Chapter 433
Peach Crisp Muchi
After leaving Wei Ya quickly, Long Fei came to the store.

The building in front of this store is very large and luxurious, the lights are shining in an orderly manner, and the color difference is very comfortable if it is not dazzling.

Here you can eat and bathe, and you can experience many items.

"It should be similar to the foot massage shop on Earth in the previous life, but it's more luxurious here."

Long Fei muttered, and walked in. What's more humane is that the door opened automatically.

"So advanced? There is automation technology in this place?" Long Fei was a little taken aback.

However, I realized in the next second that this is not an automatic opening, but a fairy art or formation, which can be activated under certain conditions, so the behavior of automatically opening the door is formed.

The doubts in my heart were immediately resolved.

As soon as Long Fei entered, the inside was very big, and there were rows of beauties standing in two rows, with their hands on the front of their abdomen, when they saw Long Fei coming in, they bowed politely and asked, "My lord, welcome to the Taosu Muchi! "

Pairs of scorching eyes stared at Long Fei up and down, and he felt a little embarrassed when he was looked at like this.

Nima, there are so many beauties, but I am a person of status, so I must hold on, women will only affect my strength, women will only affect the speed of my sword drawing!

Long Fei coughed dryly, and put his hands behind his back naturally. At the same time, he was not the only person passing by here, but most of them were men.

Some are obscene, and some pretend to be calm, but most of them are monks such as playboys and wretched uncles.

A woman came to Long Fei and said, "Hello, young master, are you coming to the shop for consumption?"

"Why don't you come to spend money?" Long Fei said, "Do you have a place to eat here? Take me there."

The woman was stunned when she heard it: "A place to eat! Of course there is, please come inside, young master!"

All of a sudden, the woman seemed to understand what Long Fei said, and looked at Long Fei with a meaningful smile.

Long Fei frowned. In fact, there was nothing in his words. He really wanted to eat, not play with women.

When he saw the woman's face and expression, he knew that the woman had misunderstood him, so he thought about it that way
Forget it, let’s take one step at a time and enjoy it now that we’re here.

That's the same sentence, Lord, I'm not short of money!
Long Fei followed the woman towards Neitong.

The lights inside are colorful, and the tiles on the ground and walls have their own characteristics.

Walking through this corridor, you can see many men and women who are ambiguous in the corridor. The women are all from this store, and the men are playboys.

They must be the young masters and sons of some families.

Long Fei shook his head secretly, without paying too much attention.

"Hate~~ Be gentle"

Suddenly a charming and shy female voice sounded.

Long Fei frowned, and said to the woman leading the way: "How long will it take to get to the place to eat, and what I said about eating is really eating, not that."

The woman smiled slightly: "Young master, don't worry, I know that the front is just right."

At this moment, Long Fei smelled the aroma of food.

This guy didn't misunderstand feelings, but I thought too much?

Soon, the front entered another hall, and there was a reception desk in front.

"My lord, this is the place to eat, but we have a service here that feeds mandarin ducks. I wonder if you have tried it?" The woman looked at Long Fei charmingly, since she was a man, there must be internal anger.

She didn't believe that this well-mannered man would be able to hold on!
Man, hum, it's all faked!
Watch me break the defense and tear your camouflage apart!
After all, she has been here for so long, she has seen everyone, especially these men who pretend to be polite!
"Do not"

Long Fei shook his head.

The woman suddenly didn't know what to say.

"In there please"

The woman intends to take a look first.

Long Fei entered towards the front.

Seeing the scene inside was exactly as I imagined.

At each table, there are two women sitting on the left and one on the right, feeding and other formal services that can be seen in public.

The woman brought Long Fei to a separate seat and sat down. This seat was not bad and was by the window.

Looking out the window, this is already the second floor.

In fact, the second floor is not too high, so it is naturally not as wonderful as it is seen from a high place.

"Give me all the delicious food here, money is not a problem."

As Long Fei said, he took out a bag of kits and threw it towards the woman.

The woman was startled, and quickly picked it up.

Then Long Fei's voice came out: "Here is [-] fairy coins, it's my tip for you, hurry up, I'll fix those fancy things for you."

"Yes! My lord, wait a moment, the delicious food in this shop will never be hidden, and will be delivered to you!"

The woman's complexion changed drastically, and her service attitude changed instantly. She was even more happy than before.

There is no way, the other party came up with a tip of [-] fairy coins, and he didn't even blink, to him, the [-] fairy coins are nothing.
And those other people will only give a few hundred at most, and only about one or two thousand.

It seems that her previous guesses were probably all wrong. This rich young man might really just be here for dinner!
"Go! I don't want to wait too long." Long Fei waved his hand.

After the woman bowed, she turned and left quickly.

The next step is to wait.

Long Fei didn't know how long he would have to wait.

At this moment, a woman walked over from the other side, and a sweet voice sounded: "My lord, do you need any service?"

After Long Fei glanced at her, he immediately lost interest: "No need."

Immortal cultivators should abstain from female sex so that they can cultivate!

Moreover, there were too many men accompanied by these women, and he suddenly felt a little bad.

"Cut, prudish!"

After being rejected, the woman snorted coldly, then turned around and left.

You don't want to serve?I still don't serve you, old lady!

Long Fei ignored the woman's words and just quietly looked at the night scene outside.

Although it is not as good as the Central Palace, it still has its own characteristics.

"Come here, I need service!"

At this moment, a man's voice sounded from the other side.

"Okay, sir!" The woman immediately walked towards that side with a smile on her face.

The woman who left didn't disappoint Long Fei either, and soon brought a lot of food to his table.

"Master, these are all"

The women introduced the food to Long Fei one by one, and then asked cautiously: "Master, do you really need no service?"

After all, the other party has given too much, so if you can do more for the other party, do more.

"No need." Long Fei shook his head, his eyes are all on the delicious food in front of him now, he has no interest in women at all, if he would have wanted it when his internal fire was strong before, but now he has been calmed down by the ice, Immediately there was no such interest.

The woman asked again: "Does the young man need to take a bath after eating? We have a special person here who can give you a massage and so on."

Long Fei thought about it, and came here too, so let's try the regular service here, so he nodded: "Give me some of these regular services, and I'll go and feel it after eating."

The woman smiled all over her face: "The little girl will arrange everything for you, you take it easy."

After finishing speaking, he left after getting Long Fei's consent.


(End of this chapter)

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