Chapter 494 494. Finals

After the competition, the principal and Long Fei said: "The final finals will be held the day after tomorrow at the Yuding Basin in the center of the Inner Gate."

"I see." Long Fei frowned and nodded.

Then the session here ended, and Long Fei also left here.

Returning to the dojo and continuing to practice, he could feel that he was about to break through from the mid-eighth-level Xuanxian to the mid-to-late-level Xuanxian.

With the help of many rich innate auras, the speed of improvement will be greatly improved.

I have to say that I used to go out for a while and didn't know the comfort of meditation practice. Now that I have settled down and meditated, it is really comfortable. Although the cultivation improvement is not as fast as directly devouring creatures, but this does not affect Long Fei's powerful strength.

Anyway, he is already invincible in the Xuanxian realm, and he can also challenge Jinxian.

"Boss, the reward you drew today has been stored in the system warehouse."

Yujie's system sounded.

Since he activated the automatic fee deduction lottery draw function that day, different tricks have been stored in his system warehouse every day. He has also seen that most of them are of no use to him. The most fundamental thing is that he also has those tricks. function now.

"What did you get this time?" Long Fei asked curiously.

"A Drop of Blood from the Chaos Azure Dragon"

Hearing the answer from Yujie's system, Long Fei was immediately happy and excited: "How many years, how many years have passed, I finally let me win again!"

"Get it out!"

Those things were useless to him before, but today this thing can be of great use to him. It can not only strengthen himself, but also develop and increase the percentage of blood!

Soon, a drop of extremely bright blood exuding the supreme dragon charm appeared in front of Long Fei's eyes.

"The blood of the Chaos Azure Dragon!" Long Fei's eyes were extremely hot, and he swallowed it in the next second.

Then began refining.

Soon, two days passed——

On this day, a shocking dragon chant came out of Longfei's cave, but it was blocked by his dojo and did not make any big noises. attract more attention.

Long Fei woke up.

He felt the changes in his body, and what surprised him was that this drop of Chaos Azure Dragon's painstaking effort did not push his cultivation level up, but only strengthened his internal and external tissues, as well as his soul and spirit.

At this moment, the dragon rhyme blood energy on his body is even stronger, as long as he releases a little bit of breath, it can make all dragons surrender and fear!
Command all dragons in the world!

"It's a pity that you didn't improve your cultivation." He muttered, somewhat disappointed on his face.

The lottery draw for the past two days has also entered the warehouse. After looking at it, there is no attention. It is not what he needs, but it is the cheap apprentice who can give it to him.

He opened the apprentice template and looked at it.

That little bastard Sun Mingfei is still in the Dazzling Continent, because he left the Luohe region a long time ago and did not encounter the disaster of annihilating the region.

The child of luck is the child of luck, and generally they will not die.

And now this little brat has broken through to the seventh level of Earth Immortal.

Although there is still a huge gap compared with him, it doesn't matter.

Of course, this must be due to Long Fei's resources.

And his upgrade also brought benefits to Long Fei himself, but it was negligible for the current Long Fei.

He got up and left the Dongfu Dojo, heading to the Yuding Basin in the center of the inner gate.

Fly from afar.

You can see the excitement there, and now almost all the inner disciples and some pavilion masters, hall masters, and elders have gathered.

Long Fei saw a strange figure appearing on the main seat.

The old man who can sit here must be the suzerain of the Azure Dragon School!
That's right, the master of the Qinglong Sect is also here this time!
After all, he was out of customs, and he just caught up with him, so what if we don't come and take a look?
And this time he also came to see someone.

As soon as Long Fei entered the arena, he was seen by others.

"Are you here? What a surprise you can bring to this old man in the finals." The suzerain Qing Xianheng murmured.

Long Fei was the focus of his visit this time.

Sensing the eyes of the suzerain, Long Fei also looked over, and nodded back with a simple smile.

And the disciples below who had seen Long Fei's match and the chief referee also recognized Long Fei immediately.

Here, the strongest existence of the inner sect is condensed.

"Is he the one who beat you and took away your No.5?" In the field, there were two men in a corner.

The speaker looked at Weidong.

Wei Dong nodded: "He is very powerful, and you can only understand how terrible he is if you face him yourself. Although you have entered the ninth-level peak Xuanxian, you may not be his opponent."

The person he was talking to was Luo Juechen, No. 4 of the inner sect.

Luo Juechen squinted at the figure of Long Fei not far away, a little in disbelief: "Is this guy really so evil?"

"If you are lucky, you may not be able to face him. At that time, your No.4 will probably be taken away under the attention of everyone. He is the real arrogance. Leapfrog challenges are really casual things. I feel that he is already an invincible existence in the Xuanxian realm." Wei Dong had a very high evaluation of Long Fei.

Luo Juechen was also extremely shocked. He had known Weidong for so long and still heard him praise him so much, which made him even more curious about Long Fei's strength and wanted to match him even more.

Luo Juechen said: "I don't believe it, it's impossible to be invincible. You have to know that the No.1 monster has already reached the half-step perfection of the Golden Immortal, and he only needs to take another step to enter the Golden Immortal. Although he is now It is only half a step to complete the Golden Immortal but has already used the Golden Immortal Charm, which is completely enough for an eighth-level Xuanxian."

After hearing this, Wei Dong frowned. He had heard of the No.1 guy, and he was indeed very evil, and his talent was also higher than those of them.

Wei Dong said: "What the result will be, you can only know after the fight, but I still have a good opinion of Long Fei."

"If that's the case, then I'll take care of myself."

"Let's go, the game is about to start."


After everyone entered the arena one after another, the auditorium was full of disciples.

The suzerain Qing Xianheng floats in the sky.

Everyone saluted immediately.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

"Well, this year's Qinglong Inner Sect Disciple Competition Finals has begun, and the competition will officially start next. The rules will still be the same as before. The last winner of each peak will stand up."

As Qing Xianheng's old voice fell, figures quickly flew from the auditorium to the huge arena.

Long Fei observed here a lot. This Yuding Basin is really big, and there are grand formations around it, so he can completely let go of his hands and feet to do a big job.

In such a big place, these people will only appear so small.

Qing Xianheng looked at the ten figures on the ring and nodded secretly.

These ten people are undoubtedly the ten strongest disciples in the inner sect.

But if you want to start from a single body, everything is hard to say at the moment, and you can only know when the results come out.

"Ten of you will be here for the final match. Then the next match will begin!"

Qing Xianheng's majestic and invincible voice sounded, coercing danger with a wave of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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