Chapter 480. Chapter 480.

After learning the Five Elements Innate Spirit Gathering Formation, he couldn't wait to go back to the cave to practice.

He walked back along the way.

When passing through a forest section, a sudden vibration came.

Long Fei stopped, turned his head to look, and looked for the source of the vibration. There were two strong breaths spreading over there. He felt the breath, and then the pupils of the chaotic green dragon appeared, piercing through all the mountains and looking over.

He saw a natural open space at the entrance of Jubao Mountain within a few hundred meters away, which was very, very large.

Surrounded by huge mountains, there are two men in mid-air who are discussing each other.

The cultivation base of these two people is higher than that of Long Fei.

Reached the ninth level Xuanxian.

Judging from their battle process, these two people must be disciples of the inner sect, and they are both ranked in the top fifty.

Naturally, this is just Long Fei's personal guess, as for the specific ranking, he is not interested at all.

He moved over in an instant, and appeared in a forest near the two of them.

"Xiao Ruoyu, after I defeat you, I will be the third greatest sword fairy in the inner sect!"

The man on the right, whose thick black hair was exposed, laughed wildly.

The short-haired man on the right showed impatient hatred, and said angrily: "Ji Juechen, you lunatic! There is no end to it! You have been losing to me before, and now you are still looking for me?! Delay my cultivation, believe it or not, I will go to the elders!" I'll sue you there!"

"I don't care! The inner sect doesn't care about fighting! This is our freedom! The sword just now didn't tell the winner, and I will defeat you with the strongest sword I have learned in the past 20 years!"

Ji Juechen's long hair was flying, his sword spirit was blowing, and the great sword in his hand was soaring to the sky, exuding terrifying sword power!

"This sword is the profound art of swordsmanship that I comprehended after I was defeated by you 20 years ago. It is really thanks to you!"

"Take it! Wan Jian Ling Tian!"

"Hmph! In 20 years, not only you have become stronger, you have become stronger, and I have also become stronger and stronger! You have no possibility of surpassing me!"

"If you lose after this sword, don't come to me again, or don't blame me for being merciless!"

Xiao Ruoyu snorted coldly.

"Okay!" Ji Juechen yelled, as if he was very confident in himself: "If you lose this sword, I will never bother you again! But if you lose, give me the No.3 position! "

Xiao Ruoyu said coldly: "Hmph, I'm not interested in the ranking of sword immortals, what I care about is cultivation, I agree!"

There is no way this Ji Juechen is too annoying. I have been hunted down countless times in the past few hundred years, and I have been defeated by his sword every time. There is really no end to it.

In the next second, he began to use his sword skills: "Sword skills, Zhan Chen!"

The endless monstrous sword intent came out, and it appeared directly in the college entrance examination, which is very terrifying!
Seeing this, Ji Juechen's pupils constricted, his expression changed: "How could that be?"

Gritting his teeth, he rushed straight up!
"I also created this sight for you, just to kill you!" Xiao Ruoyu said coldly.

Ji Juechen gritted his teeth and discussed, but beads of sweat appeared on his forehead: "Damn Xiao Ruoyu, don't be complacent! It's hard to say until the end!"

Xiao Ruoyu had already overwhelmed him in terms of sword intent.

Why is this damn guy so powerful!


I don't believe that I can't surpass you, I don't believe that my Wanjian Lingtian can't defeat you!

In the next second, both of them collided.

The huge sword intent magnetic field rushed away, the vegetation and grass below were crumbling, and Long Fei's figure appeared from it, but his aura was hidden and the two people above were very focused and did not notice his existence.

Soon, Ji Juechen's Wanjian Lingtian was destroyed by Xiao Ruoyu's Zhanchen.

"Jijuechen, you are defeated!"

Xiao Ruoyu said coldly;
"It's not over yet!" Ji Juechen's complexion changed drastically, and after he shouted, he moved his hands: "Ning!"

As the sound sounded, all the destroyed sword intents gathered together and turned into a huge sword intent that came out again, this time the sword intent was even more monstrous.

"I didn't expect you to hide this hand!"

Xiao Ruoyu frowned, feeling a little danger, and began to dignify.

"Hehe, Xiao Ruoyu, today you will be defeated!" Ji Juechen laughed loudly, and in the next second, he turned into a sword intent and moved towards the Zhanchen sword intent in front of him.

Xiao Ruoyu didn't dare to be careless anymore, so she pushed harder!

But what was unexpected was that in just a few seconds, Ji Juechen's sword intent directly swallowed Xiao Ruoyu's sword intent.

"What?!" Xiao Ruoyu couldn't believe it. The next moment, the terrifying sword intent came in front of him. At this distance, it was impossible for him to avoid it, let alone react. He could only look at the approaching Ling Tian sword intent with wide eyes.

"Not good!" His complexion changed drastically.

In the next second, his entire body was submerged by the huge sword intent, and his mind was also eroded by countless Ling Tian sword intents!

He felt the illusion of instant death!

But he was not injured, and the sword intent dissipated the next moment.

Xiao Ruoyu breathed a sigh of relief, just now he really thought he was going to die.

But this is not a foreign place after all, Ji Juechen has no killing intent, it's just that he won't kill him in a competition, and everyone is a disciple of the same school, it is impossible to kill him, otherwise the consequences will be very dire.

"Hahaha!!! I finally won!" Ji Juechen laughed loudly.

Xiao Ruoyu's expression was complicated, but she seemed to be much more relaxed: "No.3 is yours now, don't bother me to practice in the future! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"That's natural! I will never disturb you in the future!" Ji Juechen laughed.

Then Xiao Ruoyu snorted coldly, turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, he stopped and looked down. He seemed to feel something, and in the next second, he saw Long Fei's figure standing there.

He narrowed his eyes: "Who!"

After his opening, Ji Juechen, who was laughing loudly, also reacted, looked over, and saw Long Fei's figure.

Frowning: "When did this kid appear there? We didn't find out?"

Xiao Ruoyu said indifferently: "Because we are too focused, and this person has a method of concealing the breath, if I didn't hold back the corner of my eyes just now, I still wouldn't be able to see it."

Long Fei soared into the sky, came to the two of them, and clasped his fists as a gesture: "Senior brothers, I am Long Fei who just came from the outer sect. When I passed by this mountain, I saw you fighting again, and I was immediately dismissed." Your majesty has attracted you to come over and see the grandeur!"

Ji Juechen had a bright and cheerful personality, and immediately laughed again: "Hahaha!!! It turned out to be Brother Long, my name is Ji Juechen, you can call me Brother Ji! What do you think after watching the confrontation between the two of us?" Thoughts and perceptions?"

"My name is Xiao Ruoyu, and I'm your Senior Brother Xiao. Why are you also a sword cultivator?" Xiao Ruoyu looked at Long Fei's cultivation, but couldn't see through it, and suddenly became interested.

Although his personality is cold, he is still good to his fellow students.

The answers of the two, Long Fei replied together.

"I don't practice swords, but I feel pretty good about comprehension." Long Fei said.


(End of this chapter)

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