Chapter 469

Land of Dazzling Continent Luohe Region

Of course Cigu Ridge is also within Dazzle Continent, but that distance is too far, like a land from the extreme north to the extreme south.

Within the Luohe domain, in the upper courtyard of the main palace of Xia Taiyang, the central domain palace of Luohe city.

Xia Taiyang is sitting on the edge of the big lake and fishing for big fat fish in the lake. Of course, these big fat fish are not ordinary fish, even if they are caught, they will be released back.

"Nearly a month has passed. According to the news sent back as usual, the door of the ancient ruins should be closed. It will take about two days to go to the inner city to find the formation and send it back."

Xia Taiyang stared at the lake and muttered, now he really wants to know what happened there.

But it was too far away from Luohe domain, so there was no ear letter at all.

The only thing to do next is to wait.

There was also an old man with him, the butler, who stood beside him and listened quietly, and then slowly said: "Master, there should be no problem with Xiaoyou Long, you can rest assured That's right."

"Hey, it's hard to say. The attraction of this reason ruins is too great. It's not too much for those strong people from outside the mainland to come here, and the existence of the ninth-level peak true immortal is even more so Chinese cabbage at this time."

Xia Taiyang sighed, and said: "Besides, even if I don't worry about him, I am also worried about whether he can find the Styx flower in the ruins. After all, the people we sent so far have only found a shadow."

Because of the effect of Long Fei's elixir, he is getting younger and younger now, and his strength has returned to the peak state. Now he is older than before, bringing the power to Luohe and the surrounding forces. Deterrence is even greater.

And he also got inspiration from it. Not long ago, he successfully entered the eighth-level peak Xuanxian from the eighth-level Xuanxian who had been stuck for a long time!
The benefits that elixir brought him were really unimaginable, even greater than what he had predicted before, and the 60 billion cost was really worth it!

The steward's old voice sounded: "This old slave doesn't know what to say, so I can only wait for them to come back. I hope the loss will not be too great."

Seeing Xia Taiyang's rosy face and slim body at the moment, his eyes showed envy that couldn't be concealed.

If only he could get that fairy-level foundation-building pill, then he would be able to return to his youth.

I don't know if Long Xiaoyou can refine one, but he has plenty of fairy coins.

He has been working as a housekeeper for these years, and he has also reaped a lot of money, and his net worth is at least tens of billions of fairy coins. He doesn't believe that the price of a pill costs his entire net worth.

Just as the two of them said this, several figures appeared behind them.

The two people at the Xuanxian level instantly grasped the five auras that suddenly appeared, their complexions changed at the same time, and they turned their heads and turned around to look.


As soon as the words fell, he saw five familiar people.

"Master, old housekeeper, why don't you remember me after a few days?" Long Fei laughed and looked at the two people with horrified faces.

"It turned out to be you!" The domain master Xia Taiyang breathed a sigh of relief, and said quietly, then frowned in doubt: "Why did you appear here in an instant?"

Naturally, Long Fei wouldn't say anything, so he made up a smile and said, "Hehe, the spells obtained in the ruins are not worth mentioning. I plan to try them out, but I'm sure I'll come back, so I don't have to. The boring stage of waiting for the formation."

"Master Domain Master, Steward!"

The Fengtian four behind them spoke respectfully.

"Okay!" The two nodded.

Then Xia Taiyang put down the fishing rod in his hand, came to Long Fei, and asked excitedly and expectantly: "Have you found the Styx Flower?"

After hearing this, Long Fei and the other five smiled even more intensely. Long Fei nodded and said, "It's a good luck, I'll find it for you this time!"

Said, Long Fei took out a brocade box from the ring, this is the ten thousand year old peach wood box.

After seeing the box, even Xia Taiyang and the butler were shocked: "This box is unusual!"

"That's right, it's also obtained from the ruins. This time it can be regarded as a fruitful harvest." Long Fei laughed loudly.

Xia Taiyang and the housekeeper's eyes are now focused on the Wannian peach wood box.

"Quickly, open me and have a look!" Xia Taiyang took a deep breath and calmed down.

Long Fei injected the spiritual power of the Wood Fairy, and easily opened the ten-thousand-year peach wood box.

Inside is a flower exuding a dark and dark aura, which is very beautiful and attractive. It is a copy of the Styx flower. Of course, the Wannian peach wood box in Long Fei's hand is also a copy, and the main body is naturally his own. It is impossible to store it for outsiders, and everything sold or given to outsiders is a copy!

Although it is a copy, the effect is exactly the same as the original effect.

But what he likes more is the body.

Long Fei looked at Xia Taiyang in front of him with a full smile.

Xia Taiyang's hands trembled, and his excitement became even more intense.

"That's right. This is the Styx Flower, which is exactly the same as the one recorded in the ancient book! Long Fei really thank you very much this time! Besides, I will reward you very much. Don't say you don't want it. Since I said it, I will I won't take that back!"

Xia Taiyang was afraid that Long Fei would refuse, so he preemptively struck.

At this moment, he is in a good mood. Since his wife passed away, his mood has never been as happy as today, and he couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha!!! How many years, how many years! Finally! I finally found you !"

At this moment, Xia Taiyang's appearance shocked Feng Tian and the others, this was the first time they saw the domain master's appearance like this.

Xia Taiyang seemed to realize it, then calmed down, and said, "I'm sorry, I got too excited and lost my composure!"

Then he was stunned, looked at Feng Tian and the others, and said in shock: "You have already entered the ninth level of true immortals?!"

"Thanks to the captain, otherwise we wouldn't have achieved what we have today!" The four of them nodded and looked at Long Fei, all the credit belongs to him!

Long Fei's strength surpassed all of them's imagination, and Feng Tian and others had the idea of ​​following Long Fei.

"Hahaha!! Good! This year's good news is really constant!"

"Brother Long, thank you so much!!"

Xia Taiyang laughed loudly, and then he changed the name of Long Fei completely!

Brother Long!

The housekeeper, Feng Tian and the others all realized this, and looked at them in surprise.

But now that the domain master has regained his youth, it seems that there is nothing wrong with calling Long Fei brothers. Outsiders generally can't see any big difference in age.

"Seriously, I actually promised the domain owner that I would find it, so I will definitely find it this time, and there was a condition between us." Long Fei smiled slightly.

"Of course, I will never forget it!" Xia Taiyang nodded.

"By the way, Brother Long, do you still have the Immortal-level Foundation Establishment Pill here? After all, he has been with him for hundreds of years, and I don't want him to die by then." Xia Taiyang asked.

He looked at the butler next to him.

When the butler heard it, he was very moved. It turned out that the domain owner still remembered him!
Very good!
"Yes! It's really a coincidence. I refined another one when I was bored in the ruins, but the price is the same as before."

When Long Fei heard the business was coming, he naturally couldn't refuse, so he directly took out the replica of the Immortal-level Foundation Establishment Pill from the ring.

Seeing the familiar elixir, Xia Taiyang laughed loudly: "No problem, 60 billion will go to you!"

A ring was thrown out, Long Fei put it away directly, there was no need to count it.

Then he gave the pill to Xia Taiyang, and Xia Taiyang gave it to the housekeeper.

Then he said to the butler: "Everyone, come back triumphantly, you go and ask the kitchen to quickly prepare a big feast! After tonight, you can find a place to take it."

"It's the domain master!" The housekeeper was very moved and nodded excitedly, he didn't know what to say now.

Then Xia Taiyang stopped him, pointed at Long Fei and said, "From now on, Long Fei will be my Xia Taiyang's brother!"

Naturally, Long Fei would not let go of such a good opportunity: "That's not right, the domain master is my age, and I don't have an elder brother, why don't you just be my elder brother?",

"Okay! From now on, Long Fei will be Xia Taiyang's younger brother!"

Xia Taiyang laughed out loud.

"It's the domain master, congratulations to the domain master for mentioning his younger brother!"

Feng Tian and the others regained their composure, as did the butler, and they bowed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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