Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 432. 432. Refining, Meet Acquaintance

Chapter 432. 432. Refining, Meet Acquaintance

"Get down!"

Following Long Fei's violent shout, icy air appeared from the red arrogance on his body, and this icy air quickly spread around, and it took less than five seconds for the entire floor of the room to be completely covered with ice. Fenghua!

Soon, the entire room was assimilated into a world of ice.

And Long Fei himself was also frozen by the power of the ice, turning into a stone statue of a person sitting cross-legged.

Falling into cultivation again?
No, in this state, it will soon break out of its shell.

About the time of one light passed.

clap clap
There were many cracks on the ice sculpture that was originally translucent, and the energy inside penetrated through the cracks, and it was red with cyan light.


The ice sculptures exploded, and countless ice cubes turned into ice crystal fragments and scattered on the ground.

Long Fei's body was revealed, and his muscles were clearly defined. He looked at the room covered by cold air and ice. If an outsider came in here, unless he was of a high level, he would definitely become an ice sculpture.

Raise your hand and rotate your palm!
The ice-blue light turned into a vortex in his fist.


After a low moan, the ice and cold air in the room quickly turned into gas and flowed into the vortex in his hand, and finally entered Long Fei's body, and everything around him quickly returned to its original state.

After doing all this, Long Fei checked the changes in his body by himself.

The benefits he got were that his qi and blood were strengthened again, his physical strength was strengthened again, and there was an extra burst of violent energy of the Earth Explosive Star Dragon in his body, and he also comprehended a very powerful skill from this blood.

The earth explodes and the sky destroys the stars!
This should be the strongest stunt belonging to the Earth Explosion Star Dragon.

In addition, the blood of the Earth Explosive Star Dragon was quickly assimilated by the blood of the Chaos Azure Dragon after it entered Long Fei's body.

Brings a lot of sublimation to his body, those are the benefits.

Then he took out the World-Mie Lei Immortal-level Foundation Establishment Pill from the ring.

"Let me taste your effect too."

The one in Long Fei's hand is the original, and the one sold to Xia Taiyang is a replica.

He ate it.

Meditate again.

His foundation is very good, this time it only took an hour or two hours to absorb this elixir completely.

When he woke up again, he felt more comfortable than ever.

After absorbing good things one after another, his body, blood, foundation, strength, cultivation and many other things have been improved again beyond imagination.

Take a deep breath, today's practice is over.

He stood up and pushed open the door. At this moment, the sky has darkened and the world has entered night.

"Time flies so fast, tomorrow we will enter the ancient ruins."

Looking at the countless stars and the big moon in the sky, Long Fei sighed.

Today's series of exercises consumed him a lot, making him very hungry now.

There is a great need for food to fill.

Do you think it's strange? This person has already become a fairy, and he is still a strong person at the level of a real fairy. How can he still be hungry?

Thinking about those prehistoric fairy-level figures, they seem to have lived for millions of years without eating food, and even several epochs have passed like that.

But here it doesn't work.

Then the only problem is that the rules of this Ascension Realm are limited.

No wonder there are no prehistoric seniors.

Now his real fairyland may still be very far away from the real fairyland in Honghuang, after all, what he has there is comprehension of many laws and other connotations.

And the level of this world is only the level of the body itself.

It's not so much a fairy, it's better to say it's just a title of a level.

We are still human.

Compared with Honghuang, this is really very different.

But no matter what, all of these things are just a transitional area for Long Fei. Sooner or later, he will go to the Great Desolate World. At that time, everything will really start!

Walking in the palace, Long Fei saw many fireworks flying in the area outside the palace, today seems to be a festival?
Could it be the Mid-Autumn Festival in this world?

Don't be kidding, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China, how could it appear here.

He leaves quickly.

However, with the experience of being chased by a large group of people today, this time he directly used the illusion skill to change his appearance and figure into another person.

Long Fei took out the mirror and took a look at him. The current him and his original appearance can't be confused at all, they are two totally irrelevant people.

"Not bad, very satisfied, now I feel relieved."

Long Fei stroked his chin and said coolly.

Go forward boldly.

The night scene here is still so lively.

This place is very big, but Long Fei has already tasted all of these nearby restaurants these days. No matter whether the taste is delicious or not, he will not go there for the second time. Some places can be tasted once.

So he deliberately headed towards another place farther in the city.

His pace is very fast, and he can reach it in less than 1 minute.

Here is another brand new visual impact.

At this moment, Long Fei met an acquaintance whom he had met a few times. Not really an acquaintance.

Not far ahead, there is a long-haired woman walking slowly towards this side.

This person is Wei Ya!
"It's really a coincidence."

Long Fei whispered in a very low voice.

But now he has changed his appearance and figure, and he doesn't have the muscular figure before. Now he looks like a scholar.

Wei Ya passed beside Long Fei, and the two just missed it.

But at this moment, Wei Ya's body paused.

what happened
Why is there a feeling of familiarity
Wei Ya turned around quickly, and all she saw was an extremely strange figure.

Her brows frowned, and her intuition from a woman told him that she must know this strange man in front of her!
In order to clarify this illusion, she quickly opened her mouth and said, "Wait a minute!"

Long Fei naturally knew that this little girl had discovered him, but he did not discover his true identity.

His footsteps stopped, and he thought to himself: This woman's self-consciousness is really scary.
Can't you really guess it?
I'm such a bird now, shouldn't it be
With a very calm face, he turned his head slowly and said lightly, "Miss looking for me?"

Wei Ya stepped back towards him, looking at Long Fei seriously.

The appearance of this person is very strange, and he has never seen it before.

Could it be that my perception was wrong this time?

Wei Ya was very puzzled.

Although she thought so in her heart, Wei Ya still planned to ask directly: "I don't know why the young master looks familiar, have we met the young master before?"


When Long Fei opened his mouth, Wei Ya was taken aback, then Long Fei shook his head: "Impossible, I can remember the women I've seen at a glance, if you didn't let me remember, then I must have never seen them."

"If Miss is asking to stay here because of this matter, then I'm sorry, I have something to do and I won't delay here with you."

After Long Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left directly.

Only Wei Ya, who was left in a daze, looked at his leaving back, and wanted to say something more, but she didn't.


(End of this chapter)

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