Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 496 496. Obliteration!

Chapter 496 496. Obliteration!
"This guy is really not a person with such terrifying power"

Among the crowd, Ji Juechen came today, and when he saw Luo Juechen who was defeated so quickly in the ring ahead, he also shook his head secretly.

Recalling the fight with Long Fei before, if that terrifying explosive power really made him want to kill him, he would definitely not be able to survive. Now he is probably really lucky.

On that day, his Dao heart was almost irretrievable, and Long Fei became his psychological shadow.

No matter what you say in the future, you will never fight this perverted guy.

Xiao Ruoyu was also present in the crowd, and the most important thing was that he entered the top ten, and there will be his competition later. He had discovered Long Fei a long time ago, and was also very surprised that this rookie disciple actually entered the top ten. Ten, is this good luck or strength?

After all, he had never seen Long Fei's strength.

Seeing Long Fei with such strength, Xiao Ruoyu is now a little timid and apprehensive. If he meets him later, he must fight fiercely and quickly, otherwise he may not be able to defeat him with such domineering power.

He held the hilt of the sword in his hand with firm eyes.

Do not!
I will not lose!
I want to believe that my sword intent is the strongest!

He looked slowly at the masked guy No. 1. This person is the second sword fairy in the inner sect, and the first one is an elder Jinxian.

"The victor flies!"

Following the elder referee's order.

The first game is over.

Long Fei left the ring directly.

When you come to a seat, you start to sit cross-legged and practice, without giving those people a chance to ask.

The next game also ended very quickly, one by one.

After all, the tone of these people was not very good. They matched the top three and were instantly killed.

However, Xiao Ruoyu was lucky enough to survive and entered the top five ranks.

And the strange thing is that No.1, the masked person, is actually called No.[-]?
This is obviously just a code name.

The elder said: "The next step is to enter the top five finals. There is a slogan in this box. As long as one of you wins, you can directly enter to become No.3. Of course, this No.3 can also challenge No.1 and No.2. [-]. To defeat is to replace it!"

As you know, it depends on luck.

"Then let's get started!"

Long Fei has woken up, he is the last person.

He saw Xiao Ruoyu with his eyes, and smiled faintly: "Senior Brother Xiao, we meet again."

Xiao Ruoyu also nodded with a slight smile: "Yes, Junior Brother Long, maybe we will be opponents next, and Junior Brother Long's strength really shocked me."

"Perhaps, I also like to see Senior Brother Xiao's sword intent." Long Fei smiled.

"There will be a chance." Xiao Ruoyu replied.

After speaking, the two went directly to the extraction.

Long Fei thought that he was the protagonist and would draw the empty number, but fate made a joke with him, this time he didn't stand on his side, the number he drew was number one!
"Number one, it looks like I'm the first one to compete again." Long Fei frowned and smiled.

When the lottery draw was over, all five people looked at the numbers in their hands.

"Which one of you has drawn an empty number?" the elder asked.


A voice sounded, and the rest of the people looked over. This person is the No. 1 masked person in the inner door.

"It turned out to be him." Xiao Ruoyu was also a little surprised.

"Very well, go down and rest, you are now No.3." The elder said flatly without showing any surprise.


Before leaving, this person took another look at Long Fei.

Long Fei was a little strange.

How does this person look at him so that he has a familiar feeling?

"Who is this person? Could it be that he knows me?" He wondered in his heart, could it be that my strength has aroused his interest?

"You know him?" Xiao Ruoyu walked over.

Long Fei shook his head: "Wearing a mask, the ghost knows who he is. By the way, it's not the first time you have participated in such a competition in the inner sect. You should know each other, right?"

Xiao Ruoyu shook his head: "I don't know him, he always wears a mask, we only know that he is number one, and he has been number one in the inner sect for more than a hundred years."

"That's it, this person is really strange." Long Fei muttered.

"By the way, what number did you draw?" Xiao Ruoyu asked.

Long Fei said lightly: "Number one."

After hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu was taken aback for a moment, looked at Long Fei with a strange expression, and then slowly said: "I am number one too."


Long Fei looked at him.

Sure, this is his first opponent.

"It seems that God is helping us meet." Long Fei said.

"Yes." Xiao Ruoyu looked at Long Fei meaningfully.

Then the elder's voice sounded.

"Next, your numbers will be number one against number one, and number two against number two! The first game starts with number one! After that, you all have a rest period of one stick of incense, and the game will start after one stick of incense is over!"

Hearing the elder's voice, Long Fei resolutely sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated to rest.

This surprised everyone.

"Go down, the first battle is between me and him." Xiao Ruoyu finished speaking to the other two, and then sat down cross-legged and closed her eyes to rest with Long Fei!
The other two also left.

"It's interesting. I didn't expect these two guys to really match up. Xiao Ruoyu, Xiao Ruoyu, I will let you taste the despair I tasted in his hands before."

Ji Juechen, who was among the crowd, was also very surprised to see this scene on the stage. He didn't expect the two to meet each other like this, and then showed a wretched smile.

In his heart, there is no doubt that Long Fei's strength is definitely more domineering and broken than Xiao Ruoyu's sword intent.

Soon, under the waiting of everyone, the time for a stick of incense passed.

"Okay, it's time for a stick of incense, and the game begins!" The elder gave an order and flew straight away.

Long Fei and Xiao Ruoyu had also awakened.

The two flew into the sky.

"Junior Brother Long, I only need to use one sword! After one sword, you catch me and I lose, but you can't catch me and I win! How?" Xiao Ruoyu's eyes were serious.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Long Fei laughed.

Then the Qinglong Ancient Sword appeared in his hand.

"This knife is extraordinary!"

As soon as the ancient Qinglong knife came out, Qing Xianheng narrowed his eyes.

Seeing Long Fei's saber, and the endless killing and annihilating power emanating from that saber, Xiao Ruoyu couldn't help squinting his eyes, and his expression became extremely dignified.

It seems that more powerful forces are needed.

He decided to use its strongest sword!
A jade-colored long sword flew out of his scabbard, rapidly splitting into countless long shadows.

Every sword shadow has an extremely strong and domineering sword intent, as if it is going to penetrate the sky and the earth!

As soon as Xiao Ruoyu's voice came out, countless sword intents quickly emerged from his body. On the spot, the proud sword soared to the sky, and transformed into a terrifying sword intent to break through the sky. Wherever it passed, the sky was torn apart!

The terrifying sword intent made most of the people below tremble.

The expression was horrified: "What a terrifying sword intent!"

"This guy! He didn't use his full strength that time!" Seeing this scene, Ji Juechen gritted his teeth, thinking that Xiao Ruoyu was humiliating him before.


(End of this chapter)

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