should still be able to make a name for myself."

"Okay! Let's say that!" Dianyu laughed.

"Okay, after that, I'll leave it to you to deal with the competition." Long Fei smiled.

Dian Yu smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, everything is properly arranged!"

"By the way, can you reveal the content of this competition's refining pill?" Long Fei looked at Dian Yu tentatively, and he didn't really want to get it. Fangzheng went up to the competition stage no matter what the final competition was. Then everything is known.

Dianyu put down the teacup in his hand, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Well, according to the rules, our side can't provide information to outsiders, but the most important thing is that even us elders don't know What is the content of alchemy in this assessment, only the president will know, and we will only know when the meeting starts tomorrow."

After a pause, Dianyu continued to speak: "No matter what kind of elixir you refine, as long as you refine it to a higher level, you will have a higher chance of entering the ranking."

There is a deep meaning in this sentence, and there are some hidden information that anyone who is not a fool can understand.

He believed that Long Fei was not a fool.

And just as he wanted, Long Fei, who was not a fool, naturally understood the meaning of his words.

"okay, I get it."

Long Fei smiled deeply.


(End of this chapter)

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