Chapter 441

Below the cliff, there are risks everywhere.

Because at this moment, there was a change on the surrounding walls. After all, at this moment, there appeared a series of recessed holes.

"Are you here? It seems that you can't calm down."

Long Fei frowned, it was within his expectation that these things would happen halfway.

In the next second, a murderous intent emanated from it, and then countless chaotic sharp attack instruments flew out, all of which had a layer of sharp killing power attached to them.

"Damn, are you so fierce? There are so many of them at once, and they don't leave any sympathy or way of life!"

Long Fei looked surprised, but he wasn't afraid at all. These so many attacks are very terrifying. If other people encounter them, they will probably suffer. But now they are encountering Long Fei, and Long Fei is not used to them.

He shouted loudly, and a terrifying cyan energy exploded and spread out from him, forming a huge circular magnetic field barrier that instantly smashed the assassination equipment to pieces.

At this moment, explosions continued to sound.

Long Fei didn't stop, and shot straight down the cliff in one go!

As he continued to go downward, the lower he went, the more he felt a strong sense of oppression constantly superimposed on his body.

"It's almost here, this pressure is getting stronger and stronger, it seems to have reached Xuanxian, hehe, the people of Xuanxian are obviously not allowed to come in, but the pressure here has the strength of Xuanxian. Doesn't this indicate bullying? This Damn the ancient ruins, I am here this time, my young master, and I will definitely harvest all the useful things here!"

There was a sneer in Long Fei's words, mocking the designers here for using such means to bully outsiders.

"It seems that this ancient relic is the cemetery that was condensed by the so-called strong four thousand in ancient times to place their remains. It's still a relic. Isn't the cemetery more beautiful? How could the dead let outsiders disturb their peace and eternity? Woolen cloth?"

As Long Fei thought about it, his brows became tighter and tighter.

The answer is impossible.

Outsiders disturbing them must be killed, and they don't want anyone to go out alive.

Then I want people to come in, but I don’t want people to get out alive.
Long Fei thought of a possibility, that there is or is going on an ulterior conspiracy here, and this conspiracy requires the lives of the majority of people to start.
"Could it be that these people want to be resurrected by some means?!"

All of a sudden, Long Fei seemed to have discovered a shocking secret!

At the same time, his body just entered the dazzling light!

When he passed through the light, he came to a new world.

This is no longer a dark place, but a bright world with sunshine.

But the scene in front of him made Long Fei stare blankly.

Surrounded by murderous, resentful, dead, and vicious.

This turned out to be a pile of dead people!

The ground is covered with clots of blood that has dried out for a long time.

The smell of blood was extremely strong, and the stench of corpses made people sick.

Just finished speaking, and now such a scene appeared in front of me, it is conceivable that the result is very close to what Long Fei guessed.

"Could it be an ancient battlefield?" Long Fei guessed.

It didn't matter to the scene of the dragon flying in front of him, as for the stench of the corpse, he could still bear it.

"Did you bring me here to tell me something?" He walked forward while whispering.

"This scene is not symmetrical."

A large area of ​​dead people should not use a bright sky as the background.

Looking not far ahead, Long Fei saw a huge stone gate at the end of this place.


But at this moment, the earth was shaking and the sky was shaking.

Suddenly, Long Fei felt a strange feeling.

"This sky. It seems to be fake." Long Fei looked at the cracks that appeared in the sky, and saw the fragments of the sky falling towards the ground one after another. Finally, the sky fell into darkness again!
This sky is really constructed, it is fake!
Long Fei's eyes widened as he watched this scene, some mothers would criticize him.

"It's really frightening." He was also speechless.

The ground shaking became more and more intense.

A scarlet fog of blood appeared in the dark sky.

This asymptomatic thing makes it hard to imagine how terrifying it really is.

Just when Long Fei's attention hit the scarlet blood mist in the sky, the bones affected by the ground vibration suddenly stood up scattered as if life had been attached to them, and there were appearances on his body that were exactly the same as those in the sky. The scarlet mist of blood.

Unlimited murderous and violent aura appeared on their bodies.

The pupils were shrouded in scarlet light, and a dense pile looked very scary.

Ordinary people are absolutely terrified and scared to death.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Long Fei showed a cruel smile, clenched his fists and said, "Are you playing a corpse? Anyway, it's not the first time I've met, the aura is a bit scary, but, in my Long Fei Playing this trick in front of you? You have found the wrong person!!"

As he spoke, his tone changed, his face turned cold, and his murderous aura spread.

The skeletons that had been given life in front of them rushed towards Long Fei like a wave of zombies!
"Fuck off!"

Long Fei shouted angrily, and punched out!
All Dragons Kill Fist!
Contains a variety of terrifying energy!

One punch!

Xuanxian is going to die, not to mention that these are just dead puppets and garbage, and they are even more vulnerable!
There was a loud bang, and the force of the fist was huge and terrifying, covering most of it in an instant. The impact force of the fist also spread to those skeletons that were not hit, and exploded instantly under the effect of the terrifying impact force.

Punch out!All things perish!

After a few seconds, there was only a huge trace left in front of my eyes.

The force of the fist smashed hard on the Shimen at the end, and the Shimen and the surrounding walls shattered and exploded on the spot!

The sky couldn't stand the terrifying force and began to collapse.

"Hmph, sample!"

Long Fei smiled disdainfully, and flew directly forward.

Soon entered the broken stone gate.

Here is a big secret room.

Inside the chamber is a large sea of ​​lava.

Very hot, very hot heat is everywhere.

Moreover, there was a mark of Long Fei's fist on the opposite wall, and large pieces had fallen off and fell into the sea of ​​lava.

"The fire attribute energy here is very abundant, it can be suitable for me to practice, first gather some wool."

Long Fei was running the exercises in his body to quickly absorb the fire attribute energy immortal energy here.

All of a sudden, his body became different from usual and became stronger.

The control over the power of fire attribute immortal energy has also become stronger.

After he was done, he looked around, and there was no way here.

Could it be that the road is under the sea of ​​lava?
Long Fei frowned, and at this moment, the center of the lava suddenly shot out.

Then a huge three-headed python-like creature appeared.

Very vicious.

Seeing Long Fei, he opened his mouth and directly spit out a column of flame energy regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.


(End of this chapter)

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