Chapter 404 404. Five Things
Long Fei said: "It's okay to exchange resources, but you need to show me resources with the same price first, President. I only want the ones that are most beneficial to me."

"Okay, you come with me!" Hearing Long Fei say this, at least give him a chance, because Long Fei's status is special and he is also a noble soldier of the Central Domain Palace, even if he is the president of the alchemist guild. For this reason, we must respect three points, otherwise we will not take Xia Taiyang domain master seriously.

What's more, such a rare genius, as long as he doesn't die early, he will definitely be a big shot in the future, and making friends now will be of great benefit to him in the future!
Chang Luo stood up while speaking, and Long Fei also followed.

At this moment, with the passage of time bit by bit, the new elixirs below were refined one after another. Of course, many of them succeeded only after a second chance, and some of them succeeded in just one pair. Those who failed twice were directly eliminated, and there were quite a few of them.

It's going on here, and it will end in less than half an hour.

The number of alchemists gradually decreased in the arena.

Moreover, the time to advance to the next knockout round is in the afternoon, and during this period, there are at least four or five hours to rest and recuperate.

On Long Fei's side, he had followed the president Chang Luo to a new place early on. From Chang Luo's introduction, he learned that this place was a resource pavilion outside the alchemist guild.

The layout and furnishings here are very ancient and mysterious.

There are many cabinets that go straight to the top, layer by layer, one by one.

People who are not familiar with this place will easily feel lost after watching it for a long time.

Under the leadership of Chang Luo, he walked in every wide and thick shelf seam inside.

It's pretty secretive.

There was a large square in front, where a high cobblestone table stood.

There is a stool at the front and back.

Chang Luo stopped and looked at Long Fei with a slight smile: "Young Master Long, wait for me here for a while, and I'll go get you some resources of matching value."

This place belongs to the type of secret room, whether it is the footsteps just now or the voice of speaking now, there is a gloomy echo and it disappears again after a brief resounding.

"it is good"

After responding, Chang Luo had already disappeared here. Long Fei looked around carefully by himself, but he didn't find anything amiss.

It is more reasonable to say that this place is too much.

He sat down, seemed to remember something, quickly called out the system, and turned on the smelting table.

But at this moment, the smelting of the Qinglong ancient knife has been completely completed, and a scarlet arrogance appeared around the icon knife belonging to this knife.

Even if he hadn't taken it out to touch it with his hands, Long Fei could read some kind of information from the changed icon.

The voice of the system rang in his mind: "The smelting is complete, will the host extract it now?"

"Yes!" Long Fei nodded: "But don't extract it now, put it into the system."

"Okay" the system replies.

It's not suitable to take this place out now, otherwise, he worried that there would be too much noise and it would destroy this place, and it would be embarrassing.

Soon, Chang Luo came back.

He walked out slowly from the back of his hand, and didn't take anything, because he put all those things into the ring.

The waiting Long Fei was called back by the sound of footsteps.

Looking at Chang Luo who had come across from him in front of him, he said, "What did the president bring for me?"

Chairman Chang Luo laughed and said, "Wait a minute."

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, five boxes appeared on Long Fei's desktop.

Chang Luo laughed and said, "These five things I found are all worth about 2000 million fairy coins, and they are all about the same."

"Young Master Long, do you think it's okay?" Chang Luo said.

Long Fei looked at the five boxes in front of him calmly, and said in a flat tone: "If you only talk about the price, then it's fine. If you talk about other things, you have to look at the quality of each of these five items."

"Hehe, Mr. Long will not be disappointed."

After speaking, Chang Luo opened the lid of the first box.

When I opened it, the first thing looked like a strange plant with two dragon heads, and the surface had a layer of translucent luster like glazed glass.

On the whole, it looks like some kind of mutated Ganoderma lucidum.

Long Fei frowned, searching for information about this plant in his mind.

As for Long Fei having this expression, Chang Luo would not be surprised, and introduced with a faint smile: "The first one is Shuanglong Liulizhi."

Chang Luo slowly opened his mouth to introduce: "The connotation of Shuanglong Liulizhi has been condensed for hundreds of years. It contains rich dragon blood power of Yin and Yang Shuanglong in its body. It is full of yang energy and can condense a glass-like body and soul. And Mr. Long It seems that there is also some energy of dragons, presumably there will be a lot of help between the two, and the market price is exactly 2000 million fairy coins."

Long Fei quietly listened to his introduction of this Shuanglong Liulizhi, and then his eyes moved a little. I have to say that he was indeed a little moved, but he didn't show it right away. After all, there was something dead behind, and He can't tell others the expression he wants very much. He must keep a calm attitude so that he can make better suggestions.

Long Fei sat quietly on the stool and nodded slowly: "Shuanglong Liulizhi is not bad, this is indeed a good thing, then the president will let me see the second one?"

"Not moved? How is this possible?" Seeing Long Fei's expression, Chang Luo thought to himself.

This shouldn't be, this Shuanglong Liulizhi is a very powerful thing, even their alchemist guild has less than five plants, and they usually don't take it out easily.

If you take it to the auction house, the lowest starting price is 2000 million.

Chang Luo was conscientious, and directly offered the lowest starting price to Long Fei.

"Okay." Chang Luo nodded slowly, and quickly opened the second box.

This is a bottle filled with red blood.

"Blood? What is this?" Long Fei became interested.

Even though it was separated by a bottle, he could feel that the blood in this bottle was unusual.

It contains powerful dragon blood power and dragon breath.

That's right, although he didn't know what kind of beast's blood it was, he was sure it was definitely the blood of a dragon!
Looking at Chang Luo, Long Fei felt dark in his heart: It seems that the five things this old guy prepared for me are likely to be related to Long. It really is a good plan!
Chang Luo said: "This is the dragon blood of the Earth Explosive Star Dragon, and Mr. Long must be able to feel that even though there is a bottle separated, the dragon power is still very strong. That's how much blood dragon power is, let alone Just how powerful is his whole body?"

"Earth Explosive Star Dragon? Does this kind of dragon exist?" Long Fei was also curious.

"Yes! Of course!" Chang Luo nodded.

"Then does it belong to a fairy beast?" Long Fei asked.

Chang Luo nodded: "That's right, this is a dragon-type fairy beast that has just stepped into the rank of a true fairy."

The market price of the blood of an ordinary real fairy beast starts at 1000 million fairy coins, but this dragon is even rarer and has a value of more than 2000 million.


(End of this chapter)

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