Douluo: Awakening Chaos Qinglong Bloodline

Chapter 685 685. Mysterious Gift Bag

Chapter 685 685. Mysterious Gift Bag
Entering the auction palace, everything is so brand new.

There are also many common locations, with various rooms above.

At first glance, only rich people or high-ranking bosses can afford to live in this place.

Hong Huo and Long Fei found an ordinary seat and sat down.

Here are all people from Tuoyu Holy Land, and all of them are strange faces.

Long Fei asked: "Brother Hong, how long will this auction last?"

"At least 1000 years." Hong Huo stretched out a finger and said.

"Okay." To this, Long Fei just nodded, after all, he was gradually getting used to the speed of time here.

Not much nonsense, with the flow of personnel and activities gradually filling up, the auction has also begun.

A young woman in a fancy uniform stepped out.

This woman looks young, but in fact, she has been gone for a long time.

However, when practicing one map, age doesn't matter much.

"Ding dong, start passively, this is the first time you step into the auction field of the god-level plane. As a poor ghost, you can't compete with rich people. Hereby, the system will send you a mysterious gift package. You can get rid of the embarrassing situation now. situation."

At this moment, the system in his mind rang, which made Long Fei stunned. After so many years, he almost forgot the existence of this system.

At the same time, he was extremely excited, and immediately said in his heart: "Open the mysterious gift bag for me!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 million mixed coins!"

After the system package was opened, the sound reward appeared. Long Fei checked the system warehouse happily. In addition to the ten god-mixed coins he received from the Zongmen, he now has a total of 100 god-mixed coins!
God Mixed Currency is a common currency in the endless world of God Mixed.

He is a thing that is condensed with a huge chaotic energy, which is somewhat similar to the chaotic energy core, but it is not as good as the latter.
However, one hundred thousand soul coins can condense a small chaotic energy core.

But this world is very long, and these contents are all the information he obtained from books.

Sure enough, reading still has great benefits!

"One million soul coins, now I can be considered a little rich man." Long Fei smiled, and when he thought about this question in his heart, his face was extremely happy, and his bright smile blinded others' eyes.

According to the higher currency energy, these item transactions are actually not as many as he imagined.

The sweet voice of the woman below sounded: "Welcome everyone from Tuoyu Holy Land to take time out of their busy schedules to participate in this auction. Let's not talk nonsense and go straight to the first lot!"

She is very direct, it seems that even she is very busy.

As soon as the voice fell, he raised his hand and waved, and a cone-shaped crystal emitting multicolored light appeared in the sky above the hall.

This crystal is as long as an arm and as wide as a finger.

As soon as this thing came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

"I didn't expect the first lot to be auctioned is the Primordial Treasure, the Five-Colored Chaos Crystal!"

Hong Huo's eyes sparkled, and it could be seen that he was eager to have it.

Not only him, but others as well.

And Long Fei also got information about the Five Colors God Chaos Crystal from the book.

This thing is incredible, the connotation is extremely pure and terrifying primordial five-color energy, the use is extremely huge!
Everyone in the arena was excited.

The woman opened her mouth to explain: "The five-color chaotic crystal contains extremely pure and terrifying primordial five-color energy. It is very useful. If you are lucky, you can comprehend the five-color primordial light. It is a very rare primordial treasure. Now His starting bid is [-] godly mixed coins! Each increase must not be less than [-] god mixed coins!"

"I announce the start of the auction!"

Following the woman's voice fell.

All the people in the audience have entered the bidding stage of increasing the price.

"Two thousand mixed coins!"

"Two thousand and five hundred mixed coins!"

"Three thousand mixed coins!"


"Five thousand mixed coins!"

Suddenly a voice sounded.

It sounded from the room above.

Seeing this, it is also quieter below.

"It seems that the people above still make a move?" Hong Huo, who also participated in the bidding, sighed.

Long Fei asked: "Could it be that we can't raise the price if they bid?"

Hong Huo said: "Of course, but it will offend them. Although they are all from Tuoyu Holy Land, everyone has a different temper, good and bad, and the Holy Master generally doesn't care about things here, so As long as the scale of what those people do is not large, they will not be blamed."

After hearing this, Long Fei didn't feel any surprise, after all, this kind of world is the most real.

He nodded secretly, and asked, "System, is this five-color chaotic crystal useful to me?"

The system said: "Your physique is quite special, and all things that contain energy are useful to you, but you are different because there is a kung fu method that directly reaches the Dao level, the Chaos Azure Dragon Art, as long as the energy you absorb is huge enough , enough, even if you don’t need to comprehend anything, it will be a matter of course, it’s good or bad for you to take pictures, you can weigh it yourself!”

"Are there good and bad? What is the bad?" Long Fei was curious.

"Photograph it, offend others." The system said.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid of offending people, and I'm in the Holy Land of Tuoyu now, could it be that he can still kill me? At worst, I'll teleport back to my Azure Dragon and Star Dojo as soon as the auction house is over!"

Long Fei sneered in his heart, he didn't care about offending people.

And he knew that he only needed to use the aura of his Azure Dragon and Star Dojo, so there should be no problem.

"I must seize the time to absorb energy and improve my cultivation. When I am strong, I will leave Kaiyu Holy Land and go out to see the big world!"

Long Fei had already made up his mind.

However, during the period of his conversation, the people above had already shouted the price of this five-colored chaotic crystal to seven thousand gods.

It also seems to be almost capped.

"One Thousand Gods Mixed Coins!"

But just as the last person was waiting for the five-colored chaotic crystal that was already in his pocket, a voice shouted from below.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and the person who could easily smile froze immediately, and everyone's eyes turned to the source of the voice.

They are all curious why this guy who can afford a thousand gods mixed coins is not in the upper room, but sitting in a normal position.

Hong Huo's expression changed, and he immediately looked at Long Fei and said, "Junior brother, what are you doing? Do you have a mixed coin? If you don't have it, it will be regarded as a disturbance, even if you are in the same sect, you will be punished severely." !"

He didn't know which tendon Long Fei had cramped.

How could a newcomer have so much money, and he hadn't gone out yet!
"I haven't seen this person before, could he be a newcomer?"

"How could a newcomer have so much money?"

"Even with that much money, it's impossible to sit in an ordinary seat!"

"The person in charge, I request that this person's financial resources be checked to determine whether he is making trouble by asking for prices!"

The man above who had it at his fingertips suddenly looked unhappy and said angrily.


(End of this chapter)

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