Chapter 388. Chapter 388.
After the meeting, Long Fei left the Alchemy Masters Guild, and finally persuaded him to move in, but Long Fei didn't agree. He wanted to take a good look at the outside and live wherever he went.

His first game was to directly enter the central area. There were many people in front of him, and the ceremony had a sense of ritual. This is where the alchemist conference will be held tomorrow.

Tomorrow, this place will be a scene where all the powerful alchemists will compete for hegemony. When the time comes, everyone will show off their talents, which is amazing!

Here, the surroundings have been surrounded by heavy soldiers, and they are being watched carefully.

Those people were not presumptuous, but wandered around outside.

"It's getting dark, let's go home and cook."

Long Fei raised his head and looked at the already dark night, with a faint smile on his face.

As the sky turned into night on the food street, these people came out one after another to set up stalls and do business.

There are grilled, fried, fried, steamed.
There are many, Founder only you can't think of, there is nothing you can't see here.

All kinds of delicious aromas filled the avenue all day long.

The people passing by were attracted and couldn't help but walked in the direction guided by the smell.

It's like being completely mesmerized.

Long Fei was also fascinated, there was no way these smells were really too fragrant!
So, he acted quickly and ordered several dishes at each stall.

Time passed little by little, and finally he was holding a large pile of food in his arms, so he used Xianli to fly them all up, his hands finally relaxed, he picked up a bunch of food and ate them one by one up.

He eats happily and full.

This action of Long Fei also attracted the curious eyes of the people around, who wondered if this young man was so edible, could it be that monster that transformed into it?
Some people with bad ideas are so close to actually doing some research.

"Let's make it!!!"

But at this moment, a loud and uncomfortable voice sounded in front of him, and it was a man.

The man rode a horse and rushed out from the crowd. Those people quickly dodged and then cursed.

Long Fei was very happy to eat, and he devoted himself to the delicious food so that he didn't pay attention for a while, when he heard the voice and wanted to react.

The man on the horse had charged and hit his food that was suspended in mid-air!
Long Fei dropped a lot of food, and before he could tidy it up, two groups of horses flew out and knocked the rest of Long Fei's food to the ground.

The three of them laughed wildly, and quickly rode their horses towards the front, ignoring what they bumped into, and didn't even pay attention to Long Fei.

"It turned out to be the young master of Baijiabai's family."

"No wonder you are so arrogant."

"But isn't such behavior prohibited in the Luohe area?"

"Hehe, others didn't hit people. At most, they will be scolded when they go back like this, and they won't even be able to."

"Don't talk about it, other people's backgrounds are powerful, and it is said that there are people who are one of the elders in the Luohe region."

"The lowest requirement to be one of the senior elders in Luohe Region is to be at the level of Xuanxian. How can we small people object to it?"

"Rules set by others can naturally be ignored. This has always been the case in this world, so don't be surprised."

In the streets and alleys, many people talked about it.

Among them, there are many envy, jealousy and hatred.

But at the moment when these people were talking a lot, Long Fei, who paid the heaviest price, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a coldness and anger came out of his eyes.

"I don't care if you have Xuanxian or not, or which family's background force, you knocked off my food, and just ignored it, you are dead."

Long Fei murmured in his icy voice, clenched his fists, looked at the three fast-running figures in front of him, and continued: "Even if Jesus comes, we can't save you, and it's even more impossible to show face!"

After finishing speaking, his figure disappeared in place strangely.

This scene also attracted the attention of some people. After all, these people wanted to see how the victim wanted to solve the collision.

"He disappeared, did he run away?"

"No, I just felt the killing intent emanating from him."

".Is that guy trying to settle accounts with those three people?"

"If that's the case, there will be a good show!"

"People who eat melons, quickly take melon seeds and watch the excitement with us!"

While talking, everyone showed an eager look, and rushed forward quickly.

All of a sudden, the order of the scene here became very messy, and what happened here also attracted the attention of the guards who maintained order.

"What happened then?"

"Go over and have a look. How dare you act wild in the area of ​​Luohe City? It's really life-threatening!"

The soldiers and guards looked curious, and they also calmed down, and quickly set off towards the busiest and most crowded side!

the same moment.

A figure appeared in front of the three people on horseback.

The three of them shrank their pupils when they saw such a person suddenly rushing out to block the way, and stopped the horse.

"Who are you, boy, you are courting death!!"

"Didn't you see our horse?!!"

The three became furious.

The three scolded so much that the veins on their foreheads were exposed.

This is really an unusual expression.

"The kid looks familiar, have you seen it somewhere?" Suddenly the three of them were taken aback, and began to question Long Fei's origin.

"You knocked out my food, now I give you two choices."

Long Fei ignored what the three of them said, but a cold voice sounded the moment he raised his hand.

"First, apologize in public."

"Second, I will kill you."

Following Long Fei's two words, the boiling waves around him suddenly stopped.

"My God, this guy is really bold. Since he wants the three young masters to apologize in public? Do you want to kill each other?"

"Hahaha, should it be said that he is brave and foolish, or is he stupid and naive?"

"It's true that those who don't know are innocent. But those who offend others will die."

The voices of the crowd rang out one after another, and the eyes of everyone watching the play became more and more.

Then comes the critical moment of the play.

Everyone watched carefully.


"You want us to apologize in public?! Why?! Who do you think you are!"

"Kill us? Hmph! Ignorant criminals, it's hard to say who will kill anyone in the end!"

After speaking sarcastically, the leader of the young master Baijia sneered: "Very good, boy, we also give you two choices. First, kneel down and apologize and cut off your limbs! Second, you die here!"

Long Fei sneered: "Your proposal is very good, very good. The three little second-level true immortals have a good tone, but we have to see if you have the ability."

He stared, and suddenly a terrifying soul power surged out, directly suppressing the three of them and throwing them off their horses, their faces suddenly showing panic.

"What a strong soul power, who are you?!"

The three of them screamed in horror, and the arrogance of the stubborn disciples before was completely gone.

(End of this chapter)

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