Chapter 493. Chapter 493.

With the passage of time, he soon entered the finals of this ring, and after deciding on No.1, he will directly enter the finals.

This time, this person did not abstain, but wanted to fight Long Fei. Only a real fight can understand the gap between the two of them.

"Weidong, please advise!"

When the man saw Long Fei come to the stage, his face was majestic, and he cupped his hands.

For such a polite person, Long Fei still treated him with courtesy and repaid him.

"Long Fei, please advise!"

"You like to practice?" Wei Dong looked at Long Fei.

After hearing this, Long Fei couldn't help laughing: "What are you talking about? We don't like to practice, why can't we come here for vacation?"

Wei Dong also felt a little embarrassed for his sudden question.

What's more, his words and Long Fei's interesting answer also caused the disciples below to roar with laughter.

Wei Dong looked at Long Fei seriously, and said, "How about this, you and I don't want to waste time, how about using the strongest move to decide the outcome?"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Long Fei smiled and nodded.

"The preparations are finished, let's start the game directly!" the referee said.

Both of them ignored his voice and looked at each other.

After that, a powerful aura erupted from both of them at the same time.

Wei Dong, a late ninth-level Xuanxian, ranked No. 5 among inner disciples!
Long Fei, a mid-eighth-level Xuanxian, ranked No.6 among inner disciples!
Because he defeated No.6 Shangguanrao before, Shangguanrao's ranking will be directly replaced by him.

As long as he defeats the No.5 in front of him, then he is No.5!

For him, promotion is so simple, fast and convenient!

Weidong didn't use his weapon, but directly formed seals with his hands, and a momentum of power was revealed again in a way.

A holy rhyme appeared on his body!Then he disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already above the sky. Behind him, a circle of gods filled with holy charm appeared, and the whole body exuded the light of great evolution.

The supreme and ancient power has been pushed to the extreme!

A huge golden handprint descended from the sky towards Long Fei!

Immortal art, Dayan Sacred Seal!
Just by looking at the name, you can tell it's a very good skill.

This is also his strongest move.

"Drink!!! Ah!!!"

Long Fei was instantly enveloped in golden energy flames when he exploded, his hair also turned into a golden color, and his aura was chilling and cold.

Super Saiyan Dragon Fly!
Then put your hands together up and down on the side of your waist.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted loudly: "Turtle! Pai! Qigong! Bo——!"

A blue wave of light appeared in the center of the palm, becoming brighter and brighter, and the beam of light splashed in all directions!

Then hit it directly!

A beam of blue light waves went straight into the sky!
Extremely fast!

In the next second, it directly collided with Weidong's Dayan Sacred Seal!
The powerful force made Weidong feel extremely troublesome, gritted his teeth and looked shocked: "So it is, so it is!"

Instead of fear, he was extremely excited!

He finally felt the fear of Long Fei!

This attack is definitely Long Fei's strongest attack!
That's all it seemed to him.

However, if Long Fei knew his thoughts, he would just smile and reply in a low-key manner: You think too much, if you really want to try your best not to mention you, this mountain will become flat ground!
Boom! !
Boom! !
Under the collision of the two moves, a powerful impact erupted from high altitude and spread to a very far place around.

"Hey, these two people are really worrying! Playing such a big game again!" The chief and others showed helplessness.

But fortunately, his skill duel was at high altitude, not below.

Although the lower part will also be affected by the shock wave, the problem is not big.

But it was the sky that really suffered the most damage.

After all, high altitude is the battlefield of the strong.

In the confrontation between the two forces, there will be a result soon.

After seeing this for tens of seconds, Dayan Shengyin was sent back directly.

Wei Dong was terrified, if he was hit by two terrifying attacks, then he would definitely die!
Quickly dodged to dodge.

In the next second, a loud bang exploded in the sky!

Immediately, the mushroom cloud came out, and the sky inside the entire Azure Dragon School shook extremely violently, and all the clouds disappeared. This scene also attracted the attention of many other people.

Those people stood in the mountain peak area in the distance and watched the big explosion in the sky, all showing shocked faces.

"Such a terrifying confrontation, did this come from the ring competition?"

Their tone was shocked, and their hearts trembled a little.

After seeing this explosion scene, many people showed a look of fear, and they were all in a bad mood. If this hit them, they would definitely die!

And this scene also attracted the attention of the high-level elders and the pavilion masters, hall masters, and other golden immortals.

"What happened to the explosion just now?"

In the elder circle, they all spoke when they felt the movement of the inner door.

Then with a wave of his hand, a picture appeared in front of him.

It was the irritable sky, and there was a figure below, it was Long Fei.

"Is this attack made by this kid?"

"It turned out to be him."

It's no wonder that this kid looks familiar. It turned out that he was the guy who attracted them to check because of the power of the green dragon on his body when he was in the outer door.

In retrospect, they were all shocked. In just a few years, Li Zizi's cultivation had already stepped from the Realm of the Immortal to the Realm of the Profound Immortal!And it's still a high-level Xuanxian in the middle of the eighth level? ! !
"How is this possible!!" the elders exclaimed.

At this moment, the Great Elder of the Inner Sect is retreating. As for the suzerain, who has already left the closed door, he happened to be standing on a mountain peak and watching the huge explosion in front of him, so he didn't make a move.

"Fortunately, that kid ran fast, otherwise he would really die under this attack." The suzerain's old voice murmured.

"I didn't expect that my Azure Dragon School would have such a monstrous kid. He was the one who exuded the power of the chaotic Azure Dragon back then? Who is this kid?"

"In half a year, the gate of the Youmo Realm will open. I don't know how much surprise this kid will give me."

The suzerain old man was talking to himself.

In the next second, he disappeared into the mountain.

After one move, after the explosion.

Wei Dong's figure had already returned to the ring, with cold sweat pouring out from his forehead, he was really frightened this time.

I didn't expect this kid's attack to be so terrifying. Even the No.1 inner sect would not be this kid's opponent!
"I don't know who is stronger than No.1 or him this time." Wei Dong sighed.

According to his understanding, the top four in the inner door have all participated in the competition.

And No. 1 has already broken through to the level of a half-step consummated Golden Immortal.

And No. 2 also broke through to the level of the ninth-level peak Xuanxian.

The second, third, and fourth are all at the same level. Although they are all ranked at this level, the gap in strength between them is still huge compared to No.1.

"The match is over, I lost, Long Fei, you win!" Wei Dong looked at Long Fei and said.

His voice lingered in the crowd.

Wei Dong smiled quite broadly: "At the same time, congratulations on becoming No. 5 in the inner sect, and I have successfully stepped aside to become No. 6~",

He obviously lost, but he was not that sad.

(End of this chapter)

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