Chapter 492 492. Lin Huan
Soon the two battles passed.

This time it was Long Fei's turn to appear again.

"Long Fei, it's your turn."

He didn't know whether he was meditating, or a man patted him on the shoulder and told him.

In fact, even if he wasn't called Long Fei, he would know it. After all, he didn't meditate deeply, but simply closed his eyes to rest and recover.

After all, as long as someone calls his name, he can appear on the ring.

"Thanks." He thanked him no matter what.

He opened his eyes, stared at the front, got up and walked slowly out of the crowd, most of the crowd stared at Long Fei.

After all, Long Fei's wonderful skills won the hearts of everyone.

When he came to the arena, his opponent was already standing on the arena looking at him solemnly, and Long Fei also looked at him, and soon he appeared on the arena.

"In the fourth match, Lin Huan will face Long Fei!"

The voice of the referee sounded.

The next moment, Lin Huan decisively burst out with super strength, a huge scimitar came out, and slashed at Long Fei with all his strength!

"Eighth-level Profound Immortal?"

There are quite a few people at this level.

Long Fei felt that this person's level was not a threat to him at all, so he disappeared in a flash.

Even though Lin Huan had already reacted, Long Fei had already appeared in front of him at this moment. His body just avoided Lin Huan's scimitar, and just aimed at his chest and struck out!


Lin Huan stared, his complexion changed drastically, and he was just carried away by such a huge force. Under this force, he had no time to react, and he was thrown backwards!

And there was a sharp pain coming from his body, which made him grit his teeth to discuss.

Bang bang! !
The scimitar came out of his hand and stuck on the ground. Lin Huan immediately grabbed the handle of the knife and continuously cut a long crack in the ground.

After such a wave of operations, he finally stabilized his body and did not fly out of the ring. You must know that he is now only close to letting go of the ring.

The strong vibration caused his internal organs to be affected, and a mouthful of reversed blood spurted out from his mouth.

Suddenly his complexion turned pale.

"Is there really such a huge difference in strength?"

Lin Huan gritted his teeth, not reconciled, both of them are eighth-level Xuanxian, why!

"I didn't expect him to hold it, and it didn't fall."

"But the gap in strength between them is real."

The people below also frowned, not daring to move their eyes away for fear of missing the wonderful details.

"Admit defeat, we're in the same school, I don't want to attack you again." Long Fei put his arms around his chest, then closed his eyes and said calmly.

However, in Lin Huan's eyes, Long Fei's actions were a kind of humiliation to him!

"Don't put on a posture like yours to sympathize with me, as long as I don't fall down, I will never give up!"

He gritted his teeth fiercely and struggled to get up, the flames of fire surrounded his whole body.

The aura on his body suddenly rose rapidly.

Long Fei slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, Lin Huan was dying.

"Don't give up? You'd be dead if you were outside." Long Fei said disdainfully.

Lin Huan was deeply stimulated by Long Fei's words, a surge of anger welled up in his heart, and he roared, "Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

He rushed towards Long Fei with great strength, and the flames on his body revealed a huge lion head and body.

Immortal art, the flame lion roars to the sky!

The huge lion's roar shook the sky!
"If this is the case, then I will completely smash your hopes!"

Long Fei stepped forward!
"The dragon is coming!!"

An annihilated thunder force came out from his right hand, and was blasted out by Long Fei just like that with terrifying blue energy!


A phantom of a golden blue dragon hovering around in thunder rushed out!The whole space collapsed directly!

Looking at the terrifying power in front of him, Lin Huan's body trembled, his eyes just met Longan's eyes, and the terrifying power immediately penetrated into the depths of his soul, and he became frightened instantly.

Under the phantom shadow of Jin Qinglong, his lion looked so unsightly, it was drowned and wiped out in an instant.

"Not good! Stop it! You will die like this!!"

"Hurry up and save people!"

The face of the principal and the others changed drastically, and they roared angrily.

After all, everyone was a first-level golden immortal, and they appeared directly on the ring, because they all felt that one person could not handle this move!
As a real strong Jinxian, how could he be unable to withstand the attack from an eighth-level Xuanxian?
This is really unimaginable!

"Why are you still standing here wanting to die!?"

A person threw the frightened Lin Huan behind him.Then the four of them worked together with difficulty and used a lot of strength to resist the punch.

Long Fei stopped immediately, he didn't know what would happen to these four golden immortals when he punched with all his strength.

It's just that the threat posed by the four first-level golden immortals to him is almost negligible.

If the four of them knew that this was not Long Fei's full strength, and they already looked a little embarrassed, I don't know what their expressions would be then.

"Long Fei, what do you want to do? Do you want to kill him with such a terrifying power?!" The chief angrily reprimanded Long Fei, but the four of them were indeed shocked and extremely horrified.

Long Fei said indifferently: "He didn't kill him, he lived well."

"Bastard, it means that we don't make a move, you really want to kill him?! Do you know that you violated the rules of the house! You will be sanctioned!"

The principal said angrily, Long Fei is really too arrogant!

Long Fei frowned, and said lightly: "Punishment also depends on the result. I guessed that you would definitely come up to save him, and now he is not dead or disabled, but only suffered a little injury. Why should I be punished by the door rules?" ?”

"It seems to be the same." The people below said, and these people began to lean towards Long Fei.

This punch of his can even threaten Jinxian, and it will be a matter of time before he advances to Jinxian with Long Fei's talent. By that time, Jinxian may not be his opponent for the most part.

So now they need to find a backer, after all, those elders usually don't care about them.

"Boss, the referee forgets all these are because my skills are not as good as others, so don't blame him."

At this moment, the voice of the defeated Lin Huan sounded.

He shook his head and looked at Long Fei with a complicated expression: "I lost."

After finishing speaking, he left directly without fussing with Long Fei, after all, it would be more cost-effective to go back to practice and improve his strength after all so many things.

Seeing him leave silently, the principal and others couldn't say anything.

Looking at Long Fei, he said: "Be careful next time!"

Long Fei smiled helplessly, he had already kept his hand, otherwise you would all die.

But he won't talk about these things, after all, there is no need for that.

"I declare that the winner of the fourth match, Long Fei! Let's move on to the next match!"

Afterwards, the venue returned to normal, everyone circled around Long Fei, but he didn't bother to pay attention and closed his eyes to rest.

The rest of the people didn't dare to disturb him and continued to watch the game.

As time passed, the game came to Long Fei again, but his opponent Cheng Le resolutely abstained and conceded defeat. He witnessed Long Fei's strength with his own eyes. It's just self-defeating.

Naturally, Long Fei liked such a knowledgeable person.

(End of this chapter)

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