Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 468 468.1 stoned to death

Chapter 468. Chapter 468. One Stone Kills One

Even if he didn't need the strength of the condensed formation, Long Fei could still break through ten thousand spells with one punch. This formation was just a barrier to protect the safety of Feng Tian and the others.

As long as Long Fei as the core is not dead, the formation will not be broken.

Want Long Fei to fall?

Now unless someone with a golden immortal or above comes here, it is impossible for Long Fei to fall!

He blasted out with one punch, the dragon's voice ascended to the sky, and the offensive was terrifying and invincible!
There was a loud bang, the two moves collided, and it only took a second for the combined attack of the two Xuanxians to be swallowed up by Long Fei's fist and rushed towards them!

The expressions of the two Xuanxians changed, and they couldn't believe it: "How is it possible?!"

Feeling the horror of this punch, the two did not meet them head-on, but separated to one side and punched the fist with great force.

But at this moment, the fist exploded suddenly, and the explosion of the three offensives caused a bright and dazzling light.

"Not good!"

The expressions of the two Xuanxians changed drastically again, and they immediately defended and evaded.

The loud bang sounded again, and the two flew directly for a thousand meters, and finally stopped, and the two of them also suffered a lot of injuries.

"This kid is terrible, he actually made us like this with the strength of a nine-level peak true immortal!"

"This kid's attack power is very domineering. If we fight with force, we may not be opponents!"

"Now that they are enemies, the four people here and there must be killed, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

The two Xuanxians who were a thousand meters away were so shocked that they spoke unsteadily, and the more they spoke, the more ruthless their faces became.

"Let's work together to break through their formation! Then the other four brats will be very good hostages!"

"Although Xuanxian is disgraceful to use this method, but there is no other way!"

For a while, the two of them who are Xuanxian actually wanted to use this kind of method, it was really too embarrassing!

"The captain is awesome, Xuanxian can't do anything about you!" Feng Tian and the others in the formation raised their admiration for Long Fei to a higher level!

They are all thinking when they themselves will be so awesome, fighting against Xuanxian with the strength of real immortal cultivation without losing, even crushing like they are now!

They all felt the changes in the expressions of the two Xuanxians before and after they punched Long Fei.

The two Profound Immortals used Profound Immortal-level Immortal Art, and they were invincible in terror. The wind blew up rapidly around them, and the strong wind carried flames, forming a huge vortex of wind and fire.

The terrifying heat wave and the wind that can tear everything apart have formed a terrifying threat in the sky.

The two Xuanxians have a wind attribute and a fire attribute, and they work together better. The wind can amplify the fire better, and the fire can make the wind even hotter!
And the fairy art they are releasing now is Fenghuopotian.

"Hehe, this move, all moves can only be torn apart in front of it, this time I will see how you break it!"

The two Xuanxians sneered.

And they still didn't approach from a thousand meters away. After all, this fairy art has a very strong attraction, even if they are not careful, they will be involved in it.

In the next second, he pushed directly forward.

Looking at the huge wind and fire vortex in front of him, Long Fei felt a strong attraction even if there was a formation around him. All the surrounding wind, clouds and mists, as well as the stones and trees on the ground were all absorbed and moved upwards. The surrounding sky became a flame existence.

Terrifying winds and fiery fires are hard to deal with.

Long Fei stood upright, his expression still so calm.

Very strong?

Well, today I will punch it!

All dragons are destroyed!

The power on Long Fei's body instantly soared, reaching an incomparably terrifying height, a huge chaotic green dragon emerged from the void, and flew forward along with his fist!

The gigantic wrath of the dragon's chant rose up from the sky, and the dragon's power was invincible and inviolable!
Long Fei's attack was bigger than the vortex of wind and fire, and the huge dragon fist came with a bang!

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this bastard kid who has such a terrifying offensive power!"

"If this continues, our Feng Huo Po Tian may not be able to resist it!"

For some reason, the two Xuanxians who were originally full of confidence now had beads of sweat dripping from their foreheads, and felt a little weak in their hearts.

The two felt extremely difficult!
The bang sounded again, and the two terrifying attacks officially collided, blasting out a strong energy magnetic field and shock wave!

Long Feiyue disappeared in place, ignored the offensive in front of him, and appeared behind the two Xuanxians in the next second. The attention of the two Xuanxians was attracted by the offensive ahead, and they did not notice that Long Fei had disappeared.

Long Fei, who appeared behind him, took out the fairy-level black grain stone of the ring without saying a word, and smashed it hard on the back of the head of the wind-attribute Xuanxian man!



After being hit, the Xuanxian man with the wind attribute screamed in pain, and now the two people's attention came back, and they suddenly shouted in horror: "When did it appear!"

"I just realized it now, it's too late!" Long Fei sneered, and the Xuanxian with the wind attribute screamed in pain, his head exploded on the spot, and blood spurted wildly!And the soul was absorbed by the fairy-level black grain stone in an instant.

Already dead, his body fell, and at this moment, the offensive and confrontation ahead had come to fruition, and Long Fei's Dragon Fist won a complete victory.

In the next second, Long Fei kicked directly on the body of the fire attribute Xuanxian man. The man screamed, looked at Long Fei in horror, and then flew towards the attacking dragon fist.

"Do not!!"

The man still wanted to escape, but at this moment, many green and thick wood appeared on his body, quickly forming a prison to trap him tightly, and at the same time, he felt that his own strength and cultivation had been suppressed .

That's right, this is Long Fei's fairy art, Tianmu God's Prison!

And now, Long Fei just formed a mark with his hands, and a cold smile appeared on his mouth: "I'll let you be the first to taste my newly learned fairy control technique, and you'll die like this Already!"

Tianmu Divine Prison needs the essence of Tianmu, and Long Fei has already found Tianmu after harvesting wantonly in the ruins, and there are a lot of them!

"No! Let me go! Little friend! Let me go, I can give you what you want!" The man was completely flustered, after all his teammate was killed just like that.

"If I kill you, I can get everything you have." Long Fei sneered.


The man fell into dead silence, and the next moment his whole body was engulfed by the dragon fist, and then exploded in an instant. The terrifying power directly destroyed the man's body, and his flesh and blood evaporated in an instant!
After the explosion, only a very weak soul and a ring remained.

Long Fei absorbed the soul with the fairy-level black grain stone.

He put away the ring by himself, and then he remembered something and lost his head to look for it, and soon found the body of the first dead person, took the ring away, and burned the body with fire.

A cold light flashed across the fairy-level black grain stone that had absorbed two souls of the Xuanxian level. Holding it in his hand, Long Fei could feel that the stone had become even more powerful.

"Sure enough baby!"

Couldn't help admiring, put it away, and then went back. With the shocked Fengtian, the four of them instantly shifted away from Cigu Ridge to the place where Xia Taiyang, the domain lord of Luohe, was located!

(End of this chapter)

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