Chapter 497
For this kind of attack, Long Fei just gathered all his strength and slashed out, and suddenly a huge and long cyan blade a few feet long appeared and rushed out.

a meeting.

It was directly submerged in countless sword intents.

Then the next scene also appeared.

Those sword shadows exploded directly.

The loud bang kept ringing.

At this time, the cyan blade glow turned into a huge phantom of the dragon god, instantly annihilating all Xiao Ruoyu's sword shadow and sword intent.


The shocking loud noise of the dragon's chant rose from the sky.

Accompanied by a huge dragon shadow staying in the sky.

Seeing her strongest sword intent being wiped out like this, Xiao Ruoyu's pupils shrank, and his complexion changed drastically.

Suddenly, Dao heart was a little turbulent.

"how come."

His tone was full of despair and decadence.

The move that I thought was the strongest failed like this, and it was a very big blow to the person who created it.

"Senior Brother Xiao, you have lost."

When a voice sounded in the air, Xiao Ruoyu was hit again.

Waking up in a trance, he looked at Long Fei in a daze, "Is the gap between us really so huge?"

"Perhaps." Long Fei was humble, he didn't want to fight anymore, he was afraid that this guy would commit suicide.

"I've practiced for hundreds of years, but I'm not even as good as you. Hey, I don't care about the title of Sword Immortal. From now on, I just want to practice hard," Xiao Ruoyu sighed.

Long Fei said: "Brother Xiao may go out for a walk and experience a little bit, maybe there will be unexpected gains in the future."

Xiao Ruoyu was awakened by his words, and nodded after a moment of silence: "Okay."

Then he looked at the elder and said, "Elder, I lost."

"Okay, this victory is flying!"

It ended so quickly that the audience was almost numb.

"Can I beat him?" The voice of the disciple wearing a mask and claiming to be No. [-] came out of the mask.

After sitting in this position of No.1 in the inner sect for so long, he has long since become numb. He really hopes that someone in the inner sect can defeat him.

No matter whether it was No.2 or No.3, he couldn't feel hope, but he saw this hope from Long Fei.

"Perhaps I will abdicate from this term." He murmured in a low voice.

After Long Fei stepped down from the stage, it was two-on-two's turn.

That is, Xiao Yu, No. 2 in the inner sect, vs. Yu Zhibo, No. 3 in the inner sect.

The two people's aura was at its maximum, and the two sides fought fiercely and fiercely. They directly fought hand-to-hand, and the fight was full of enthusiasm, which also made the crowd very excited to watch.

It has to be said that this kind of confrontation is more enjoyable than watching a one-movement to determine the outcome. Those one-movement to determine the outcome are really too sluggish.

"Hit, hit, hit!!"

"Hit, hit, hit!!"

The crowd disciples shouted one after another.

The battle between Xiao Yao and Yu Zhibo was just a warm-up, and then both sides used very strong fairy arts.

The sky and the arena were covered with scenes of explosions and serial explosions, it was truly shocking.

Yu Zhibo gained the upper hand after gaining the upper hand a little.

Xiao Xie's figure flew out of the explosion smoke, his hands formed seals, Yu Zhibo's body was locked by black chains, and then a flaming meteorite hit from the sky!
"The battle is over!" Xiao Yu's voice sounded cold.

"That's right." A powerful and strange energy erupted from Yu Zhibo's body, and the huge blue colossus burst out and broke the chains on his body, struggling to leave the sky.

Then he came to the flame meteorite and slashed out with a single knife.

The meteorite was instantly blasted apart.

"Blue Sky Void!"

Seeing the giant blue statue on Yu Zhibo's body, Xiao Yao's complexion changed and he became serious.

Afterwards, Yuzhibo merged with the blue sky and sky, and its power became even stronger.

A terrifying breath came out, and a huge tornado in the sky fell towards Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao didn't dare to neglect to use the powerful fairy technique again. He was hit in the next second, but he was not hit again, because his body turned into countless white pieces of paper and disappeared. After reappearing, he reorganized into a human form.

"Paper Flash." Yu Zhibo narrowed his eyes.

After fighting back and forth, the two stood in the air.

In terms of momentum, Yuzhibo is even better.

"Xianju, burst the earth and crack the sky!"

Xiao Yao raised his hand, decisively displayed his skills, and then swooped forward!

It exploded instantly above the blue sky.

Seeing his own explosion, Lan Kong Tianxu controlled by Yu Zhibo didn't panic.

With a movement of his hands, a force directly purified the explosion.

"What?!" Xiao Xi was startled.

In the next second, the ground was not calm.

Many thick vines and trees flew out from above and covered the entire battle area of ​​Yuding Basin at an extremely fast speed.

And Xiao Yao was also trapped here.

There are continuous vines stabbing up from below, and their damage is enough to kill a Xuanxian.

Xiao Yu didn't dare to be careless, and kept dodging with the paper flash technique.

"You can't escape." Yu Zhibo said coldly.

Then the lower vines grew taller again, forming an incomparably dense vine forest. When Xiao Yu reappeared, his whereabouts had already been tracked down, because his body was contaminated with the vines' breath, and even the paper flash technique could not completely avoid it.

In this way, when he reorganized the human form this time, he fell into the trick, and the whole person was trapped by the prison formed by the vines.

"you lose!"

"The sky is extinguished!"

Above the jade wave blue sky, a terrifying blue ball quickly condensed, and the next moment it swept towards the rattan prison below!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The explosions continued.

Feeling the terrible crisis, Xiao Jie, who was trapped in the prison, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and once again cast the Heaven Exploding Immortal Art, but the vines were so damn hard that they couldn't break through!

This is already his most powerful destructive magic.

"Forget it, I'll use you."

He gritted his teeth hard, blood spattered from his fingers.

"Spirit Summoning Technique!" After the seal was formed, black formations appeared directly on the vine wall.

In the next second, a dark mist appeared.

A strange breath came out.


The scene is destroyed a lot.

I thought it was over like this, but Yu Zhibo felt bad in the next second.

Frowning, at this moment, a huge door broke through the vines and came out from the ground.

The door opened, and countless ghosts ejected with astonishing force, absorbing the energy he sent out.

And Xiao Yao's figure also appeared beside the door.

But at this moment, his complexion was a little pale.

After absorbing all the attack energy, he slammed the door, and in an instant, the light splashed all over the door, and a huge black dragon with a ferocious face and a void expression rushed out, and directly slammed into Yuzhibo !
"Earth Explosive Sky Star Dragon!" The moment they saw this dragon, Qing Xianheng and the others were shocked.

Hasn't this dragon disappeared for thousands of years?
Why does it appear in this door now?

They looked at Xiao Yu with even more doubts, and this kid became more and more mysterious.

He has the most of these bells and whistles!
Now even a Sky Explosive Star Dragon has been produced, and this Sky Explosive Star Dragon is still in its original form. After absorbing such a powerful force, its strength has reached the half-step perfection of a Golden Immortal.

"Yuzhibo will lose."


(End of this chapter)

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