Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 478 478.2 and a half years, calamity is approaching

Chapter 478 478. Two and a half years, calamity is approaching
"How is the senior sister?"

Mo Qing asked again.

The suzerain in the secret room said: "It has been closed for two months, but it is not easy to enter the Dzogchen. The old man is old and has limited qualifications. Perhaps the pseudo Taiyi Jinxian is the end of this sect. The future road still needs to rely on You young ones go fight for it."


After hearing this, Mo Qing felt a little sad.

"Mo Qing, is there any turmoil in the demon clan recently?"

The old suzerain spoke.

"The five major sects have sent people to investigate secretly. There is a change in the south of the East Star Territory, which is likely to be related to the demons. And recently the demons are not calm. Many demons killed our human race, and the corpses were also killed. It was taken away, but our people still found some demonic energy from some details, so we deduce that the Demon Race may secretly join forces with the Yao Race to overthrow the Ascension Realm and lead the dark turmoil again!"


"The reorganization of the calculation world of heaven. The world of ascension is not peaceful again. I can feel that the calamity is coming. This time the calamity is likely to be more tragic than the one in the ancient world. Recently, the Qinglong sect has been strictly guarded and recalled to go out for training. The disciples come back to retreat to improve their cultivation! Under the calamity, even the Taiyi Immortal Venerable will not escape death, and our Azure Dragon School must be prepared to hide at any time."

"Also, go to the Tianji Pavilion in the Northern Star Territory to see if they can calculate the approximate time of the calamity."

The suzerain's voice became more fearful as he spoke.

"It's the sovereign!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Qing turned around and left, his face was extremely dignified and serious.

"This day is going to change, maybe no one can avoid it."


Long Fei started to practice here.

The time for this practice passed quickly.

Two and a half years have passed since he entered the inner sect.

A lot has happened in the past two and a half years.

Two and a half years ago, Mo Qing received an order to go to the Tianji Pavilion in the Northern Star Region to find the owner of the Tianji Pavilion.

According to his calculations, there are still at least 1000 years before Liang Jie arrives.

1000 years sounds like a long time, but it is actually very fast for the monks in the Ascension Realm.

After all, it may be a hundred years after a deep meditation to wake up again.

A thousand years is nothing more than a few deep meditations.

And Long Fei also woke up from meditation.

Slowly opened his eyes, looking at the familiar scene in front of him, under the influence of the dojo in two and a half years, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, breaking through from the peak of the sixth level to the current eighth level Xuanxian.

Now he is really an invincible existence among Xuanxian.

"System, how long has it been?" In the dark, Long Fei couldn't detect the change of time.

"Two and a half years have passed." Sister Yu said.

Long Fei was a little surprised, and murmured in a low voice: "It's been so fast, it's been two and a half years."

"In the past two and a half years, maybe I went out and absorbed others to upgrade my experience faster?"

Long Fei was talking to himself.

And since reaching this point, his cultivation experience has also increased. If he really relies on devouring those people to level up, how many creatures will he have to swallow?
Perhaps swallowing a golden fairy would have a different result, but he is not those demons, so there is no need to do that.

"Remind the host that the amount of calamity in the Ascension Realm will come in less than a thousand years. If the host does not have the time to reach the peak of Taiyi Xianzun, it is likely to fall during the robbery. The system can perceive in advance that this amount of calamity is Ascension This is the scariest event in the world, even Da Luoxian will fall."

"At that time, the host will have two choices: either escape from the world, or leave the Ascension Realm and go to the other planes of the heavens."

Hearing the sound of the system, Long Fei suddenly felt an unprecedented crisis.

"Since even Da Luoxian cannot avoid falling"

Long Fei's face turned solemn, and he asked, "What is the calamity this time?"

"World Reorganization"

"Who caused it?"

"The Daluo Immortal who has been hidden for thousands of years is the main one, and the demons, demons, and humans are the assistants!"

After hearing this, Long Fei took a deep breath, and said with a complex expression: "The water in the Ascension Realm is deeper than I imagined!"

"Even Da Luo Xian will perish. Why do they continue? Aren't you afraid of death?" Long Fei frowned.

The system royal sister said: "For the detachment of Da Luoxian! It is the only possible way to enter the world plane that is higher than the Ascension Realm! For them, this is the only and nothing can replace it!"

"So that's the case, but luckily I have a choice." Long Fei said.

Then he said: "It's still too early in the millennium. If I can also reach Daluoxian, I also want to fight for it. If not, I will directly choose to leave the heavens of the Ascension Realm."

System Royal Sister: "The shuttle roll is in your hands, and the decision is in your hands."

Long Fei stood up and said calmly: "It's time to go out for a walk after two and a half years."

Since he came to the inner sect, he didn't take a good look, so Long Fei decided to take a look today, by the way, to see if there are any awesome skills and such things.

Just when she was about to go out, Sister Yu said: "You have a lottery draw today, and the deductions have already started. You have been in retreat these years, so you missed the chance to draw the lottery for two and a half years."

Looking at the flashing images in front of him, Long Fei asked, "Can you spend money to re-sign?"

Yujie: "No!"

"Forget it." Long Fei pursed his lips.

Soon he saw the last thing that appeared in front of him.

"Congratulations, you have won the Super Saiyan bloodline in Dragon Ball, has it merged into your Chaos Azure Dragon bloodline?"

Long Fei frowned, a little interested: "After the fusion, what will happen to my Chaotic Azure Dragon bloodline?"

Sister Yu: "Nothing, boss, don't worry, the blood of the Super Saiyan will be swallowed by your blood of the Chaos Azure Dragon, which retains a series of characteristics of the Super Saiyan. Is it fusion?"

"Yes!" Long Fei nodded.

After his consent, the next second he felt a different feeling in his body.

Many S cells in the body are quickly awakened.

He shouted angrily, and his whole body was immediately engulfed in golden flames, his hair turned golden and stood upright, and his strength increased fifty times rapidly.

You must know that his current cultivation base strength is already very terrifying, and it will be unimaginable to increase it by fifty times to such a terrifying level!

He only felt that his strength was incomparably huge now, and he felt that he could blow up a super strong golden fairy with one punch.

"This thing came in a timely manner. Such a powerful force. If I hadn't suppressed it suspiciously, this mountain would probably have been blown apart by the breath."

But there is also his dojo role.

He quickly returned to his original appearance, and said, "Can I continue to develop, become the second form of Super Saiyan, and continue to upgrade the third form?"


"It's really timely rain!"

Long Fei is in a good mood today, as for the coming calamity, he can put it aside, after all, there is still a thousand years, and a thousand years is enough for him to improve!


"Sovereign, the time of calamity has been calculated, and it will start in a thousand years!"

Mo Qing had just returned from the Tianji Pavilion in the Northern Star Region, and came to the suzerain's secret room to report.

"Thousands of Time"

"Recently, my bad premonition has become stronger and stronger, and it is likely to come earlier, but we still have time in terms of time. We can contact the door order and let the disciples continue to go out to practice."

"Can anyone deduce the originator of this robbery?"

"I can't figure it out!"

"Forget it, strictly monitor the movements of the Demon Race and the Monster Race. The past two and a half years have not been peaceful, and many creatures have died."


"There are still three years to go, and there is still half a year until the gate of the Youmo Realm will open. The competition of the inner gate will open next month. Remember to let the disciple you mentioned participate."



(End of this chapter)

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