Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 479 Chapter 479.5 Innate Spirit Gathering Formation

Chapter 479. Chapter 479.

In his free time, Long Fei came to the gate of the Green Dragon School's Kung Fu Pavilion, where a guarding elder fell asleep beside him.

There are also many disciples around, all of them are inner disciples, they are very quiet, there is no other sound except footsteps.

Those who can enter the inner sect put their minds on cultivation, and no one has time to mess around, except for some tasks and so on.

"This brother is very face-to-face. Could it be that he is an ascetic?" At this moment, a voice came into Long Fei's ears.

Long Fei was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at a man with long hair beside him, he was quite handsome.

Fairy spirit fluttering, face and demeanor elegant.

"It's not hard training, it's just that he just got promoted from the outer sect." Long Fei said with a shallow smile.

After hearing this, the man's eyes flashed brightly, and the confusion in his heart was finally resolved: "It turned out to be the junior brother who came in. No wonder I said why I haven't seen you in the inner sect, even just by chance."

"Are there many people in the inner sect? Have you seen them all?" Long Fei looked at him with a smile.

The man said: "It's not many, there are probably a thousand people at present."

Long Fei was surprised: "The Azure Dragon Sect has been passed down for so long, why are there so few inner sects?"

The man shook his head and smiled wryly: "The inner sects of the Azure Dragon School are all cultivated from the outer sects, and do you think it is easy to cultivate? Many people are stuck at the peak of the true immortal and cannot go up. There should be many outer sects. , you just came from the outer gate, don’t you know some of them?”

"I've been retreating at the outer door, and I haven't seen any of these people." Long Fei didn't want to speak out against this person, but said modestly.

"So that's the case, but it's normal." The man nodded after hearing this, and then suddenly realized: "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ji Xianming!"

Long Fei responded politely: "Dragon Fei is here"

"Junior Brother Long, take your time, I'm leaving now." Ji Xianming waved his hand.

"it is good"

Long Fei looked at the back of this person leaving with a strange face, feeling that this person was interesting.

He couldn't help but recall Zhang Qinian's strike-up scene when he entered the outer sect of the Azure Dragon School.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, the two are very similar, it can't be Zhang Qinian from the inner sect, right?
After thinking about it, he walked inside.

Inside the Gongfa Pavilion, there is only one blue wormhole space, and the disciples come in and out through it.

Long Fei also walked in.

Once inside, the scene inside and the outside are completely two worlds.

There are many bookshelves here, all of which are full of secret exercises and so on.

Many disciples are studying and transcribing.

There is a front desk in front of it, and there is no one at the front desk, and some are just a short pillar of formation.

Those disciples in front all took the disciple token and clicked on it to verify their identity and then passed in.

Long Fei lined up and soon arrived at him. He took out the token of the inner sect disciple and imitated the people in front and pressed it on the short column of the formation.

"The verification is successful. A member of the inner sect of the Azure Dragon School, his name is Long Fei, and his cultivation is in the realm of the Profound Immortal."

A voice came into his mind, and only he could hear this voice.

The current Long Fei is at least the cultivation base of the eighth-level Profound Immortal, and no matter what, he is also the pride of heaven.

And he's still under fifty.

After passing the verification, he walked in to see what exercises were worth learning.

But it's a pity, I didn't see one suitable for him after looking around for a long time. Although there are a lot of inner martial arts secrets and thaumaturgy, it's not enough for Long Fei's own martial arts background. .

The exercises and cheats here are all very good, but they are not suitable for him.

Just when he came to the formation area, he suddenly wanted to see if there was a formation that would increase the power of the fairy.

What he needs most now is the fairy aura, preferably the kind that can produce innate.

He searched again.

At last a roll of parchment was found.

It records the ancient Five Elements Innate Spirit Gathering Formation.

The effect of this thing is to produce the innate five-element fairy aura, but the conditions for using it are harsh. It needs a person who has the five-element spirit root fairy attribute to be able to display it, or find five five-element attributes and cultivation bases that have reached the Golden Immortal people.

No wonder it's turned into ashes here.

The conditions for this activation are not simple.

The five elements represent the most basic: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth

"There should be five golden immortals who have this condition in the Azure Dragon School, right?"

Long Fei murmured in his heart, it is impossible that such a long-standing Azure Dragon Sect did not arrange this kind of gathering spirit array.

If he is the suzerain, even if there are no conditions, he will create conditions.

The corners of Long Fei's mouth drew a thick arc, with a strong smile: "Unfortunately, I happen to be the first conditional person, and this formation is here waiting for me to claim it!"

Now he has everything from body training, combat, explosion, immortality, body, boxing, and saber. He can also refine alchemy and weapons.

"Forget it, let's start practicing after I have arranged the formation. I hope these auras can help me improve my cultivation quickly."

Long Fei secretly thought, if he really can't do it, he will go out of the Azure Dragon School to practice and continue to play with old skills.

He looked at the people around him, no one left with these exercises, all of them went to copy a copy and took the copy away.

He frowned. To be honest, he hadn't written for a long time, and he had forgotten how to write.

Forget it, let me try to see if I can do this.
As he spoke, he put the parchment close to the center of his brows and closed his eyes.

"Is the formation knowledge detected, do you spend fairy coins to absorb it?"

When Yujie's voice came, Long Fei was naturally happy when he heard the voice, the result was exactly as he expected.


"50 fairy coins will be deducted, and the absorption will begin—"

After the voice of Yu Jie's system fell, Long Fei's mind had more information about the formation content of the Five Elements Innate Spirit Gathering Formation.

He was inspired to blend in, and he quickly learned it.

"So that's it. It's good and convenient to have a plug-in." Long Fei pursed his lips, and put the parchment in his hand back on the bookshelf.

After everything was done, he turned around and left the Gongfa Pavilion.

Then go straight to the rest of the place.

Soon, he heard an old voice: "This inner sect competition will start on the last day of next month! Inner sect disciples, get ready!"

"It's Elder Mo Qing!"

All the people including Long Fei were taken aback by this voice.

"Next month? Do I want to participate?" Long Fei said to himself. In fact, he didn't want to participate. It would be nice to go back and practice.

But at this moment, the voice of Yujie's system sounded: "Trigger the hidden mission of the sect: win the No. 1 inner sect competition, and become famous in the inner sect and even the whole sect. Reward the golden fairy level fairy art: Tianxu Zhutian, There is also a chance for a free high-level random lottery draw! Failure penalty: retreat practice for a thousand years, even if the Ascension Realm is destroyed within a thousand years, you will not be able to use the teleportation scroll to leave!"

"Whether to accept?"

Long Fei became excited, the hidden mission has not been released for many years!
When a rare system task comes out, he must accept it!

"Accept!" Long Fei said hastily.


(End of this chapter)

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