Chapter 440. Chapter 440.
Under the eyesight of the chaotic green dragon's pupils, Long Fei could see both the face of this person and the face of the person who was stabbed very clearly.

Both were attracted by the sound of his footsteps.

The person who was stabbed seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, and stretched out his hand tremblingly towards Long Fei, with a weak and trembling voice: "Help, help."

And the lunatic-like murderer over there also looked over, his eyes were shrouded in scarlet light, and then a yin and yang cold voice sounded from his mouth: "We have been discovered. Let's kill together!"



After finishing speaking, he directly stabbed the man's throat with a knife, pulled it out quickly, blood gushed out like money, the man's eyes widened, he was dead without breath
Seeing this scene, Long Fei wanted to say: You go on, I didn't see anything.

However, before he could open his mouth, the lunatic murderer who had killed the man grabbed the bloody dagger and flew out with a brisk stride, stabbing towards Long Fei's cranium with extremely fast speed.

Long Fei frowned, this kind of person must have received professional training as a professional assassin and was a natural professional assassin with such agility.

I don't know if it's those people outside or the creatures that exist here are also puppets.

His speed is very fast, but Long Fei's speed is not slow, it can only be said that the stubborn stubble he encountered this time, since he provoked Long Fei.

Under the gaze of the chaotic blue dragon's pupils, no matter how fast this person was, he would be infinitely slowed down, so the speed of the lunatic killer was very slow in Long Fei's eyes.

With a slight tilt of his head, Long Fei easily escaped the assassination of the short dagger.


The lunatic killer looked startled, and even avoided it!
The next moment, he felt a sense of danger coming, and when he looked down, he saw a fist the size of a sandbag hitting his head!
Feeling the danger brought by the fist, his face changed drastically, and he wanted to avoid it, but his speed was still slow.



A hard fist hit his face, and the huge impact directly blasted his whole body out and hit the wall fiercely. The wall was sunken and dust was flying, making the gloomy and dark place suddenly appear Even more panic.

But this is nothing to Long Fei, after all, in his eyes now, this dark world is exactly the same as a bright place.

The dagger fell to the ground.

Long Fei walked towards it slowly, stepped on the dagger, and a burst of blue energy turned the broken dagger into particles and disappeared here.

"Do you really think that killing a person can kill me in front of me? Ants are ants after all, how can they have the same perspective as elephants?"

Long Fei's indifferent voice sounded, and those shining green pupils looked so frightening in the darkness.

The aura and aura that emanated from him completely overwhelmed everything here.

The dust dissipated, and the person's body was firmly stuck to the wall without moving.

He showed a look of fear, but he was not dead, but half of his head was gone, his body twitched violently, and his voice trembled: "Who the hell are you?"

His strength is at least an eighth-level true immortal, so he was punched like this by the man in front of him? !
It is impossible for Xuanxian to enter this dimensional space, so the man in front of me is probably a peak true immortal, but even so, how could one punch cause him such a heavy blow!

He began to doubt life. He had seen the Peak True Immortal before, but it wasn't that scary. At least he still had a chance to react and fight back, but he had no chance to fight back in front of this person.
"A dead person is really long-winded."

Long Fei came in front of him, raised his hand extremely quickly, pinched the man's neck amidst the fearful and trembling expression, and squeezed it violently, there was a clear and crisp sound of spine breaking, and the man's life stopped. Here it is.

But when a person dies, there is only a body and a soul.

A soul floated out.

"Let me go, I can help you!" The soul screamed in horror.

"I am not interested in your service, but I am interested in your soul!"

Long Fei showed a cruel smile, licked his lips with his tongue, and stretched out his hand to pinch the soul directly.

The power of blood!
Qinglong devours!

"This is the power of devouring! Hahaha, it turns out that we are all of the same type!!!"

With the final sound, Long Fei's soul was completely devoured.

Hearing his words, Long Fei frowned: "We are all the same kind of people? Hmph, ridiculous. Maybe."

After devouring the soul, Long Fei also read the memory of this soul and discovered many unknown secrets.

His eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking about something, and then slowly said: "This world is really complicated, the surface is the surface after all."

Now he also understands why this soul says they are all one type of people.

It turned out to be the case.

Generally, people who can devour the power are on the evil side and are not tolerated by the righteous way.

However, Long Fei didn't show his devouring power before. In the eyes of others, he was simply absorbing and refining.

"Right way, evil way"

"What is good and what is evil, only I can define it, others are not qualified to judge!"

Long Fei walked forward, and also found the soul of the dead man, but this soul is also a true immortal, so he naturally would not let go of this resource and directly absorbed it.

If the system hadn't suppressed his cultivation, he would have broken through to the Profound Immortal now, and he might have reached the second or third level of the Profound Immortal Realm.

But how much it is, we have to wait until the day when the suppression is lifted to find out.

Long Fei walked like this along the way.

According to the instructions on the map, and according to the penetrating ability of the Chaos Azure Dragon's pupils, Long Fei quickly found the right direction to walk.

It has been more than ten minutes since I walked this way. It is said that he is an ancient relic, and Long Fei feels more like a super large maze.

Apart from the two people he met earlier, Long Fei didn't meet anyone else along the way.

Strange to say, where did those people go?
Could it be that this ancient ruins is composed of multiple dimensional spaces, and those people were sent to the other ancient ruins dimensional spaces. Although they are separated now, they will all go to the same meeting in the end. The place?
Of course, this was also Long Fei's guess.

If this is the case, the scale of this ancient ruins is really huge.

while walking.

Long Fei had come to an end.

This is a cliff wall, and at the same time, a ray of light appeared in the bottomless abyss below, this is really an incredible thing.

"Interesting, I'd like to see what's down there."

Without hesitation, Long Fei jumped down directly.

The previous ones are probably all foreplay, and the current ones are the real beginning!

(End of this chapter)

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