Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 403 403. Meeting with him

Chapter 403 403. Meeting with him
Then Dianyu took the Shenyou Pill and walked towards the back, and soon came to the elders, they judged that this pill was first obtained by machinery.

Put the Shenyou Pill into the machine, and then press the thumb, and then the machine will start to run, and the result will come out in a short while.

It shows:

Elixir: Shenyou Dan.

Grade: First Thunder and Second Grade Pill.

Fragrance: top

Color: top

Round: top

Efficacy: Top

Rating: [-]+
The elders and the presidents all looked over one after another, and just saw the Shenyou Dan brought by Dianyu, and the data similar to this machine could be read with the naked eye.

"Hehe, as expected, the report can be printed out."

Chairman Chang Luo gave orders to Dianyu.


Dian Yu nodded, and soon after pressing the button, a note came out from the machine, and the Shenyou Pill had already been filled in a special bottle.

"This is the first person in this field to enter the next knockout round, and there are still 29 places left."

The president Chang Luo said, turned around and smiled slightly at the people below: "You have to hurry up, is there any one of you among the 29 celebrities?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Dianyu: "Let this little friend come up to meet me, I am very interested in his Tier [-] Immortal Travel Pill."

"I know the president, I'll go now." After finishing speaking, Dian Yu had already left the place.

After receiving the notification, Long Fei was not surprised by the fact that he had already entered the next knockout round. He left the refining table and walked straight forward.

After going through the stairs one after another, he soon came to the location of the president and others.

At this moment, Long Fei was arranged by Dian Yu to sit down in a guest room.

Just when he came here, he wondered why the other party came to him.

It made him think that the most likely possibility is that the president or some elder wants to buy his Shenyou Pill, so he asked Dian Yu with this doubt.

Dian Yu's meaning was also very obvious, and he guessed it right.

After sitting down, a maid poured him a cup of tea.

Long Fei's buttocks hadn't warmed up yet, at this moment there were already two people walking towards him in front of him.

One is Dian Yu who just went to report the news, he is very familiar with it, and the second is a white-haired old man.

However, this white-haired old man is extremely majestic, and he has an aura of coercion as soon as he comes in.

This person is Chang Luo, the president of the Alchemy Association.

"Hello, President, my name is Long Fei." Out of respect for the old man, Long Fei first stood up and said softly.

"Hehe, you don't have to be polite, little friend Long, sit down!" Chang Luo said with a smile, without the seriousness of a serious position.

After speaking, he also sat down opposite Long Fei.

"Go ahead and host, this is a matter between me and Long Xiaoyou." The president Chang Luo glanced at Dianyu.

"It's the president!" Dian Yu gave Long Fei a look before leaving.

Although Long Fei didn't understand what it meant, he slightly moved his eyes and pupils to prove that he had received it.

He also sat down and looked at Chang Luo with a smile on his face.

Chang Luo came with a polite remark: "If it wasn't for this incident, I wouldn't have known that you were a noble soldier of the Central Domain Palace. It's really unbelievable."

Long Fei smiled slightly, and slowly shook his head: "I'm also quite surprised. Well, President, you definitely didn't want to talk about these things by calling me here, right? Why don't we get straight to the point?" What do you think?

After hearing this, Chang Luo nodded slowly: "No problem, let's get straight to the point. This time I called you over to buy the Yilei Second Grade Immortal Tour Pill that you refined. I hope you can join us Alchemist Guild, when the time comes, I can give you a position as trainee hall master. As for the remuneration, it will be incomparably generous, and you will definitely be satisfied when the time comes, so let me keep it a secret now."

Long Fei was not in a hurry to answer Chang Luo's question, but stretched out his hand to take the cup on the table and put it to his mouth to drink two or three sips. After pursing his lips, he smiled and said slowly: "President, what did you say? I can't agree with either of those two questions."

"Why? Do you have any concerns? You can tell us and let's discuss it together."

Chang Luo was a little surprised, but it seemed to be expected, and the thoughts in his heart were hard to figure out.

At this moment, Chang Luo put the Shenyou Pill of the second grade of Thunder on the table.

Long Fei picked it up and held it in his hands. The Immortal Travel Pill was contained in a special bottle, very hygienic.

Chang Luo saw this scene but didn't take action to stop it. After all, although they made the material of this pill, it was Long Fei who refined it, so the owner of the pill was also Long Fei.

As long as Long Fei wants to take this pill, he only needs to pay the material fee for one set, after all, he only used one set.

Long Fei shook his head slightly, and said slowly, "I don't have any concerns, the main reason is that this pill is the first time I have successfully refined it, and I don't want to sell it anymore. , How many times can there be such opportunities and chances? I want to eat it myself to see if it feels different.”

"Master Long, really don't think about it anymore? We can offer you a price that you can't imagine!"

This was a curiosity for Long Fei, but for the chairman Chang Luo, why not curiosity and excitement?He wanted to fight for it again, hoping that the money could impress Long Fei.

"Oh? I'm curious how much you will pay, President?" Long Fei didn't kill them all, but gave Chang Luo a chance to see hope. Anyway, no matter how much he paid, he would definitely not sell it in the end, so He was in no rush.

"This number!"

The president raised two fingers, looked into Long Fei's eyes seriously and said.

Long Fei blinked his eyes and was speechless: "The president is really humorous. You raised two fingers. How do I know how much it is two? How many people are behind?"

The president, Chang Luo, didn't want to keep playing tricks anymore, and directly offered an offer: "2000 million fairy coins, I'll buy this one-thunder and second-grade Immortal Tour Pill in your hand!"

"2000 million fairy coins? This is indeed very high, the president is full of sincerity, but unfortunately I am not short of money, I am not interested in money now."

Long Fei smiled deeply, and as he talked, Chang Luo seemed to see hope, but the next moment he shook his head again, completely collapsed.

Chairman Chang Luo quickly calmed down, because he found a loophole in Long Fei's words. People are not born perfect, as long as there is a loophole, they can break through, so he smiled slightly and said: "Then Mr. Long wants Could it be cultivation resources? The two things that our alchemist guild lacks most are fairy coins and cultivation resources. In terms of resources, our guild not only reserves a lot, but also has a large number of vigorous contacts."

Long Fei nodded: "I do need some cultivation resources, but compared to that, I actually want to taste what kind of feeling and comprehension this Immortal Travel Pill of the First Thunder and Second Grade can bring me."

The training resources he wants are more direct, such as giving him a few higher-level modifications or fairy beasts for him to devour and upgrade.

(End of this chapter)

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